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Individual Champs Qual Times (Short Course – 25 Meter Pool)

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Presentation on theme: "Individual Champs Qual Times (Short Course – 25 Meter Pool)"— Presentation transcript:

1 2017-20 Individual Champs Qual Times (Short Course – 25 Meter Pool)
Qualification for events are determined solely by achieving or exceeding published Short Course (SC) times and Long Course (LC) times presented here are representative equivalents. Qualification achieved at a LC event based on these representative times are tentative pending official conversion to a SC equivalent time by the EFSL Statistician and updated standings are released. (as of 16 OCT 2017) Individual Champs Qual Times (Short Course – 25 Meter Pool) Girls 50 FR 100 FR 200 FR 100 IM 200 IM 50 BK 50 BR 50 FL 8 & Under QT 49.00 1:54.69 4:24.99 2:04.70 4:37.19 59.55 1:06.32 1:01.79 Pull Up 52.95 2:05.39 4:52.19 2:16.09 4:59.99 1:05.45 1:12.72 1:07.85 9 Years 42.12 1:40.59 3:54.59 1:52.44 4:03.79 53.67 59.19 56.45 46.72 1:51.89 4:18.79 2:04.64 4:32.29 59.57 1:05.59 58.97 10 Years 38.89 1:28.39 3:15.99 1:41.29 3:36.19 46.29 52.49 46.19 42.99 1:38.99 3:40.09 1:53.39 4:03.49 51.99 58.89 52.39 11 Years 36.87 1:22.29 3:06.49 1:33.79 3:23.19 44.08 48.19 41.29 39.47 1:29.59 1:40.49 3:42.59 47.18 53.69 47.89 12 Years 34.69 1:15.49 2:45.39 1:26.59 3:05.39 39.29 44.19 37.69 37.29 1:21.29 2:58.09 1:33.19 3:25.69 47.59 42.59 400 FR 100 BK 100 BR 100 FL 13-14 Years 33.49 1:12.69 2:37.19 5:32.69 2:55.89 1:19.19 1:30.99 1:18.89 36.09 1:18.29 2:49.29 5:58.29 3:09.49 1:25.29 1:37.99 1:26.56 15-16 32.89 1:11.39 2:33.79 5:25.59 2:52.59 1:17.39 1:29.19 1:17.29 35.39 1:16.89 2:45.59 5:55.69 3:05.79 1:25.39 1:38.09 1:25.79 17-19 32.29 1:09.99 2:32.49 5:24.39 2:49.99 1:16.39 1:28.09 1:16.09 34.79 1:15.29 2:44.19 5:52.29 3:02.99 1:35.89 1:23.99 European Forces Swim League (EFSL)

2 2017-20 Individual Champs Qual Times (Long Course – 50 Meter Pool)
Qualification for events are determined solely by achieving or exceeding published Short Course (SC) times and Long Course (LC) times presented here are representative equivalents. Qualification achieved at a LC event based on these representative times are tentative pending official conversion to a SC equivalent time by the EFSL Statistician and updated standings are released. (as of 16 OCT 2017) Individual Champs Qual Times (Long Course – 50 Meter Pool) Girls 50 FR 100 FR 200 FR 100 IM 200 IM 50 BK 50 BR 50 FL 8 & Under QT 49.98 1:56.98 4:30.29 n/a 4:42.73 1:00.74 1:07.65 1:03.03 Pull Up 54.01 2:07.90 4:58.03 5:05.99 1:06.76 1:14.17 1:09.21 9 Years 42.96 1:42.60 3:59.28 4:08.67 54.74 1:00.37 57.58 47.65 1:54.13 4:23.97 4:37.74 1:00.76 1:06.90 1:00.15 10 Years 39.67 1:30.16 3:19.91 3:40.51 47.22 53.54 47.11 43.85 1:40.97 3:44.49 4:08.36 53.03 1:00.07 53.44 11 Years 37.61 1:23.94 3:10.22 3:27.25 44.96 49.15 42.12 40.26 1:31.38 3:47.04 48.12 54.76 48.85 12 Years 35.38 1:17.00 2:48.70 3:09.10 40.08 45.07 38.44 38.04 1:22.92 4:02.85 3:29.80 48.54 43.44 400 FR 100 BK 100 BR 100 FL 13-14 Years 34.16 1:14.14 2:40.33 5:39.34 2:59.41 1:20.77 1:32.81 1:20.47 36.81 1:19.86 2:52.68 6:05.46 3:13.28 1:27.00 1:39.95 1:28.29 15-16 33.55 1:12.82 2:36.87 5:32.10 2:56.04 1:18.94 1:30.97 1:18.84 36.10 1:18.43 2:48.90 6:02.80 3:09.51 1:27.10 1:40.05 1:27.51 17-19 32.94 1:11.39 2:35.54 5:30.88 2:53.39 1:17.92 1:29.85 1:17.61 35.49 1:16.80 2:47.47 5:59.34 3:06.65 1:37.81 1:25.67 European Forces Swim League (EFSL)

3 2017-20 Individual Champs Qual Times (Short Course – 25 Meter Pool)
Qualification for events are determined solely by achieving or exceeding published Short Course (SC) times and Long Course (LC) times presented here are representative equivalents. Qualification achieved at a LC event based on these representative times are tentative pending official conversion to a SC equivalent time by the EFSL Statistician and updated standings are released. (as of 16 OCT 2017) Individual Champs Qual Times (Short Course – 25 Meter Pool) Boys 50 FR 100 FR 200 FR 100 IM 200 IM 50 BK 50 BR 50 FL 8 & Under QT 47.83 1:51.49 4:03.59 2:03.69 4:36.69 59.55 1:07.09 59.39 Pull Up 51.35 2:04.52 4:49.09 2:15.79 4:57.39 1:05.45 1:11.89 1:07.19 9 Years 41.42 1:37.89 3:45.69 1:51.39 4:03.09 53.67 58.79 51.59 46.42 1:50.99 4:17.03 2:03.49 4:38.19 59.57 1:05.09 58.67 10 Years 38.09 1:26.99 3:05.69 1:38.79 3:33.49 46.79 51.39 44.79 41.99 1:36.99 3:36.29 1:49.79 4:01.09 52.69 57.59 51.49 11 Years 36.69 1:19.69 3:02.39 1:32.39 3:21.09 43.19 48.49 41.79 39.47 1:27.39 3:19.79 1:40.09 3:40.19 46.99 53.29 47.09 12 Years 33.39 1:12.89 2:39.79 1:22.89 3:01.49 38.99 43.69 37.79 36.99 1:19.99 2:55.09 1:31.39 3:22.19 42.69 47.49 400 FR 100 BK 100 BR 100 FL 13-14 Years 30.79 1:07.29 2:26.69 5:14.19 2:44.19 1:13.89 1:23.49 1:13.29 33.19 1:12.49 2:41.99 5:54.29 2:59.79 1:23.59 1:31.89 15-16 29.59 1:04.49 2:20.89 5:02.79 2:36.69 1:10.19 1:19.59 1:10.09 31.89 1:09.49 2:34.79 5:49.09 2:55.79 1:20.59 1:29.79 1:21.49 17-19 28.69 1:02.99 2:18.19 4:57.19 2:33.99 1:07.99 1:17.89 1:07.59 32.89 1:11.79 2:40.79 5:29.09 2:57.89 1:18.19 1:30.89 1:19.79 European Forces Swim League (EFSL)

4 2017-20 Individual Champs Qual Times (Long Course – 50 Meter Pool)
Qualification for events are determined solely by achieving or exceeding published Short Course (SC) times and Long Course (LC) times presented here are representative equivalents. Qualification achieved at a LC event based on these representative times are tentative pending official conversion to a SC equivalent time by the EFSL Statistician and updated standings are released. (as of 16 OCT 2017) Individual Champs Qual Times (Long Course – 50 Meter Pool) Boys 50 FR 100 FR 200 FR 100 IM 200 IM 50 BK 50 BR 50 FL 8 & Under QT 48.79 1:53.72 4:08.46 n/a 4:42.22 1:00.74 1:08.43 1:00.58 Pull Up 52.38 2:07.01 4:54.87 5:03.34 1:06.76 1:13.33 1:08.53 9 Years 42.25 1:39.85 3:50.20 4:07.95 54.74 59.97 52.62 47.35 1:53.21 4:22.17 4:43.75 1:00.76 1:06.39 59.84 10 Years 38.85 1:28.73 3:09.40 3:37.76 47.73 52.42 45.69 42.83 1:38.93 3:40.62 4:05.91 53.74 58.74 52.52 11 Years 37.42 1:21.28 3:06.04 3:25.11 44.05 49.46 42.63 40.26 1:29.14 3:23.79 3:44.59 47.93 54.36 48.03 12 Years 34.06 1:14.35 2:42.99 3:05.12 39.77 44.56 38.55 37.73 1:21.59 2:58.59 3:26.23 43.54 48.44 400 FR 100 BK 100 BR 100 FL 13-14 Years 31.41 1:08.64 2:29.62 5:20.47 2:47.47 1:15.37 1:25.16 1:14.76 33.85 1:13.94 2:45.23 6:01.38 3:03.39 1:25.26 1:33.73 1:24.55 15-16 30.18 1:05.78 2:23.71 5:08.85 2:39.82 1:11.59 1:21.18 1:11.49 32.53 1:10.88 2:37.89 5:56.07 2:59.31 1:22.20 1:31.59 1:23.12 17-19 29.26 1:04.25 2:20.95 5:03.13 2:37.07 1:09.35 1:19.45 1:08.94 33.55 1:13.23 2:44.01 5:35.67 3:01.45 1:19.75 1:32.71 1:21.39 European Forces Swim League (EFSL)

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