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Why do you believe what you believe?

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Presentation on theme: "Why do you believe what you believe?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do you believe what you believe?
Lecture 2a Why do you believe what you believe?

2 “People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive.” --Blaise Pascal (17th century French philosopher)

3 Why do you believe what you believe?
SOCIO-LOGICAL REASONS Parents Friends Society Culture Geography Community Peer Pressure PSYCHO-LOGICAL REASONS Comfort Peace of mind Meaning Purpose Hope Identity Feelings or Intuition RELIGI-OUS REASONS Scripture Pastor/Priest Guru Rabbi Imam Church Tradition Mysticism PHILO-SOPHICAL REASONS Consistency Coherence Completeness BIBLICAL TRUTH Accurate Exegesis Biblical, Theological Systematic Coherence Adapted from: James Sire, “Why Should Anyone Believe Anything At All” in Telling the Truth, D.A. Carson, ed.

4 One goal in apologetics is to (1) expose inadequate justifications for belief and (2) provide a solid basis for validating or invalidating truth claims.

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