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Mrs. Pace and Mrs. Mills’ Class Welcomes you to Open House!

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Pace and Mrs. Mills’ Class Welcomes you to Open House!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Pace and Mrs. Mills’ Class Welcomes you to Open House!

2 Friendly Reminders School doors do not open until 7:15 am.
School Picture Day is Tuesday, August 29th Bus Passes can be printed off of the school website

3 Why Does 5th Grade Seem So Much Harder?
Expectations are higher: The Common Core Standards for 5th grade are designed to show depth of knowledge. Therefore the 5th grade team has high expectations. Students are expected to perform at their best at all times, in school and at home. Preparation for Middle School We are preparing your child for middle school and how to become an independent learner! 7 Habit Leaders The class of has been studying the 7 Habits for 6 years! We expect them to utilize the habits throughout the day.

4 Why Does 5th Grade Seem So Much Harder?
The Georgia Milestone: In years past, students must pass both Reading and Math in order to be promoted to sixth grade. The tests will include written responses as well as multiple choice. Our goal is not only to get your child to meet standards on the GA Milestone, but to EXCEED standards! Testing begins April 11th “No one rises to low expectations” -Less Brown

5 Our Schedule Students come in and unpack.
They will begin each day by bringing their homework and agenda to be checked. At 7:45, the bell rings and we watch the announcements that are broadcast from the Learning Commons. We have students that are involved in the announcements and our class will lead the Pledge of Allegiance this year.

6 Math Mrs. Mills will teach Math this year.
Many questions on the Math section of the Milestone test will be WORD problems. Students will have Math homework almost every night. Homework will reinforce skills learned that week. Math Daily Warm Up quizzes will be given every Friday.

7 Math What will we learn? Place Value, Graphs
Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Whole Numbers and Decimals Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Fractions Geometry, Measurement, Area, and Volume Solve Simple and Complex Word Problems

8 Science and Social Studies
Mrs. Mills will be teaching Science and Social Studies this year. Science: Constructive and Destructive Forces Matter Electricity and Magnetism Cells and Organisms Social Studies Civil War and Reconstruction WWI and the Great Depression WWII and the Cold War Government 1950-Present Day

9 Science and Social Studies
Students will alternate between a Social Studies unit and Science unit throughout the year. Students will have notebooks for both Science and Social Studies. These notebooks will serve as Study Guides for tests and quizzes. Please have your students study this information throughout the year! It will be seen on the Milestone Test.

10 Recess!! We spend our recess time just outside the doors at the end of our hall. Students who have received a Red Circle or who have Missing Work will stay inside for Study Hall.

11 Reader’s Workshop Possibly our favorite time of the day!
Students will “Get In the Zone” and study specific genres this year. Our class oral read and the novel they have chosen to read independently should be in the same genre.

12 Reader’s Workshop During R.W. students *will listen to an oral read
*read a novel independently *conference individually about their chosen novel *meet with a guided reading group *Work on responding to literature *Receive their Time for Kids magazine to work with through the week before a quiz on Friday.

13 Writer’s Workshop Your student will be writing EVERY day during Writer’s Workshop! Students will begin focusing on personal narrative and writing stories based on their experiences. Your student will follow the writing process, which includes conferencing with me or their peers. You will also be asked to give feedback and proof-read their papers… Please check their WRITING section of their binder frequently. Students will also be writing many opinion and informational essays this year.

14 Spelling or Grammar Spelling: *Pre-Test
*Practice with words and their definitions during the week *Spelling Test on Friday Grammar *Caught Ya!~ *Daily Grammar Reveiw

15 LUNCH! Feel free to join us for lunch any day.
If you want to send in a special treat with your child for their birthday or holidays, they will be given out during lunch. No food from outside vendors can be brought into the cafeteria. When paying with a check, please put your students id# in memo line No canned sodas

16 Specials Students have specials at the end of the day.
This year, Specialists are responsible for grading students on an A-F scale Please remember students must have tennis shoes on to participate in PE and Music.

17 Agendas Agendas are another organizational tool
Agendas are a means of communication Parents should sign agendas each afternoon or evening Check homework (Is it complete?) Check for behavior Red circles Teacher notes

18 Edmodo will be used frequently this year!
Class Website Edmodo will be used frequently this year!

19 BYOD We will be a BYOD classroom this year. We use the devices for a number of activities. Permission Slip must be signed to participate. We have a 3 strike policy before devices must remain at home. Strike 1- Student loses device privileges in the classroom for 24 hours. Strike 2- Student loses device privileges in the classroom for one week. Strike 3- Student loses all device privileges for the remainder of the school year.

20 Binders Organization is KEY!!! Binders
Papers should be filed appropriately Papers to be removed from parent section only Use all notes and classwork/homework as a study guide

21 Factors Used in Determining Grades
Cumulative assessments and projects Evaluation of student work daily Teacher observation of participation and time on task

22 End of the Year Awards Criteria
Perfect Attendance= NO absences and NO tardies Outstanding Attendance= NO absences and 3 or fewer tardies Outstanding Achievement= All A’s and/or B’s , as well as an S in Work/Study Habits. Presidential Award= 85th percentile in Reading or Math on the 5th grade IOWA Test of Basic Skills PLUS maintained a 3.5 grade point average for the entire 4th grade year and the first two 9 weeks (semester) of the 5th grade year.

23 Behavior Management Red Circles LEADERSHIP letters O

24 End of the Year Field Trip
Where: Ruby Falls, The Southern Bell River Boat Tour, and the TN Aquarium 6:45 AM Due 6:00 PM (VERY TIRED & HAPPY!!)

25 End of the Year Field Trip
BEHAVIOR POLICY Since the trip is 9 months away, it is important for parents and students to understand that student participation in this trip will depend on appropriate behavior throughout the school year.  Three office referrals or one out of school suspension automatically eliminates a child from attending, and any other inappropriate behavior issues deemed by teachers and administration.  If behaviors are not acceptable or might interfere with the safety of others, students will lose the opportunity to join us and will have their money refunded.  We will notify parents if their child is in jeopardy of losing the field trip privilege.  Working together we can make this a successful year and a great trip for your children!

26 Dress Code Please remember that students must abide by the dress code.
NO short skirts, short shorts, shirts with spaghetti straps, or hats may be worn to school. Shorts must be longer than your fingertips when down by your side. Beginning this week, phone calls to parents will be made if alternate clothing is needed.

27 Scholastic Book Orders
We will be ordering books from Scholastic throughout the year. Students will be given a flyer and directions on how to place the order online.

28 Solar Eclipse- August 21st
The School Day will be extended by 45 minutes. Students MUST have a permission slip signed by Friday, August 18th to view the Solar Eclipse outside. Students without a permission slip will view it on the television from the NASA website.

29 The REMIND App Receive updates for our classes!
PACE- to to receive messages from Mrs. Pace. MILLS- to to receive messages from Mrs. Mills.

30 We are ready for a GREAT year at Pickett’s Mill!

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