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Session 2: School Direct

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1 Session 2: School Direct
Administration and support

2 Teachers’ Standards Trainees need to meet and exceed the Teachers’ Standards by the end of the course Trainees use the ATS form to track their progress Mentors grade against the 8 Teachers’ Standards at each assessment point Mentors comment on personal and professional conduct Mention Part 1 and Part 2 of the Teachers’ Standards. We are assuming familiarity with these – but signpost mentors to the Wiki for a copy, if they are not. Distinguish grading against TS1-8 Part 1 of the TS and commenting on Part 2 of the TS in separate sections of the ATS form.

3 The year calendar The School Direct year
Overview of key dates. Highlight : Assignment deadlines, ATS Review points NEED FOR AN SE2 PLACEMENT IN TERM 2 (ARRANGED BY SCHOOL ALLIANCE)

4 Where are the pressure points? What happens on Monday?
Timeline Where are the pressure points? What happens on Monday? When do you assess? What needs to happen each week? Can they answer these questions? They may ask questions about the timetable and what needs to be included They may ask further questions, which you can either answer, park for later or get back to them. Remind them that they have a handbook, access to support and that everything is on the Wiki.

5 To help you… Go through the main parts of the document. Attendance/ absence requirements – page 5 Key dates – page 6-7 Key paperwork – page 7 Mentor responsibilities – page 8 Needs analysis – page 9 (we refer to this later in Session 4) Dealing with challenging circumstances – page 10(referred to in Session 4) PS – page 12 (referred to in Session 4) If things go wrong – PSPs and CfCs – page 12 Appendices– pages 15-53

6 Wiki SD page looks like this. Highlight other tabs.

7 Documentation and support
Important Documentation: SD Handbook ATS documents (ATS Initial, ATS Term 1, ATS Term 2, ATS Term 3 and transition and ATS Second Setting) Lesson observation template Lesson planning template Weekly mentor meeting record ATS Level Descriptors PGCert assignment guidance Exemplars (WMRs, Lesson plans, Lesson obs etc) Explore the Wiki and highlight key places to find information.

8 SE2- ½ term placement in a second setting (Usually term 2 Jan-Feb)
Key Points in Year: End of term progress and assessment reports (ATS Term 1, ATS Term 2 & ATS Term 3) By the 19th September 2016: ATS Initial- Self audit and Individual Training Plan confirmed By the 12th December: ATS Term 1 – Assessment review point 1 By the 20th March: ATS Term 2 - Assessment review point 2 By the 22nd May: ATS Term 3- Assessment review point 3 By the 19th June: ATS Final- MENTOR END OF PROGRAMME REPORT, SE2- ½ term placement in a second setting (Usually term 2 Jan-Feb) Highlight key review dates Say that trainees should share their ATS form (ATS Term 2) with their SE2 mentors.

9 ATS targets and review Review previous targets Set new targets Write a brief summative review Explain briefly that they review previous targets and set new targets at each ATS review. Remind them that they write a brief summative review of the term- to support the grades given Reminder- exemplars are on the wiki & Target-setting will be covered in detail in Session 3.

10 Trainee self assessment: evidence and claims
Talk about evidencing the Teachers’ Standards (at each ATS review) and explain that we ask trainees to update this form regularly (weekly? – that’s what I tell mine). Refer in particular to TS3 – talk about the subject knowledge audit and the need to review this regularly. 23/11/2018

11 Mentor End of Programme report
Completed by mentors at the end of the programme Final grade awarded for each TS (Blue arrow) along with summative comment Summative comment on Part 2 of the standards, personal and professional conduct over the year (Purple arrow) If all TSs are at least a grade 3 they confirm recommendation for QTS (red arrow) Tell them that we often use these comments on references.

12 The ATS level descriptors
ATS level descriptors. To help with target setting (this is covered in depth in Session 3).

13 The impact of teaching on pupil progress T2 & Behaviour management TS7
TS 2 – impact on pupil progress (we will return to this in Session 4) TS7 – significant changes based on the behaviour management working group report published in July. 23/11/2018

14 Lesson observations One formal lesson observation per week should be completed, using the Middlesex form. Refer to the Teachers’ Standards when giving feedback. Link feedback to pupil progress (more on this in Session 4). The ATS level descriptors document are a great tool to use for this as key statements can be highlighted in the observation feedback, making it very clear where the trainee is at and at which grade they are working. Link feedback to weekly targets where possible. Informal feedback is fine – we encourage trainees to keep a book for informal and additional feedback.

15 Lesson plans (with class context) and evaluations
Trainees should evaluate their own lessons WWW/EBI, together with the pupil progress – this links to the lesson plan, where they plan assessment opportunities. Talk about the new class context sheet and how we expect it to be used. Trainees should reflect on their lesson and this should form the basis of the weekly meeting discussion. 23/11/2018

16 Weekly mentor meetings
A timetabled meeting, once a week. Exemplar on the wiki Reflect – review – set new targets (covered in Session 3) Tell them that they must complete the sections at the bottom of the form and tick one of the boxes. If trainees are not making progress – start a PSP at the bottom of the form the first time this happens.

17 Drop box Remind them that trainees should record all documentation on drop box- mentors, PCMs & university should be sent a link from the trainee

18 Attendance Monitored across placement and absences recorded on the Mentor End of Programme Report 100% attendance a requirement of the course.

19 The yellow arrow shows minimum expected progress for Term 1.

20 Cause for concern Guidance on CfC in the SD handbook. They contact us if any problems materialise.

21 Professional Studies and SKfT
PS sessions fortnightly on Mondays SKfT (supplementing school based subject support) Joining Core- Oct 10t & 24th,Nov 7th & 21st, Dec 5th Sci, BS, Eng, Mat, CS, Mus, Cit, SKfT with TES online- Blended learning MFL, Geog, Art, D&T, PE RE online SKfT RE Bespoke SKfT Soc Sci, Psy (PE) Explain the fortnightly PS sessions and the different arrangements for SD non-core subjects

22 SKfT with TES online- Blended learning
Online webinars, directed reading and suggested pre/post session tasks Trainees to document and share with mentor Flexible approach to SK training- trainees are expected to engage with a number or compulsory sessions, and can discuss with their school based mentors the appropriateness of other sessions according to the trainee needs. Online training can be completed at school, university or at home but agreement must be reached with the mentor/PCM 23/11/2018

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