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3-4 marks – 1 factor explained in brief

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1 “Identify and explain two reasons for the patterns in subject choice by gender.”
3-4 marks – 1 factor explained in brief 5-6 marks – 1 factor explained in detail or 2 explained in brief, brief mention of how it impacts subject choice 7-8 marks – 2 factors explained in detail, and discussion of how it impacts subject choice 9-10 marks – as above including evaluation points or deep analysis

2 Introduction Some say schools contribute to reinforcing ‘hegemonic masculinity’, the dominance of heterosexual masculine identity and the subordination of female and gay identities. Is this true at Rossett School? PSHCE Lessons PE Lessons Stonewall - Gandalf

3 Sexual and Gender Identity in Education
The BIG Idea Sexual and Gender Identity in Education To examine ways in which pupils experiences in school help to construct and reinforce their gender and sexual identities. We are Learning to... SPEC: Different sociological explanations of gender differences in educational achievement in relation to internal factors, e.g. gender identities. In today’s lesson... GOOD Learning...D/C Be able to describe a one or two possible explanations for ways schools reinforce sexual and gender identity, with one brief reference to a study. GREAT Learning...C/B Be able to describe two or three possible explanations for ways schools reinforce sexual and gender identity, with a clear description of one or two sociological studies. EVEN BETTER...B/A Be able to describe three or four possible explanations for ways schools reinforce sexual and gender identity, with a clear description of three or more sociological studies, with some points of evaluation.

4 LINK This links in to Feminist Theoretical views on the role education, in promoting patriarchal values.

5 Double Standards – Sue Lees

6 Verbal Abuse – Lees and Parker
Name calling usually has no relation to pupils actual sexual behaviour, it simply reinforces gender norms and identities. Question For what reasons do boys get called ‘gay’ or girls get called ‘slag’?

7 The male gaze – Mac an Ghaill
The way male students and teachers look girls up and down, seeing them as sexual objects and making judgements about their appearance. Why do boys always have to prove their masculinity by retelling stories of sexual conquests? If you don’t behave this way them you risk being labelled gay.

8 Male Peer Groups – Epstein & Willis
Anti-School Subcultures accuse boys who try hard as ‘gay’.

9 Female Peer Groups - Ringrose
Study of peer groups at a Welsh school. Being popular was crucial to identity. Tensions faced: Friendship -> Heterosexual dating culture. Idealised feminine identity vs. Sexualised identity. Boys = Symbolic Capital (High Risk Game) CURRIE – Too competitive = excluded from group ‘slut’, not competitive enough = frigid. Shaming is thus a social control device by which schoolgirls, police, regulate, and discipline each other’s identities.

10 Teachers & Discipline – Mac an Ghaill
Do male teachers? Have you experienced? Tell boys off for ‘behaving like girls’? Tease boys when they get lower marks in tests than girls? Ignore boys verbal abuse of girls? Blame girls for attracting verbal abuse from boys? Be protective over female colleagues?

11 Demonstrate your understanding
Outline three ways in which the experience of schooling may influence students’ gender identities. (6 marks)

12 Outline three ways in which the experience of schooling may influence students’ gender identities. (6 marks) Mark scheme Two marks for each of three appropriate ways clearly outlined or one mark for appropriate ways partially outlined, such as: • same-sex peer groups (1 mark) give status and symbolic capital to individuals for performing appropriate gender identities (+1 mark). • name calling (1 mark), eg calling boys ‘gay’ if they have female friends reinforces heterosexual masculine identities (+1 mark). • some subjects are seen as male or female (1 mark); choosing gender appropriate subjects reinforces pupils’ identities (+1 mark) • the male gaze by boys or teachers (1 mark) may be used to define girls’ identity in sexual terms (+1 mark). • double standards of sexual behaviour by other pupils (1 mark) define girls’ and boys’ identities differently eg as ‘slags’ or ‘real lads’ (+1 mark). • school staff as role models (1 mark): their performance of gender roles provides a model of gender identity (+1 mark). Other relevant material should be credited. No marks for no relevant points.

13 Extended Learning Watch the TED Talk or Read the transcript: Read the Case Study / Sociological Studies on Edmodo.

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