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Self Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Self Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self Assessment

2 Learning Objective “Learn how to carry out a self assessment”.
Write this Learning Objective onto your Self Assessment Sheet. Friday, 23 November 2018

3 Learn how to carry out a self assessment
Assess what you’ve done by completing the statements on pages of your workbook. Learn how to carry out a self assessment

4 Learn how to carry out a self assessment
Now Some Fun Try out some of the games other people have made on the Scratch website: For the best games go to: Projects  Top Loved Learn how to carry out a self assessment

5 Learning Objective “Learn how to carry out a self assessment”.
Put  or  onto your Self Assessment page to show whether or not you have achieved today’s learning objective. Friday, 23 November 2018

6 Learn how to carry out a self assessment
What do you think? Have you enjoyed this unit of work? Have you learnt lots of new skills? What have you enjoyed doing the most? Will you be using Scratch at home? Learn how to carry out a self assessment

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