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Tuesday November 18, 2014 Agenda Homework Go over test corrections

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1 Tuesday November 18, 2014 Agenda Homework Go over test corrections
Introduction to Unit 2 The Legislative Branch Note Work on HW Point out 3 difference between these two sides and then explain why “My Congressman” is an angel and why “Your Congressmen” is evil. Make Up Work is due to me tomorrow. I will stay after school Today and Tomorrow

2 Civics and Economics Day 58

3 Go Over Test Corrections

4 UNIT 2: THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Today’s Topic: Introduction to the Legislative Branch

5 Legislative Branch In charge of making laws! Legislate-leg·is·late
verb 1.make or enact laws. Commonly called Congress Composed of the House of Representatives and Senate

6 House of Representatives
Congress means both: Senate 100 Members House of Representatives 435 Members

7 Privileges Salary Speaker of the House $223,500
House Majority and Minority Leaders $ House/Senate Members and Delegates $174,000

8 House of Representatives
Requirements: 25 years old 7 years citizen Live in the state you represent 435 Members North Carolina has 13 Districts We are District 1 Serve 2 year terms (Elected every 2 years)


10 Senate Requirements 100 Members Serve for 6 years 30 Years Old
9 Years Citizen Live in the State you represent 100 Members 2 Per State Serve for 6 years

11 What does Congress do? Make Bills/Laws Case Work
Primary Job of Congress Bill is a law, before it is voted into a law. Case Work Help people in their districts or states with problems with the government. Ex: Social Security problems, emergency passport, etc. Often able to be handled by the Staff

12 Why does a Congressmen want to help their constituents?

13 Why does a Congressmen want to help their constituents?
Happy Constituents become happy voters. Ex: A Good or Bad restaurant. Casework is often what helps people get reelected.

14 People Love when Congress “Brings home the bacon” (Last Slide)
People love for Congress to make laws or “ear marks” in spending bills that bring money home to the district. Ex: Having the US Government pay $1 million dollars to build a new park This creates jobs for the district, provides a service, and puts money in the pocket of people there. People out side of the district think this might be wasteful so they may call it pork.

15 Homework Point out 3 difference between these two sides and then explain why “My Congressman” is an angel and why “Your Congressmen” is evil.

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