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PLATON: Promoting Learning Approaches

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1 PLATON: Promoting Learning Approaches
for the Teaching of Natural Sciences Inquiry Under the Microscope: Training Activity for Inquiry Component 2: Refreshing prior knowledge Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

2 The contest Imagine you are participating in a contest in which you will have to provide a famous artist with a small description around the subject perfect school using inspiration from 2 pictures and 1 word. The painter will choose the best and most creative idea and transform into an art painting. Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

3 What do you think of when you read the word “MARS”
What do you think of when you read the word “MARS”? What are your thoughts when you read this word? MARS The chocolate The planet The rock band Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

4 What do you feel when you see this picture
What do you feel when you see this picture? What inspiration does this picture bring you? Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

5 What does this picture mean to you? Does it remind you of something?
Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

6 Blue/green colors: Inspired by an abstract image.
Inspiration Swirls: Inspired from an image depicting a beach which reminded the teacher of a very windy day he/she experienced on a similar beach lately. Heart and roots: Inspired from an image that depicted a mother hugging her daughter and smiling. Blue/green colors: Inspired by an abstract image. Note: The inspiration mentioned above is fictional and created for the purposes of this workshop. It is not connected in any way to the artist or the artwork depicted in the image. Image Credit: Valerie Sjodin Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

7 Perfect school Painting Solid 1 Solid 2 Solid 3 The painting
Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

8 Would it be equally easy to work with one or another?
Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

9 Recalling past knowledge
Recalling past knowledge and building on it. Recall existing knowledge (tetrahedron) Using personal experience (cube) Deploying intuition and creativity (octahedron) Intuition Critical Thinking and Problem Solving skills Creativity and innovation skills Combination of information skills Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

10 Refreshing prior knowledge
INQUIRY COMPONENT 2 Refreshing prior knowledge Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

11 IC2: Refreshing prior knowledge
Traditional Practice Neglect to identify students’ prior knowledge and to develop the lesson’s activities based on them. In an effort to refresh prior knowledge, direct questions are asked (e.g. what did we talk about yesterday? What is Coulomb’s law?) and for students sometimes that seems like a test or an exam. Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

12 IC2: Refreshing prior knowledge
Why is there a need to change? Meaningful learning can only occur when students consciously and explicitly link their new knowledge to an existing knowledge structure. To this end, it is of high importance to start introducing a new concept by making a clear connection to past knowledge on which students can build upon. The first step to achieve this, is to spend some time with students to recall and refresh past knowledge. Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

13 IC2: Refreshing prior knowledge
Inquiry Practices Ask questions that will help your students recall past knowledge. Try for example asking questions related to an application of a law/principle/concept you want the students to recall, with no direct reference to that law/principle/concept. For example: ”How come electrons orbit around the nucleus of atoms without escaping?”. Such a question will first lead students to remember that oppositely charged particles attract. That will remind them of Coulomb’s law. At the same time it gives more food for thought as it can lead to other questions or comments that can generate a discussion (e.g. “However, if opposites repel how do protons stick together in the nucleus?” Or “Electrons can escape if they absorb enough energy”). Try to pick questions that are also connected to the subject you plan to teach so that while recalling past knowledge you also trigger a discussion that will lead to what the students are about to learn. Many times students need to recall several pieces of knowledge and combine them. You can have your students use note stickers, concept maps, conversation chains, brainstorms  to help them do that. Give the floor to students and provide ample time for them to think and express themselves. Retrieve and refresh prior knowledge should take about 15 to 20 minutes. Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

14 IC2: Refreshing prior knowledge
Some more inquiry tips Use the 3D map to find connections to things your students have already been taught, not only in your discipline but in any science discipline. Ask them indirect questions that will help them remember instead of using an oral examination format (eg. Instead of asking them “Who can tell me what photosynthesis is?” ask them “How do plants feed?” Try to make connections to memories and past experiences. Help them use their intuition to understand the connection between past knowledge and experiences discussed to the new subject. Use concept maps to help you in linking past and new knowledge. Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

15 IC2: Refreshing prior knowledge
An Example When refreshing students’ prior knowledge regarding the concept of photosynthesis: X “Who can tell me what photosynthesis is?” √ “How humans take the energy they need to survive? Do you think plants need energy too? “From where does this energy come?” Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

16 Materials prepared by Joana Latas, Rosa Doran, NUCLIO and Eleftheria Tsourlidaki, Ellinogermaniki Agogi in the framework of the PLATON project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Promoting Innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Science PT01-KA

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