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Health Care and Other Facilities (HCOF) Progress Reports Overview

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1 Health Care and Other Facilities (HCOF) Progress Reports Overview
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Health Care and Other Facilities (HCOF) Progress Reports Overview Presented To: Grantees Booz Allen Hamilton Standard Colors Colors should be used in the color pairs whenever possible. Do not mix and match colors, use pairs together as shown. Black, White and Gray can be used with any of the other colors. Purple Pantone 2765 R 12 G 4 B 79 Green Pantone 357 R 15 G 67 B 24 Blue Pantone 2 88 R 11 G 31 B 101 Pantone Cool Gray 6 R 158 G 158 B 158 Black HCOF Progress Reports Overview Red Pantone 485 R 252 G 5 B 14 Yellow Pantone 3965 R 232 G 244 B 4 Aqua Pantone 319 R 126 G 204 B 189 White

2 Agenda Purpose and Goals Benefits of Electronic Submission
Process Overview Walkthrough of Electronic Forms Resources HCOF Progress Reports Overview

3 Purpose and Goals Purpose Goals
To provide an overview of the process for completing and submitting HCOF Progress Reports electronically To visually highlight key steps and procedures in the process To communicate the resources available to grantees for more information To answer any preliminary questions from grantees regarding the new process Goals Understand grantee roles and responsibilities Understand the information requested in the HCOF Progress Report HCOF Progress Reports Overview

4 Benefits of Electronic Submission
HRSA EHBs provides a “one-stop shop” for grant-related post award submissions Progress Reports Other Submissions required on the Notice of Grant Award Monitor schedules feature allows users to see upcoming reports or other required submissions Users registered to the grant handbook can access previously submitted reports HRSA EHBs maintain an action history to provide an audit trail of all actions performed on a report HRSA EHBs and the HCOF Progress Reporting Module contain validation checks to ensure that all data is complete before it is submitted to HRSA Electronic submission streamlines the communication between grantees and HRSA by implementing automated notifications and reporting workflow EHBs generate report tracking numbers to facilitate monitoring of report status and allow grantees to view the status of their reports online HCOF Progress Reports Overview

5 Process Overview Register to create a username and password in the HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) Add the grant to your grants portfolio and obtain access to Progress Reports Monitor the schedule to see upcoming Progress Reporting requirements When report becomes available, start the report, enter all data, complete and submit the report to HRSA by the deadline date HCOF Progress Reports Overview

6 Prerequisites (All Users)
All users who wish to work on the HCOF progress reports must register in the HRSA EHBs Go to Help with registration (a number to call and an address) is available at this location If you are not registered, click the ‘Create an Account’ button If you have registered before, you do not have to register again: Use the same username and password Contact the HRSA Call Center if you do not remember your username or password HCOF Progress Reports Overview

7 Prerequisites (All Users)
All users must add the HCOF grant to their portfolio If you are the Project Director, you will be given immediate access to the grant; otherwise, you will get access to the grant when the Project Director gives it to you. You will need the grant number (from box 4b from most recent NGA). Look for the ‘Add to Portfolio’ link on the left side of the screen on the Welcome page of the grantee handbook HCOF Progress Reports Overview

8 Prerequisites (Project Director)
Project Director must grant users permission to view, edit or submit the submissions Open the Grant Handbook for the grant Click the ‘Control How Others Can Work on Submissions’ link to set up permissions for other users HCOF Progress Reports Overview

9 Privileges Project Director (or another user with “Administer Grant User” permissions privileges to the grant handbook) must approve privileges for other users who will need to access the progress reports There are three levels of access privileges available for progress reports View Progress Report : Allows users to access a read-only version of the progress report Edit Progress Report: Allows users to view and enter and edit data in the progress report Submit Progress Report: Allows users to view, enter and edit data, and submit the progress report to HRSA HCOF Progress Reports Overview

10 Logging In Go to
This opens the Login page HCOF Progress Reports Overview

11 Accessing Progress Reports: Welcome Page I
Users logging into the Electronic Handbooks should check to ensure that the ‘Work on Other Post Award Submissions’ link on the Welcome page is enabled If it is not enabled, they should ask their Project Director for permission to access progress reports HCOF Progress Reports Overview

12 Accessing Progress Reports: Welcome Page II
On the Welcome page, click the ‘View Portfolio’ link on the left side menu to view your grant portfolio HCOF Progress Reports Overview

13 Accessing Progress Reports: Grant Portfolio I
If the relevant grant is not listed in the View Portfolio page, click the ‘Add to Portfolio’ link on the left side menu to add it HCOF Progress Reports Overview

14 Accessing Progress Reports: Grant Portfolio II
Locate the relevant grant in the Grants List Click the ‘Open Grant Handbook’ link HCOF Progress Reports Overview

15 Grant Handbook: Monitor Schedules I
Clicking ‘Open Grant Handbook’ opens the Overview page in the Grant Handbook Click the ‘Monitor Schedules’ link on the left side menu to open the Monitor Schedules page HCOF Progress Reports Overview

16 Grant Handbook: Monitor Schedules II
Upcoming reports and other required post award submissions are listed in a table on the Monitor Schedules page The monitor schedules table lists the due date and status of each submission HCOF Progress Reports Overview

17 Grant Handbook: Progress Reports
Click the ‘Progress Reports’ link on the left side menu in the Grant Handbook HCOF Progress Reports Overview

18 Progress Reports List Page
The Progress Reports List page lists pending progress reports HCOF Progress Reports Overview

19 Progress Report Record on Progress Report List Page
Each pending progress report is a separate record on the Progress Reports list page Reports that have already been submitted are not displayed by default on this page Use the Search button at the upper right to access a search screen (not shown) that enables you to search for progress reports that match criteria you enter HCOF Progress Reports Overview

20 Available Date/Due Date
Each progress report has a record on the Progress Reports list page The record shows high-level information for the report For pending reports, the available date (date report appears in handbook) and due date are given in the record HCOF progress reports are available five days prior to the reporting period end date They are due five days after the reporting period end date HCOF Progress Reports Overview

21 Schedule Status The Schedule Status is part of the high-level information given for each report It describes the overall lifecycle of the report. There are four possible schedule status: Not Started: indicates that the report has never been worked on(Grantee takes action). In Progress: a member of the grantee organization has clicked “Start Report” (Grantee takes action) Submitted: The Report has been Submitted to HRSA (HRSA takes action) Change Requested: After the report has been submitted, it is reviewed by HRSA. If the reviewer determines that changes are needed, the report will be made available to the grantee again for changes. The schedule status will move to 'Change Requested.’ (Grantee takes action). HCOF Progress Reports Overview

22 Submission Status The Submission Status is part of the high-level information given for each report It describes the stages the report passes through as you work on and submit it There are five possible submission statuses Not Started: The report for the current cycle has not been started. The report will be “Not Started” either during the first cycle when the Schedule Status is “Not Started” or in subsequent cycles when the Schedule Status is “Change Requested (Grantee takes action). Submission in Progress: The Status of the report once a user clicks “Start Report” (Grantee takes action) Review in Progress: The report has been submitted to HRSA, either during the first submission or any subsequent resubmissions (HRSA takes action) Processed : Program office has completed and concurred with the submission HRSA Requested Changes: The Program Office has sent the submission back to the grantee for changes (Grantee takes action) HCOF Progress Reports Overview

23 Start Report On the Progress Reports list page, click the ‘Start Report’ link for the report you want to work on HCOF Progress Reports Overview

24 HCOF Progress Report Window
Clicking ‘Start Report’ opens the HCOF Progress Report The report opens in a separate window HCOF Progress Reports Overview

25 Status Page: Show/Hide Left Side Menu
The HCOF Progress Report opens to the Status Page Click the arrow at the top of the left side menu to show or hide the menu HCOF Progress Reports Overview

26 Status Page: Left Side Menu Navigation
You can use the left side menu to jump to any section of the report HCOF Progress Reports Overview

27 Status Page: Instructions for User
Instructions for the user can be found at the top of every page of the report HCOF Progress Reports Overview

28 Status Page: Links to Resources
Links to Related NGA and Last NGA are available as resources on the Status Page HCOF Progress Reports Overview

29 Status Page: Users with Permissions Table
The table titled “Users with Permissions on HCOF Request” displays a list of users who can work on the report HCOF Progress Reports Overview

30 Status Page: Report Status Table
The table titled “HCOF Report Status” is located at the bottom of the Status page HCOF Progress Reports Overview

31 Status Table: Completion Status
The HCOF Report Status table shows all sections of the report and the completion status of each section There are three possible states: Not Started: All the sections of the report are initially in the ‘Not Started’ status. Navigating to the section from the side menu link or by clicking on the ‘Update’ link in the report status, will update the status of the page to ‘In Progress’ In Progress: The page will remain in this status until all the data has been entered and has been saved. The data on the page will be saved as long as there are no critical errors on the page Completed: Once you have entered all the data within each page and there are no errors on the page, the page status will be changed to ‘Completed’ HCOF Progress Reports Overview

32 Status Table: Update Link
Click the ‘Update’ link to open a section of the report for editing You can update any section, even those marked ‘Completed’ Doing so may cause the status to revert to ‘In Progress’ HCOF Progress Reports Overview

33 System Messages I The system displays messages, where appropriate, at the top of the page HCOF Progress Reports Overview

34 System Messages II There are four types of system messages:
Critical Error. This kind of error must be corrected in order for the system to save your data. If one or more errors of this kind appear on the page and are not corrected, the system will not save the data entered after the last successful save. (Example: Letter in a numeric field) Regular Error. This kind of error will let you save the data, but with these errors existing on the page, the system will not change the status of a page to ‘Complete.’ Information. This is a note to alert you to any important information on your report Success Message. This denotes that a particular process has been executed successfully. This can appear anytime data is successfully saved or submitted. HCOF Progress Reports Overview

35 Basic Information Page
The Basic Information page asks for contact information Contact information applies to this report only The Project Director is listed as the Primary Point of Contact by default Use the links under Action column to add a new contact, delete an existing one, or update the information that has been entered HCOF Progress Reports Overview

36 Basic Information Page: Action Buttons
Click the Save button to save changes made to a report section and remain in that section Click Save and Continue to save changes and proceed to the next section HCOF Progress Reports Overview

37 Status Information Page
The Status Information page is the main section of the report Some information on this page is pre-populated from the database Help for this section is available via the ‘More Information’ link HCOF Progress Reports Overview

38 Status Information Page: Project Completion information
On the Status Information page, enter cost incurred to date in the appropriate block Click the Calculate button to calculate percentage Clicking Calculate will not save the page HCOF Progress Reports Overview

39 Status Information Page: Drawdown Percentage
On the Status Information page, enter drawdown to date in the appropriate block Click the Calculate button to calculate percentage Clicking Calculate will not save the page HCOF Progress Reports Overview

40 Status Information Page: Start Date Information
On the Status Information page, enter start date information in the appropriate block Data on this page will be pre-populated with responses from prior progress report submissions Update responses if there have been changes since previous report submission HCOF Progress Reports Overview

41 Status Information Page: Completion Date Information
On the Status Information page, enter completion date information in the appropriate block Data on this page will be pre-populated with responses from prior progress report submissions Update responses if there have been changes since previous report submission HCOF Progress Reports Overview

42 Status Information Page: Current Status
On the Status Information page, enter current status information in the text box Click Save to save changes and remain on the page or Save and Continue to proceed to the next section HCOF Progress Reports Overview

43 Data Audit Status Page I
The Data Audit Status page displays data exceptions found in the Status Information page An exception might occur as a result of a data entry error or the violation of a business rule HCOF Progress Reports Overview

44 Data Audit Status Page II
For each data exception, you must take appropriate action Click Edit Data to edit the data, or Click Explain to provide an explanation HCOF Progress Reports Overview

45 Data Audit Explanation Page
On the Edit Justification page, enter a justification for the exception noted on the Data Audit Status page Click Save and Continue to return to the Data Audit Status page HCOF Progress Reports Overview

46 Data Audit Status Page III
The Data Audit Status Page will remain In Progress until explanations are entered for any exceptions, or the data has been corrected HCOF Progress Reports Overview

47 Supporting Documents Section
Attach supporting documents in the Supporting Documents section Supporting documents, such as construction pictures, are required for construction-type projects Click the Attach button HCOF Progress Reports Overview

48 Attaching Documents I Click the Browse button to navigate to the drive and directory on your computer where the document is stored Allowable file types include: .jpg, .jpeg, .xfd, .wpd, .txt, .doc, docx, .rtf, .xls and .xslx HCOF Progress Reports Overview

49 Attaching Documents II
In the Choose File dialog, select the file and click the Open button HCOF Progress Reports Overview

50 Attaching Documents III
Enter a description for the document Click the Attach Document button HCOF Progress Reports Overview

51 Attaching Documents IV
Once all the documents/pictures are attached, click on the Finished Attaching button HCOF Progress Reports Overview

52 Attaching Documents V The file is uploaded
Use the buttons “Attach”, “Update Description” or “Delete” to attach another file, update the description, or delete the file respectively. HCOF Progress Reports Overview

53 Review Page On the Review page, click View to open a printable (HTML format) version of any section of the report HCOF Progress Reports Overview

54 Print Report Page The printable version of the page will open in a separate window HCOF Progress Reports Overview

55 Submit Page Click the Submit button HCOF Progress Reports Overview

56 Submission Certification
Type “I agree” in the certification text box Click the Submit Report button HCOF Progress Reports Overview

57 Resources EHBs URL:
HRSA Call Center (Technical Assistance) Available Monday – Friday (9:00 am – 5:30 pm ET) Toll Free Number: 877-Go4-HRSA ( ) HCOF Program Support Website: Phone: EHB Registration Online Training (Flash Video) HCOF Progress Reports Overview

58 Feedback Submit feedback to the program office at or We’re here to help every step of the way! HCOF Progress Reports Overview

59 In Conclusion… This is a transition year.
With a little bit of patience we’ll get through it! HCOF Progress Reports Overview

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