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Top Physics from the Tevatron to the LHC
Methods for top properties and charge measurements at D Christophe Clément (University of Stockholm) Workshop on Top Physics: from the Tevatron to the LHC Grenoble – LPSC – October 2007 C.Clement Top Physics from the Tevatron to the LHC
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
B(t→Wb)/B(t→Wq) B(t→Wb)=1 assumed by CDF and D cross section, mass, and property analyses Needs experimental validation B(t→Wb) might deviate from unity: Additional quark singlets or doublets ”Pollution” of top sample by non-top process! Non-SM processes in the production Non-SM in the decay (H+,...) Experimentally B(t→Wb) affects number of b-jets need to experimentally discriminate b/w t→Wb and t→Wqlight b-tagging 3 quark generations + direct measurements of Vub and Vcb predict Vtb,~1 B(t→Wb)~1 Update CKM with latest PDG ... C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 2
Deriving B(t→Wb)/B(t→Wq) experimentally....
Missing transverse energy t W One high pT isolated lepton Select a top-enriched sample e+jets and +jets channel larges statistics, good S/B # events with 0, 1 and ≥2 b-jets B(t→Wb) b-tagging efficiency Jet identification efficiency Probability to tag background Statistics in the double tag sample crucial b-jets? light jets? Show some plots of sample composition from the pusblished paper light, c-jets C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 3
Lepton + jets sample composition
1) Slice the data: e / µ 3, 4 jets 0,1, 2 tags 2) Predict tt signal and background in each slice e + 3 jets 0 b-tags e + 4 jets 1 b-tags 2 b-tags µ + 3 jets 0 b-tags µ + 4 jets 1 b-tags 2 b-tags B(t→Wb), b-tagging probability Show some plots of sample composition from the pusblished paper tt - Jet multiplicity in events Jet reconstruction efficiency, energy scale Jet identification selections C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 4
Backgrounds in Lepton + jets sample
tt - . W+jets Z+jets WW, WZ, ZZ single top multijet True isolated lepton processes Ntrue fake isolated lepton processes Nfake Fake isolated electron Jets with leading /πo , convertions, γwith random tracks,... Fake isolated inside jets from heavy flavor or in flight decays Give more info on the matrix method? Determine Ntrue , Nfake on a statistical basis Two lepton ID criteria loose ⊃ tight lepton P(tight | loose) for fake and true leptons C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 5
Lepton + jets sample composition
tt - . W+jets Z+jets WW, WZ, ZZ single top multijet Small derived from MC Lepton, jet efficiencies calibrated on data σfrom data or NLO Nother Ntrue Nfake Nbefore tag = Ntt NWj Nfake Nother Nn-tags = Pntt (B(t→Wb)) Nntt + PnWj Nnwj + N’nfake + Pnother Nnother n-tags = 0, 1, 2 A Tagging probability Fit B(t→Wb), Ntt, Nwj to the Nn-tags C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 6
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
Pntt versus B(t→Wb) For b-tagging in D see earlier talk by Gordon Watts tt - Probability to see n-tags in events (Pntt ) depends on the # of b-jets Pn tt = R2 Pn tag(tt→bb) + 2 R(1-R)Pn tag(tt→bql) + (1-R)2Pn tag(tt→qlql) tt event tagging probability 2005 Secondary vertex tagging 0.9 fb-1 C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC neural network tagging 7
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
0.9 fb-1 tricky piece: flavor composition of W+backround exp [ ̶ (Ntt + Nbkg)] (Ntt + Nbkg)Nobs P(Nobs|prediction)= Nobs! Ntt + Nbkg prediction Nobs observation 1 tag bin: Nbkg~15 Ntt ~55 small ΔNtt/ Ntt large variation of P 0 tag bin: Nbkg~170 Ntt ~30 small ΔNtt/ Ntt small variation of P C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 8
Likelihood discriminant in 0-tag sample
To make full use of 0-tag sample need an additional constraint on in 0-tag sample eg: discriminating variables used in the e+jet channel 1. Aplanarity A = 3λ3/2 , λ3 smallest eigenvalue of momentum tensor M 2. CM = 3(λ1λ2+ λ1λ3+ λ2λ3), λ are eigenvalues of momentum M 3. DM = 27 λ1λ2λ3 4. Leading jet pT 0.9 fb-1 Jungle of topological variables: Must be discriminating Well modelled by Monte Carlo (validate description in control region) Minimize systematic error (eg. some σtt analysis don't use HT because correlation with jet energy scale) C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 9
Data and prediction for 8.1pb and R=1
0.9 fb-1 e + ≥4 jets 0 tag µ + ≥4 jets 0 tag Nevents C.Clement Data and prediction for 8.1pb and R=1 Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 10 10
Systematics on template shapes
illustration from 0.23 fb-1 Dataset Some systematic uncertainties can affect the template shapes... Systematics on template shapes on tt→ l+jet Jet energy scale Jet identification efficiency True jet energy resolution W-modeling (W+jets) Taggability Tagging probabilities for b, c and light jets Example of systematics on tt templates Illustrated with old 0.23 fb-1 analysis Now much reduced with improved JES C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 11
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
Results (0.9 fb-1) l + 3 jets l + ≥4 jets ≥4 jets, 0 tag C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 12
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
Source Uncerntainty on B(t→Wb) Statistical –0.064 b-tagging –0.049 Multijet background –0.017 Others –0.021 Total error –0.084 B(t→Wb) σtt systematic migration b/w sigma and Br B(t→Wb) = (stat+syst) σtt = (stat+syst)0.49(lumi) pb 230 pb-1 Phys. Lett. B 639 (2006) B(t→Wb) = C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 13
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
Lower limit on B(t→Wb) Implicit assumption of this analysis: B(t→Wq) =1 Feldman-Cousins Limits on |Vtb| can be derived - using |Vtb|=√B(t→Wb) (w. unitary 3x3 CKM matrix) |Vtb| > at 95% C.L. - no assumption, using |Vts| and |Vtd| experimental constraints: |Vtb| > at 95% C.L. - so for precise Vtb look into single top ... 68% CL : B(t→Wb)>0.904 95% CL : B(t→Wb)>0.812 C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 14
Top Quark Charge Lift ambiguity present in all top analyses!
OR ? Lift ambiguity present in all top analyses! t→W+b or ”t”→W-b Beautiul mirror... t b Q1 Q4 +2/3 -1/3 -4/3 mixing M(Q4)~175GeV Mtop~270GeV Test exotic models... Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 053002 C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 15
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
Ingredients OR ? kinematic fit + = Qtop What is the expected shape of Qtop for SM top ”top” with 4e/3 charge? C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 16
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
Analysis strategy Double tagged events Discriminate between |Qtop| = 2e/3 and |Q”top”|=4e/3 Two |Qtop| per event Use the pure sample -- lepton+4≥jets events with 2 SVT Compute the jet charge of the 2 b-tagged jets Associate the b-jets to correct W boson (charged lepton) Combine the 2 jet charges and the lepton charge to derive the 2 |Qtop| Compare the observed |Qtop| with expected SM and exotic distributions S/B~10 C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 17
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
Jet Charge Algorithm pTi,qi Compute jet charge only for b-tagged jets (2 per events) Jet charge = Optimizaton on MC gives a=0.6 Sum over tracks with pT>0.5GeV, ΔR(track, jet) <0.5 of the jet axis Algorithm: Derive expected shape of Qjet from data with minimal input from simulation C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 18
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
Jet Charge Performance in Data Tag and probe method in ”pure” events In reality: Is it pure ? ? flavor excitation? g→ ? B→ B →D → → B→ light hadrons → Charge misidentification _ bb Tight di-jet sample >3.0 bbar Discriminant Power MC truth on tag side Tag & probe: Z→bb Tag and probe: data Ideal case: sign of q = sign of qb _ bb _ cc _ bb ´ _ Bo→ Bo Charge flipping processes C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 19
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
- Is the triple tag sample pure ”bb”? The fraction of c-jets in the triple tag sample is determined by pTrel fit of the order of a few percents, Flavor excitation/ splitting? >3.0 2 b-jets back to back dominate C.Clement Phys. Rev. D 65, (2002) Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 20
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
- p.d.f.’s Qb, Qb, Qc, Qc from data... - - - P+ (Qjet) = (1-xc) (1-xflip)Pb (Qjet)+ (1-xc)xflip Pb + xc Pc _ cc Fraction of charge flipping processes 30±1% from MC, Cross checked on data Fraction of derived from pTrel spectrum of (1+2-1%) p.d.f of Qjet in probe jet Tight di-jet sample + Similar equation for P- (Qjet) 4 Unknown p.d.f’s Pb, Pb, Pc, Pc - - C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 21
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
- p.d.f.’s Qb, Qb, Qc, Qc from data... - Tight di-jet sample - - P+ (Qjet) = Pb (Qjet) Pb Pc P- (Qjet) = Pb (Qjet) Pb Pc P´+(Qjet) = Pb (Qjet) Pb Pc P´- (Qjet) = Pb (Qjet) Pb Pc - - - loose di-jet sample - Correct for difference in t→Wb and bb kinematics C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 22
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
SM Top Charge Observables We need an observable and an expectation for the ”2e/3” and ”4e/3” scenarios Consider only lepton+jets channel (e/µ + 4 jets) double-tagged events Two top quarks in the event measure the charge ”twice” Use kinematic fit to assign b-jets to correct W-bosons in MC qb and qB are taken from the data derived jet charge templates qb = b lept. side qB = b hadr. side qB qB qb qb C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 23
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
Result on ~0.4 fb-1 of D data 16 l + jets double tags D0 0.4fb-1 Likelihood ratio test b/w 4e/3 and 2e/3 scenarios Bayes factor =Prob(data|SM) / Prob(data|EX) = 4.3 agrees much better with 2e/3 than 4e/3 Probability of 4e/3 to fluctuate to observation 7.8% (p-value) Sources of Uncertainties strongly statistics limited Data calibration method cc fraction Charge flipping processes pT, eta spectra in triple tag sample Flavor creation in triple tag sample Statistics in triple tag sample Kinematic fit Top quark mass Jet energy scale, resolutions fQ4 <0.52 at 68% C.L. σtt PRL 98, (2007) C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 24
Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC
Conclusion Check that the object at GeV is a fully SM top quark Start to get handle on detailed properties of the top quark are being measured by the Tevatron experiments, More to come with increased luminosities and ATLAS and more to achieve before full picture is clear C.Clement Top Physics: from the Tevatron to LHC 25
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