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Prokaryotes provide nutrients to humans and other animals.

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Presentation on theme: "Prokaryotes provide nutrients to humans and other animals."— Presentation transcript:

1 KEY CONCEPT Prokaryotes perform important functions for organisms and ecosystems.

2 Prokaryotes provide nutrients to humans and other animals.
Prokaryotes live in digestive systems of animals. make vitamins break down food fill niches

3 Bacteria help ferment many foods.
yogurt, cheese pickles, sauerkraut soy sauce, vinegar Buttermilk, sour cream Cottage cheese

4 Prokaryotes play important roles in ecosystems.
Prokaryotes have many functions in ecosystems. photosynthesize recycle carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur fix nitrogen convert nitrogen in air into ammonia and other nitrogen compounds that plants can use Use legumes: peanuts, soy beans, alfalfa, clover

5 Nitrogen Cycle/ Nitrogen Fixation

6 Bioremediation uses prokaryotes to break down pollutants.
oil spills biodegradable materials capture microscopic particles like gold and copper from mining

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