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A Focus on Vocabulary and Expressions regarding

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1 A Focus on Vocabulary and Expressions regarding
Unit 3 – Student Book A Focus on Vocabulary and Expressions regarding “Travel” Joe– ESP– Vocabulary / Texts

2 Unit 3 – Travel Part 1: A definition is given for a key word in Unit 3. All of the Key Vocabulary from the Word List (pp ) and six additional words are included. Name the vocabulary that is described.

3 Additional Vocabulary
Unit 3 – Travel Vocabulary (take a picture) Unit Three – Word List (pp ) 1. business trip (p. 26) 2. colleague (p. 26) 3. conference (p. 28) 4. cultural difference (p. 26) 5. culture (p.26) 6. foreign business trip (p.26) 7. itinerary (p. 26) 8. jet lag (p. 30) 9. nationality (p. 32) 10. schedule (p. 26) 11. seminar (p. 29) 12. travel (p. 26) Additional Vocabulary 13. arrangements (p. 26, 29) 14. book (p. 29) 15. culture gap (p. 30) 16. embrace (p. 33) 17. face-to-face (p. 30) 18. throw (p. 29)

4 Unit 3 – Travel 10 9 8 11 12 15 13 7 14 1 2 3 5 4 6 Schedule: Timetable for a program or project showing how activities and milestone events are sequenced (p. 26) Travel: Act of traversing through a geographic region or moving from one place to another. (p. 26) 11 10 9 8 12 14 13 15 3 1 2 4 6 5 7 List

5 Unit 3 – Travel 10 9 11 8 12 15 13 7 14 1 2 3 5 4 6 Nationality: The status of belonging to a particular nation. Culture: The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. 11 10 9 12 8 14 13 15 3 1 2 4 6 5 7

6 Unit 3 – Travel 10 9 11 8 12 15 13 7 14 1 2 3 5 4 6 Cultural gap: Accepted behaviors in one culture that differ from accepted behaviors in another culture Colleagues: Co-workers 11 10 9 12 8 14 13 15 3 1 2 4 6 5 7

7 Unit 3 – Travel 9 8 5 10 7 12 15 14 13 4 11 6 3 1 2 Arrangement (pg ) A plan or preparation for a future event. 10 9 8 7 13 6 11 12 14 15 3 5 1 4 2 Embrace (pg. 33) Hold someone in one’s arms 8 11 9 10 13 15 14 7 12 2 6 3 1 4 5 Throw (pg. 29) Give or hold (a party) List

8 Unit 3 – Travel 10 9 8 11 12 15 13 7 14 1 2 3 5 4 6 Foreign Business Trip: A work-related trip to another country (p. 26) Cultural Differences: Variation in peoples’ values or the way they have learned to behave. (p. 26) 11 10 9 8 12 14 13 15 3 1 2 4 6 5 7 List

9 Unit 3 – Travel 10 9 11 8 12 15 13 7 14 1 2 3 5 4 6 Jet lag: Fatigue and disorientation from long flight (p. 30) Face-to-face: A meeting or conversation etc. is done when you are with another person and talking to them. (p. 30) 11 10 9 12 8 14 13 15 3 1 2 4 6 5 7

10 Unit 3 – Travel Dane: What do you call a person from Denmark? (not in the list– p. 32) 10 9 8 11 12 15 14 7 13 6 2 1 3 4 5 10 8 11 9 15 7 14 13 12 3 1 6 2 4 5 Conference: A formal meeting of people with a shared interest, typically one that takes place over several days. (p. 28)

11 Unit 3 – Travel Business trip: A journey that one takes while doing work for the company. (p. 26) 10 9 11 8 12 14 7 15 13 1 2 3 5 4 6 Seminar: 11 10 9 8 12 14 13 15 3 1 2 4 6 5 7 Formal presentation by one or more experts in which the attendees are encouraged to discuss the subject matter amongst themselves. (p. 29)

12 Unit 3 – Travel Itinerary: A written travel plan (p. 26) Book: Reserve (a place) or buy (a ticket) in advance (p. 29) 10 9 11 13 15 8 12 14 2 1 7 3 4 6 5 11 10 9 12 13 8 15 14 3 1 2 4 6 5 7

13 Geography and Nationality (pg. 32)
Unit 3 – Travel Geography and Nationality (pg. 32)

14 9 8 7 6 10 11 14 13 12 5 15 1 2 4 3 7 1. How many continents are there on earth? 2. Name them. Asia, Oceania, Africa, Europe, N. America, S. America, Antarctica 14 13 11 12 15 16 20 10 19 18 17 5 2 1 3 4 8 9 7 6 (Open question-- no points) Where is Asia?

15 Unit 3 – Travel Geography and Nationality (pg. 32)
(Area to the left of this line is not part of Asia) (Open question-- no points) Where is Oceania?

16 Geography and Nationality (pg. 32)
Unit 3 – Travel Geography and Nationality (pg. 32) Where is Europe?

17 Geography and Nationality (pg. 32)
Unit 3 – Travel Geography and Nationality (pg. 32) Where is Africa?

18 Geography and Nationality (pg. 32)
Unit 3 – Travel Geography and Nationality (pg. 32) Where is North America?

19 Geography and Nationality (pg. 32)
Unit 3 – Travel Geography and Nationality (pg. 32) Where is South America?

20 Geography and Nationality (pg. 32)
Unit 3 – Travel Geography and Nationality (pg. 32) Where is Antarctica?

21 Geography and Nationality (pg. 32)
Unit 3 – Travel Geography and Nationality (pg. 32)

22 Unit 3 – Travel WeChat Blitz Rules: ♦ Question will be displayed.
♦ First team to submit correct answer to Joe’s WeChat (not the Group WeChat) gets the designated point(s). ♦ Choose the one member of your team who will send an answer to the question to Joe’s WeChat. (Choose someone who can type fast and accurately!) Only one answer permitted per team per question. If no team gets the correct answer, the question will be asked again and another round of answers will be accepted via WeChat. First team with correct answer gets the designated point(s). – (For Fun and Knowledge)

23 Unit 3 – Travel BONUS QUESTION #1 (2 points) Which continent is the largest as measured by the total geographic area within its boundaries? Answer BONUS QUESTION #2 (1 point) What is a citizen of Afghanistan called? Answer: Afghan BONUS QUESTION #3 (1 point) We know Greenland is the largest island in the world. Which island is the second largest? Answer: New Guinea BONUS QUESTION #4 (1 point) What is a citizen of the U.S. called? Answer: American BONUS QUESTION #5 (2 points) We know Russia is the largest country in the world. Which country is the second largest? Answer: Canada BONUS QUESTION #6 (2 points) Which word from the Unit 3 Word List best describes the main tool with which a businessperson would organize a business trip? Answer: itinerary

24 Additional Vocabulary
Unit 3 – Travel Vocabulary Unit Three – Word List (pp ) 1. business trip (p. 26) 2. colleague (p. 26) 3. conference (p. 28) 4. cultural difference (p. 26) 5. culture (p.26) 6. foreign business trip (p.26) 7. itinerary (p. 26) 8. jet lag (p. 30) 9. nationality (p. 32) 10. schedule (p. 26) 11. seminar (p. 29) 12. travel (p. 26) Additional Vocabulary 13. arrangements (p. 26, 29) 14. book (p. 29) 15. culture gap (p. 30) 16. embrace (p. 33) 17. face-to-face (p. 30) 18. throw (p. 29)

25 Unit 4 – Troubleshooting
Vocabulary Unit 4 – Word List (pp ) 1. dealership (p. 42) 2. hard sale (p. 40) 3. increase (p. 43) 4. management consultant (p. 38) 5. participate (p. 42) 6. produce (p. 43) 7. recruit (p. 39) 8. report (p. 42) 9. soft-sell (p40) 10. strategy (p38) 11. troubleshooting (p38) 12. work (p43) Additional Vocabulary 13. charges (p46) 14. premises (p46) 15. agency (p41) 16. proportion (p42) 17. panel (p42) 18. SWOT analysis (p38)

26 Homework for Week 5 – Unit 4
1) Each student– ♦ Complete these Exercises: Lead-in #1—p , Language Practice #1 & 2—p. 41, Vocabulary #1 & 2—p. 43 ♦ Highlight vocabulary from Unit 4 Word List. Understand the meaning as used in the book if it is available. If not, look the words up in, or if not in the other dictionaries. Understand the meaning of the business-related context. 2) Quia quiz (Unit 3): Complete between 9:00 am Sat and 7:00 pm Sun 3) Student Teachers for Week 5: post your article related to Troubleshooting (as a Word document) by 7:00 pm the night before class. 4) Material used in this week’s class will be posted in Quia after Friday.

27 Return

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