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Career Values.

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1 Career Values

2 Career Values Today we will explore the topic of Career Values. By the end of the period you will have a list of Career Values that you hope to find in a career which will allow you to live the lifestyle that you dream of.

3 Definition Definition of Value: relative worth, merit, or importance What are some examples of values?

4 Why ? Identifying your personal values is an important part of a successful career plan. In this context, the word "value" refers to how you feel about the work itself and the contribution it makes to society. Most people who pursue work that is congruent with their values feel satisfied and successful in their careers.

5 Activity Everyone Stand Up! In each of the following scenarios, you will consider your interest in the job. Remain standing as I read some of the job’s characteristics. When you hear a condition under which you would not work, sit down.

6 Career #1 You will help improve people’s quality of life
You will earn more than $150,000 per year You have the option to work for yourself or for an organization It will take at least 12 years of education and training after high school to work in your field You will have to document all of your work You will work an average of 60 hours a week including weekends, sometimes being “on call” You will likely have to work with challenging, and potentially dangerous people Some people may consider the work you do a “crock” (or sham)

7 Career #1 What do you think Career #1 is? Psychiatrist

8 Career #2 Everyone Stand Back Up!
You will have a variable work schedule with up to 24 hour shifts You will have to deal with a lot of complaints You will work standing up most of the time You will frequently experience unexpected changes in your schedule You will work with people You will be required to travel extensively You will earn about $50,000 per year You will be required to wear a uniform You will need to be able to administer first aid

9 Career #2 What do you think Career #2 is? Flight Attendant

10 Career #3 Everyone Stand Back Up!
Your working hours will be from 8pm to 4 am You will have to deal with a lot of complaints Some people may consider your job immoral You will work in beautiful, plush surroundings You will have a boss You will be closely supervised and monitored You will be required to wear a uniform

11 Career #3 $18,000 annually What do you think Career #3 is?
Black Jack Dealer $18,000 annually

12 My Career Values Now get out a piece of paper and a pen or pencil
Write your name and today’s date on the top right of the paper Write “My Career Values” across the top of the paper: Write the following under the title, across the top of your paper: Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important

13 My Career Values The next few slides include a list of values separated into three categories: Intrinsic, Extrinsic and Lifestyle. Your task is to organize these values based on what you think is important. Write each of these values in the appropriate column (Very Important, Somewhat Important or Not Important) on your sheet of paper. Example: The value is Help Others and I think that is Very Important. I will write “Help Others” under Very Important.

14 My Career Values Value Explanation Help Society Do something which contributes to improving the world we live in Help Others Be Directly included in helping others Public Contact Have a lot of day-to-day contact with the public Work with Others Work as a team member toward common goals Work Alone Do projects by myself, with limited contact with others Competition Engage in activities which pit my abilities against others Make Decisions Have the power to decide courses of action and policies 1 of 5

15 My Career Values Value Explanation Work Under Pressure Work in situations where time pressure is prevalent Influence People Be in a position to influence the attitudes or opinions of other people Knowledge Engage in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding Work Mastery Become an expert in whatever work I do Artistic Creativity Engage in creative artistic expression General Creativity Have the opportunity to create new programs, materials or organizational structures 2 of 5

16 My Career Values Value Explanation Aesthetics Participate in studying or appreciating the beauty of things, ideas, etc. Supervision Have a job in which I am directly responsible for the work of others Change and Variety Have work activities which frequently change Precision Work Work in situations where attention to detail and accuracy are very important Stability Have a work routine and job duties that are largely predictable Security Be assured of keeping my job and receiving satisfactory compensation 3 of 5

17 My Career Values Value Explanation
Recognition Be publicly recognized for the high quality of my work Fast Pace Work in circumstances where work must be done rapidly Excitement Experience a high degree (or frequent) excitement in the course of my work Adventure Have work duties which require frequent risk-taking Financial Gain Have a high likelihood of achieving very great monetary rewards for my work Physical Challenge Do activities that us my physical capabilities of 5

18 My Career Values Value Explanation 5 of 5
Independence Be able to determine the nature of my work without significant direction from others Moral Fulfillment Feel that my work contributes to a set of moral standards which I feel are very important Community Live where I can participate in community affairs Time Freedom Be able to work according to my own schedule 5 of 5

19 My Career Values Toward the bottom of your page write:
“My Top Five Career Values” List the five Career Values which you listed under Very Important that you believe are most important Place this sheet of paper into your Advisory Folder. You will use this information during your Student Led Conference this fall

20 See the next few slides for screenshots of how to navigate this site.
How to Relate O*Net Example: Veterinarian See the next few slides for screenshots of how to navigate this site.

21 This is
Type in the Occupation you want to see information on in the box that is circled above then click on the

22 Your results will show all occupations matching Veterinarian.
Note that it even shows if the occupation has a Bright Outlook (which means the field is growing, not declining) and if it is considered a Green Occupation.

23 This site has a lot of useful information such as Tasks, Work Activities, Education Needed and Related Occupations. The information included on this site will help you see if your values match with the requirements of the occupation you are interested in.

24 Two areas in particular that will provide detailed information are the Work Styles and Work Values.

25 Wrap-Up Make sure you keep your Career Values in mind when you are evaluating your future careers. Many people who ignore these values find themselves unhappy in their chosen career. Values can change throughout your life. For instance, you may not have stability as a value that is in your top five right now but later in life you may find that stability is necessary.

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