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4/12/13 Chapter 24, JFK & The Cold War Aim: Did Kennedy’s ‘New Frontier’ programs change the lives of Americans? How and why? How were the changes that.

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Presentation on theme: "4/12/13 Chapter 24, JFK & The Cold War Aim: Did Kennedy’s ‘New Frontier’ programs change the lives of Americans? How and why? How were the changes that."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/12/13 Chapter 24, JFK & The Cold War Aim: Did Kennedy’s ‘New Frontier’ programs change the lives of Americans? How and why? How were the changes that were put in place able to continue following JFK’s assassination? Objective: Students will organize the major events during Kennedy’s 1,000 days as president. Standards:RH2, RH4, WHST4 Do Now/Vocabulary: “space race” (p.832), “Peace Corps” (p.832), Berlin Wall (p.834) Work Period: Video, graphic organizer. Homework: #4.15 p.834 “The Cuban Missile Crisis” #1-3 Analyzing Geography. Close: Answer the aim in 3-5 well developed sentences.

OUTCOME NEW FRONTIER… P One of JFK’s programs aimed at expanding women’s rights, providing health insurance to the elderly and creating a department of urban affairs to help combat poverty in US cities. COLD WAR IN SPACE… P.832 Started in space to see who could beat the other (U.S. & Soviet Union) to getting a human to space 1st. It led to intense cries of Cold War influence. THE BAY OF PIGS… P.833 A dark moment in JFK’s administration. It revealed a plot to overthrow Cuba’s govn’t from rebels that had taken over. It made the U.S. look disorganized. THE BERLIN WALL… P.834 Wall built to separate east (communist) & west (democratic) Germany. If people tried to cross, they were killed. It was a huge symbol of communism. THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS… P In 1964, JFK announced to the nation that the Soviet Union had placed nuclear weapons in Cuba aimed at the United States. They reached an agreement where the Soviets would take their missiles out of Cuba if the U.S. took their missiles out of Turkey. DEATH OF A PRESIDENT… P.835 JFK was assassinated on November 22nd, There was much speculation about his death, leading to an investigation called the Warren Commission. Lyndon Baines Johnson became president and set out to finish many of JFK’s programs to benefit society.

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