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Unit Three Vocabulary Week One.

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1 Unit Three Vocabulary Week One

2 fastidious (adjective)
fussy concerned about detail Carl is fastidious about his lawn. .

3 fledgling (noun/adjective)
a young bird or person inexperienced/new/untried The fledgling was soon to spread its wings and fly.

4 gallivant (verb) roam about in search of fun
When I’m bored, I like to gallivant around the mall.

5 galvanize (verb) stir-up/unite The ref’s bad call galvanized the team.

6 Hoi polloi (noun) the common people
To the aristocracy, we are all part of the hoi polloi.

7 Manqué (noun) frustrated in the realization of one’s ambitions
Mitt Romney is a presidential manqué.

8 prune (verb) cut back Every spring we prune the hedges.

9 rash (adjective) hasty/impulsive
One will often lament making a rash decision.

10 shoddy (adjective) inferior/sloppy

11 sot (noun) an alcoholic My uncle was a miserable sot.

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