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Invasive non-native species harm our…

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1 Invasive non-native species harm our…
From 23—29 March, organisations across the UK, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey will be coming together for a week of action to raise awareness of invasive non-native species and inspire others to help prevent their spread. Animals and plants from all over the world have been introduced to Britain by people. These are known as non-native species. In Britain there are around 2000 established non-native species Most are harmless but 10-15% spread and become invasive non-native species Invasive non-native species harm our… Economy. Each year Invasive non-native species cost the UK economy over £1.8 billion Way of life, for example by blocking up waterways interfering with travel and recreation Health, by spreading disease or as irritants of the skin and respiratory system Wildlife and the environment, and the damage they cause is usually irreversible. …what can I do to help? Be Plant Wise never dump garden, pond or aquarium plants in the wild If you’re an angler, boater, canoeist or similar, Check, Clean, Dry Take part in our COMPETITION and learn about biosecurity with free online training Volunteer with a Local Action Group Record invasive species if you spot them

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