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In order of appearance:

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1 In order of appearance:
Internet Censorship In order of appearance: Dmitriy Bespalov Ilya Braude Brian McBurney Yaroslav Volkov

2 What is censorship? Censorship - practice of examining in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable We concern: Harmful to some groups of people material Can they be protected from accessing?

3 What is the Internet? Internet We concern:
Set of computers connected in to one global network No one owns it nor can shut it down We concern: Information on the Internet (Web) There is a lot of it!

4 What is the Internet?

5 Tools for Filtering Web page text search Manual classification
Could filter appropriate content Could allow inappropriate content Manual classification Done by ISP (i.e. AOL) Expensive to maintain Not global

6 Waiver Our discussion is based on the US laws here

7 Waiver Certain material should not appear on the Internet at all
Web sites that sell illegal substances Child pornography

8 Current Issues Attempts Should filtering be done by government?
Or should this be up to each person to decide? Communications Decency Act Prohibited posting "indecent" or "patently offensive" materials on the Internet Ruled unconstitutional by Supreme Court, 1997 Children’s Internet Protection Act Requires government - subsidized libraries use filtering technology Libraries need to deploy filters in 07/03 – 06/04

9 Poll How many people think that: Government should impose filtering?
This should be up to each person to decide?

10 Pro Censorship Yeah, baby!

11 Anti Censorship Boooo!

12 Conclusion Government should have complete and total control over everything!!! Muuaahahaaaa!

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