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Chapter 2 Understanding Data.

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1 Chapter 2 Understanding Data

2 The term data is plural. The singular is datum.
Do data have to be numbers?

3 Quantitative vs. Categorical
Weight Population Price Distance in miles Categorical Name Gender Shirt size (S,M,L,XL) Student ID number

4 Classify the type of data as quantitative or categorical.
Number of facebook users Driver’s license number 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in a race Time in seconds to run a mile Social Security Number Test grade as a percent Phone number Percentage of class that passes with an A or a B Movie rating (G, PG, PG13, R, NC17) Data such as phone number, SSN, ID number, and driver’s license number are called identifiers.

5 Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
As we discussed, data must have a context. If possible, answer the 5 W’s (plus an H) when looking at a Statistics problem. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

6 Look at the Lance Armstrong example on page 13.
List as many of the W’s as you can for this data set. Classify each variable as categorical or quantitative; if quantitative, identify the units.

7 Sample vs. Population A population is an entire group that we want to measure. It includes every element of the set. Example: the population of the Unites States or the population of students in the Union school district. A sample is a portion of a population. It is a subset. We draw a sample from a population in order to estimate a measure of that population.

8 Today’s assignment: In-Class worksheet on 5 W’s
Ch. 2 Exercises page 17 #13-16, 25 Read Chapter 3

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