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Daily Announcements Benbrook Middle-High School Tuesday, May 29, 2018

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1 Daily Announcements Benbrook Middle-High School Tuesday, May 29, 2018

2 Senior Week (May 29th-June 1st)
Monday: Memorial Day (No School) Tuesday: Graduation Rehearsal and Senior Cookout 9:30 am seniors will head to Wilkerson-Greines Activity Center to rehearse graduation. Then we will head to Castle Park for lunch and fun activities. Wednesday: Six Flags Over Texas Seniors will go to Six Flags, leave campus at 11:00 am and return by 7:00 pm. Thursday: Senior Awards and Decision Day Seniors will be honored for their academic, athletic and artistic achievements. Friday: Senior Olympics All Seniors you need to get a team together and sign up outside room 106 ASAP.

Want to be part of something new? Want to be part of the band but cannot play an instrument? Want to travel? Want to make a lot of new friends? If you said “YES” to any of these questions, we have the perfect place for you!!! THE ALL-NEW BENBROOK HS COLORGUARD NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! FOR MORE INFORMATION, SEE MR. BRYANT IN THE BAND HALL. indef

4 Sports Physicals for the 18-19 School Year
Will be on campus today Tuesday, May 29th from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm courtesy of the BMHS Athletic Booster Club *Current Booster Member $15 *Non Booster Member $25 Any parent that is not a current Booster Member can get one free physical by purchasing a $ Booster Membership for only $20. Any family with more than one student athlete will only pay $10 for each additional physical. 

CAMP WILL BE SOUTHWEST HS JUNE 4-7 and JUNE 11-14: sign up on BMHS website!

6 BMHS Class Officer Application is now posted on the school website
Please download, fill out and give to Mr. Peterson

7 Dedication Achievement Honor
Fun fact: The word ‘Maverick’ came into use after Samuel Maverick, a Texan who refused to brand his cattle. Eventually any unbranded calf became known as a Maverick.

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