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Potential new modules for future EHIS Module on disability

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1 Potential new modules for future EHIS Module on disability
Agenda point 4.2 Lucian Agafitei ESTAT Unit F-4 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

2 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force
Outline Why? Discussions in the 1st TF meeting Content of the new module Remarks 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

3 Why extending the disability-related questions in EHIS?
EDSIM developed as the 5th module of EHIS DSS decision to discontinue EHSIS and the TF EHIS to work on it in view of including a disability module in future EHIS waves "Barriers to participation in specific life domains" included as a topic for the Health domain in IESS (Annex I 'Topics to be covered') Obligations on statistics and data collections arising from the UN CRPD and European Disability Strategy 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

4 Discussions in the 1st TF meeting
Main issues raised: having an operational definition of disability at EU level sample size New disability module: To focus on participation restrictions/barriers in different life domains to complement existing questions To be added on a voluntary basis in EHIS wave 3 Proposal to adapt the EHSIS questions following the approach EHIS uses for ADL and IADL questions 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

5 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force
EHIS approach for IADL Introduction HA1 Now I would like you to think about some household activities. Here is a list of activities. Please ignore any temporary problems. HA1 Do you usually have difficulty doing any of these activities without help? 1. No difficulty 2. Some difficulty 3. A lot of difficulty 4. Cannot do at all / Unable to do 5. Not applicable (never tried it or do not need to do it) INTERVIEWER INSTRUCTION: Tick an answer for each of the household activities. INTERVIEWER clarification If the spontaneous answer is 'NO DIFFICULTY' or you are not sure about the answer you should probe if the respondent does the activity or cannot do the activity by him-/herself but for other reasons than his/her health state. In these cases answer 'Not applicable' should be recorded. A. Preparing meals B. Using the telephone ………. 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

6 Content of the new module
Questions grouped in 3 sections: Mobility and environmental accessibility Participation in major life domains Attitudes and behaviour Two life domains from EHSIS removed: Social support and contact Economic life 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

7 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force
Note on the proposal Questions focus only on health-related problems Difficulty to filter those having a health problems as previous EHIS questions do not cover exhaustively the health problems => no filter is introduced and questions are asked to all respondents 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

8 Mobility and environmental accessibility
13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

9 Participation in major life domains
13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

10 Follow-up question on help (MR2/PR2)
Variable: Lack of [type of support] contributing to the level of difficulty experienced in [aspect of mobility/major life domain] FILTERS Interviewer: Next question is to be asked only for respondents who have at least some difficulty in [performing at least one action related to their mobility/participating in at least one major life domain] because of a longstanding health problem (codes 2, 3, or 4). Question May I just check, does the lack of any of the following types of support contribute to the level of difficulty experienced? 1. Yes 2. No INSTRUCTIONS/ CLARIFICATIONS Interviewer instruction: Tick “Yes” or “No” for each type of support, only in the [aspect(s) of mobility/life domain(s)] for which the respondent has at least some difficulty. Type of support A. Special aids or equipment B. Personal help or assistance 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

11 Attitudes and behaviour (1)
13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

12 Attitudes and behaviour (2)
13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

13 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force
BE proposal (1) Now I would like you to think about some general activities. Here is a list of activities. For each of them can you tell me whether you usually have difficulty doing it without help because of health problems? Would you say… 1) No difficulty ) Some difficulty 3) A lot of difficulty 4) Cannot do at all / Unable to do 5) Not interested in doing the activity 1. Mobility (“leaving your home whenever you want to”), 2. Transport (“using motorised transport whenever you want to”). 3. Accessibility to buildings (“accessing the buildings you want to use”) 4. Education and training (“studying for a qualification at the moment”) (for respondents < 65 years) 5. Employment (“doing the kind of paid work that you want to do”) (for respondents < 65 years) 6. Internet use 7. Social contact and support, (“speaking with people, either in person or by telephone, as often as you want to”) 8. Leisure pursuits, (“pursuing hobbies or interests”)  9. Economic life – total other approach: EHSIS assesses financial barriers for goods and services – drop the item for EHIS 10. Attitudes and behaviour- total other approach: ESHIS assesses feelings of discrimination – drop the item for EHIS 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

14 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force
BE proposal (2) Follow up questions on the need of help to the ones used to assess help in ADL and IADL Items 4 and 5 and item 9 and 10 can be dropped. Maybe also item 7 as it is partially covered in EHIS (Oslo scale) 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

15 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force
FR comments Notion of “longstanding health problem” is not the same concept as disability Suggestion for using a wider notion: “a longstanding health problem or a disability”; the sample concerned by the question will be larger. First question should precise “taking into account your possible equipment” in order to measure difficulty in performing actions in the daily context. People censor themselves about difficulty they have in major life domains. Constraint is a part of daily life, thus people will maybe forget it. The tendency to self-censorship could differ between countries. 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

16 TF members are kindly invited to:
Comment on the proposed content: Are the right domains selected? Participation in political and public life should be added? Other domains? Is the proper wording for the domains used? For instance, "Studying for a qualification at the moment" is clear enough to show that the interest is in the participation in formal education or training? Or should we switch to adult education and lifelong learning? or "kind of paid work that you want to do" vs "you can do" What about the 2 EHSIS domains excluded? Comment on the proposed questions Filters Because of a longstanding health problem Studying for a qualification at the moment => what about older retired people? Doing the kind of paid work that you want to do => idem Need for further changes/adaptations 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

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