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The Three Parts of Morality

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1 The Three Parts of Morality
By C. S. Lewis

2 Vocabulary Words 1. Friction: rubbing together; conflict between individuals 2. Ideal: A concept of something in its most excellent form. 3. Prig: Excessively precise, proper and smug in moral decisions. 4. Faculties: Powers to do something. 5. Religion: A series of statements about facts which must be either true or false.

3 Important points 1. C. S. Lewis’ definition of God— “the sort of person who is always snooping round to see if anyone is enjoying himself and then trying to stop it.”

4 2. Moral rules are directions for running the human machine.
Rules prevent breakdowns, strain or friction. Traffic rules Parent rules

5 3. Moral perfection is an ideal
We never reach it, but we should try Perfect at a sport Sacrament of reconciliation

6 4. Overemphasis on the ideal or perfection can cause excessive pride or self-righteousness.

7 5. Two ways for humans to go wrong:
A. They drift apart or collide B. Something goes wrong inside—one’s own faculties drift apart or collide.

8 6. Morality is concerned with three things.
A. Fair play and harmony between individuals B. Tidying up or harmonizing the inside of each person. C. The general purpose of human life What was man made for? What is the relationship between man and the power that made him?

9 7. We tend to only focus on number 1 when considering morality.
“It can’t be wrong because it doesn’t hurt anyone else.” We have to consider the other two parts of morality if we are Christians.

10 8. As Christians two things are important when we are trying to make moral decisions.
A. We belong to God (in effect we are only leasing our bodies.) B. We are going to live forever.

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