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Dinoflagellates By James Banks.

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1 Dinoflagellates By James Banks

2 Dinoflagellates Pyrrhophyta is the phylum name of the dinoflagellates.

3 About Dinoflagellates
90% of all dinoflagellates are marine plankton. Although many of them are microscopic, the largest, Noctiluca, may be as large as 2 mm in diameter!

4 Not related to Dinosaurs
The prefix Dino means whirling flagella. The Dinoflagellates are said to of out dated the Dinosaur

5 What they look like As you can see in the picture the dinoflagellates are a very ugly animal but without them you and I wouldn’t be able to breathe because they make most of the worlds oxygen

6 Anatomy This is the anatomy of a Dinoflagellate.

7 How they get around Dinoflagellates swim by means of two flagella, movable protein strands which propel the cell through the water. So basically they move like sperm.

8 Good but Bad The Dinoflagellates are good because they give us oxygen but they also are bad because they produce a Red Tide which destroys fishing based economies. The fish eat the Dinoflagellates that cause the red tide, and die.

9 Reproduction The most common form of reproduction is asexual, where daughter cells form by simple mitosis and division of the cell. The daughter cells will be genetically identical to that of the original cell.

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