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The ocean is divided into 3 zones.

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Presentation on theme: "The ocean is divided into 3 zones."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ocean is divided into 3 zones.
Ocean Zones The ocean is divided into 3 zones.

2 Ocean Zones Intertidal Zone: stretches from the highest high tide line on land to the point out on the continental shelf that is exposed by the lowest low tide line. Neritic Zone:area of the ocean that extends from the low-tide line out to the point of the continental shelf. Open-Ocean Zone: deepest, darkest area of the ocean beyond the edge of the continental shelf.

3 Ocean Zones

4 Physical Conditions Each zone has certain physical conditions that help determine what organisms can live in that zone. Light Temperature Salinity Wave Action Pressure

5 The ocean coasts supports a variety of plant and animal life.
The Intertidal Zone The ocean coasts supports a variety of plant and animal life.

6 The Intertidal Zone Inter = between and Tidal = relating to the tides. So intertidal means between the tides. Low Tide: its dry and exposed to direct sunlight. High Tide: its covered with water.

7 Along the Shore Organisms that live in the intertidal zone must be able to tolerate the pounding waves and changes in temperature and salinity. They must also be able to withstand periods of being underwater and periods of being exposed to air.

8 The Intertidal Zone

9 Freshwater and saltwater meet on the coasts.
Estuaries: where freshwater from rivers mixes with saltwater. Wetlands: land area that is covered with a shallow layer of water during some or all of the year.

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