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The SPREAD of Islam Copy all notes in bold. Global History I.

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Presentation on theme: "The SPREAD of Islam Copy all notes in bold. Global History I."— Presentation transcript:

1 The SPREAD of Islam Copy all notes in bold. Global History I

2 DO NOW: 1. What is a follower of Islam called? ____________________________ 2. What makes Islam a monotheistic religion? What are the other two major monotheistic religions? 3. What does it take for an empire to expand?

3 DO NOW: 1. What is a follower of Islam called? ______MUSLIM______
2. What makes Islam a monotheistic religion? What are the other two major monotheistic religions? Muslims believe in only one God- Allah Christianity and Judaism are also monotheistic religions. 3. What does it take for an empire to expand? Factors include: strong military; strong central government; unification of culture (nationalism)

4 HOW DO IDEAS SPREAD? What do you do if:
If you want to send a message a long distance? If someone doesn’t agree with your idea/message?

5 QUICK RECAP Muhammad founded Islam after hearing God’s message calling him to be a prophet. Muhammad was not only a religious leader but also a political leader. What does this mean?

6 Islam after Muhammad’s Death
The death of Muhammad in 632 presented a challenge for the Muslim community  Who would lead the group and keep it unified? Abu Bakr was Muhammad’s father-in-law and was chosen to initially lead the Muslim community. 4 things happened that enable Islam to rapidly spread through three continents.

7 1. Uniting Force- Religion
Islam was a strong uniting force for the Muslim empire. What characteristics of Islam would appeal to non-Muslims?

8 Camel and Horse Calvary
2. Strong Arab military Under the Muslim leadership, Arab armies were strong fighters that had many important victories that allowed the empire to expand. Camel and Horse Calvary

9 3. Effective Communication/Trade Route
The Arabian Peninsula provided a great location for trade routes to Northern Africa and Central Asia. Goods could be traded with neighboring empires


Why is an effective system of trade routes important to the spread of an empire?

12 4. Government/leadership
Caliphate- empire’s central government Caliphates after Muhammad's death expanded Islam by converting non- believers or taxing those who did not convert.

13 Preview for Tomorrow: Power Struggles
When Muhammad died, he left no document appointing a successor. Some people thought that one of the original converts who had taught with Muhammad, some wanted a member of a powerful political family in the area, and others felt that 'Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad had been divinely designated as successor. An early believer, Abu Bakr was appointed, but died within two years. Eventually, a power struggle developed as different groups of Muslims believed their method of establishing a successor were the best. The largest argument was over whether the successor should be elected or chosen through heredity. This controversy produced the main body of Islam known as the Sunnis (followers of the prophet's way) and other numerous sects including the Shi'a and the Sufis. The Sunnis are the majority in Islam today.

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