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Dye Lasers Rob van Rooij Images from:

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1 Dye Lasers Rob van Rooij Images from:
Laser Fundamentals 2nd edition, William T. Silfvast

2 Types of Dye-lasers Dye-lasers come in various types:
Laser-pumped pulsed tuneable dye-lasers Flashlamp-pumped pulsed dye-lasers Mode-locked dye lasers Continuous-wave (cw) tuneable dye-lasers

3 CW-pumped dye-laser Argon ion laser used as pumping source
Dyes have broad fluorescent linewidths: 50 – 100 nm Using various dyes, it is possible to: Continuously tune the laser over the entire visible spectrum

4 Structure Dyes are complex molecules Simplified energy-level diagram 
i.e., rhodamine B: C28H31Cl N2O3 Simplified energy-level diagram  4 level system

5 Structure Between S or T states: Vibrational levels:
Rotational levels: ~ 10-3 eV (finestructure) Broad absorption and emission curves

6 Structure Rotational and vibrational decay in S1: 10-12 – 10-13 s
Emission S1  S0: 10-9 s T1  S0: 10-4 – 10-5 s

7 Absorption & Emission

8 Triplet-Triplet Absorption

9 Triplet quenching Triplet quenching-agent to promote
T1  S0 transitions In CW dye-lasers, rapid flow of the dye solution to physically remove triplet state population

10 Characteristics Small-signal gain coefficient g0 = 500/m
Stimulated emission cross-section ul= 1 to 4 x m2 Upper laser level lifetime u = 2 to 5 x 10-9 s Saturation intensity: 109 to 1010 W/m ( ) Power density to reach threshold: ~100 kW/cm2 Pumping power: several Watts Output power: up to 2 W Transmission output mirror: 10 to 20 percent

11 Setup

12 Birefringent tuning element
Birefringent materials split light into two rays, at a different refractive index Rotation of the filter tunes the cavity to 1/1000th of a nm

13 Dye-laser in action

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