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QUIZ What would you do?. QUIZ What would you do?

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2 QUIZ What would you do?

3 Set the scene: your contestants live in this village in Afghanistan
Set the scene: your contestants live in this village in Afghanistan. Their wives have gone into labour and they have to help them deliver the baby safely. In Afghan society, it’s generally up to the men to make the decisions – so the safety of their wife and unborn child is in their hands. Explain that you are going to ask them a series of questions and they have to give their answer by racing to the right point in the church. Here goes…

4 Your wife’s water has broken. What do you do?
Drive to the hospital Call an ambulance Deliver the baby yourself with some help from the neighbours

5 Your wife’s water has broken. What do you do?
Drive to the hospital Call an ambulance Deliver the baby yourself with some help from the neighbours That’s right. You’re too far away from the nearest clinic – and hours from the nearest hospital! There aren’t any ambulances, and you don’t have a car. Good thing you’ve had birthing training paid for by UK Christians and know exactly what to do.

6 It’s going to have to be a home birth then… where is your wife going to deliver your baby?
a. Anywhere in the house on a plastic sheet b. Downstairs in your house c. Outside your house

7 It’s going to have to be a home birth then… where is your wife going to deliver your baby?
a. Anywhere in the house on a plastic sheet b. Downstairs in your house c. Outside your house It can get as cold as -20 outside, and downstairs is where the animals sleep. It’s traditional to give birth in these places, but it’s not safe for your baby. Instead, your wife should give birth on a clean plastic sheet (thankfully, you learnt this in your pre-natal classes, and you were also given the sheet).

8 Things are going pear-shaped
Things are going pear-shaped. Your wife has been in labour for two days and the baby still hasn’t arrived. You need extra help. What do you do? Google it Borrow a car from someone in the village to drive to the nearest hospital Ask the traditional birth attendant to help

9 Things are going pear-shaped
Things are going pear-shaped. Your wife has been in labour for two days and the baby still hasn’t arrived. You need extra help. What do you do? Google it Borrow a car from someone in the village to drive to the nearest hospital Ask the traditional birth attendant to help That’s right – now it’s time to get to a hospital. You need a trained medical professional to help you. You definitely don’t have WiFi or 4G to Google, and if your wife needs surgical intervention, no-one in your village will be able to help. Thankfully, you’ve been saving money every month since you did the training, and so you have enough money to hire a car from someone in the village, or to pay someone to take you to the closest hospital.

10 You’ve got the help you needed (phew), and your baby boy has been born
You’ve got the help you needed (phew), and your baby boy has been born! It’s time to cut the umbilical cord. What do you use? A razor A sharp stone A pair of scissors

11 You’ve got the help you needed (phew), and your baby boy has been born
You’ve got the help you needed (phew), and your baby boy has been born! It’s time to cut the umbilical cord. What do you use? A razor A sharp stone A pair of scissors It’s traditional to use a sharp stone over an old person’s shoe (for long life) to cut the umbilical cord, but this can cause infection. You might not have any scissors, and if you do, they’ve probably been used for other things first. A clean razor blade is the best option – it gives a clean cut and won’t result in infection.

12 The placenta isn’t coming out. What do you do?
‘Shock’ the mother by shooting a gun near her Open the door to entice the placenta to drop Gently massage the lower womb and encourage the baby to breastfeed

13 The placenta isn’t coming out. What do you do?
‘Shock’ the mother by shooting a gun near her Open the door to entice the placenta to drop Gently massage the lower womb and encourage the baby to breastfeed Unsurprisingly, the best thing to do is to massage the lower womb and encourage the baby to breastfeed. You also need to make sure your wife is hydrated. If the placenta is still not delivered, take your wife to the nearest clinic as soon as possible.

14 Congratulations! You’ve safely delivered your baby. Wasn’t as easy as you thought, was it?!


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