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P1H Smart Lesson 5.

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Presentation on theme: "P1H Smart Lesson 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 P1H Smart Lesson 5

2 Gravitational potential
The 9 types of energy 18/04/2016 Type 3 example sources Type 3 example sources Heat Kinetic (movement) Nuclear Sound Light Chemical Electrical Gravitational potential Elastic potential

3 The Laws of Physics Write Down
18/04/2016 There are many laws of physics, but one of the most important ones is: Write Down Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another

4 Electricity Light + heat
Energy changes 18/04/2016 Write Down 1) Write down the starting energy: 3) Write down what energy types are given out: 2) Draw an arrow Electricity Light + heat 4) The Light is a Useful Energy Transfer. 5) The Heat is Wasted because here it is not a Useful Energy Transfer.

5 Efficiency 18/04/2016 Efficiency is a measure of how much USEFUL energy you get out of an object from the energy you put INTO it. For example, consider a TV: Light (80J) Electrical Energy (200J) Sound (40J) Heat (?) Write Down Efficiency = Useful energy out Energy in x100%






11 Write Down Induction means making an electrical current.  Induction of an electric current needs three parts: An electrical wire or circuit. A magnet to produce a magnetic field. MOVEMENT of the wire or magnet to changing the strength of the magnetic field. The most common use of electromagnetic induction is in the electric generator to produce Alternating Voltages (known as A.C.).

12 Electromagnetic Induction
18/04/2016 N The direction of the induced current is reversed if… The wire is moved in the opposite direction The field is reversed The size of the induced current can be increased by: Increasing the speed of movement Increasing the magnet strength

13 Electromagnetic induction
18/04/2016 Electromagnetic induction The direction of the induced current is reversed if… The magnet is moved in the opposite direction The other pole is inserted first The size of the induced current can be increased by: Increasing the speed of movement Increasing the magnet strength Increasing the number of turns on the coil





18 Words – reflect, infra-red, waves, most, power
18/04/2016 Write Down Radiation Radiation is when heat moves around in electromagnetic _________ like light does. Any hot object will emit heat radiation – the hotter it is, the more radiation it emits. This type of radiation is called __________. Dark, matt colours will absorb AND emit the _____ infra-red radiation, and light, shiny colours will ________ it. For a body to stay at constant temperature it must radiate the same average ______ that it absorbs. Words – reflect, infra-red, waves, most, power















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