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NDIA-AIAA Interoperability and Systems Integration Conference Joint Battle Management, Command & Control (JBMC2) Overview Brig Gen Marc “Buck”Rogers USJFCOM,

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Presentation on theme: "NDIA-AIAA Interoperability and Systems Integration Conference Joint Battle Management, Command & Control (JBMC2) Overview Brig Gen Marc “Buck”Rogers USJFCOM,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NDIA-AIAA Interoperability and Systems Integration Conference Joint Battle Management, Command & Control (JBMC2) Overview Brig Gen Marc “Buck”Rogers USJFCOM, J8 UNCLASSIFIED

2 TEAMWORK - The KEY to US Military Capability
One thing about the DOD-Industry Team… Somebody is always ready to support your efforts with a pat on the back… …And the best intentions may not produce desired results… UNCLASSIFIED

3 The Truth About Transformation
Been happening – and is happening Acceleration is the difference Doesn’t happen with the flip of a switch More about minds than things & technology Coherent roadmap to the future is key to transforming the force Must be orderly… Yet accommodate disrupting advances… Must organize for it, lead it, and sustain it UNCLASSIFIED

4 JBMC2 Responsibilities
Management Initiative Decision (MID 912) Expands USJFCOM responsibility for: Leading Combatant Commanders in development of joint doctrine, concepts, mission/capability requirements for Joint BMC2 Strengthening Department’s fielding of Joint Battle Management Command & Control (JBMC2) capabilities Coordinating JBMC2 capabilities for Joint integration & interoperability with the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) Oversight & directive authorities for selected DoD programs & initiatives UNCLASSIFIED

5 MID912 Authorities vs C2 FCB MID 912 JCIDS
A set of responsibilities and authorities A capability & requirements mechanism JROC SECDEF MID 912 JCIDS JCB (COCOMS/SERVICES /AGENCIES) Commander USJFCOM C2 FCB Gap and Solution analysis JBMC2 BOD GATEKEEPER JBMC2 Shortfall Prioritization; DOTMLPF Solutions (Service Lead Decisions; Programmatic issues etc); ACTD applicability and prioritization; JBMC2 Concepts; Experimentation; Integrated Architectures; JBMC2 Roadmaps; JBMC2 Prototyping; JCIDS Documents Initial Capability Documents (ICD) Capability Development Documents (CDD) Capability Production Documents (CPD) UNCLASSIFIED

6 Joint Command and Control
People and Processes Communication Capabilities Enables Joint Planning Deciding Coordinating Directing Assessing ALL are too slow and inefficient Service elements today can deploy, employ, create effects quicker than Joint Force Commander can “command and control” them! UNCLASSIFIED

7 Joint Command and Control Issues
The need for JTF Readiness Combat Units Train the Way They will Fight They are ready JTF HQ’s rarely train the Way They Will Fight Service HQ’s challenged to sustain readiness Shortfalls in decision-making, execution and assessment throughout the battlespace Technology is available now to enable more rapid, effective planning, decision-making and execution Collaborative environment drives both C2 processes and organizational changes Net-centric OPS require a new level of proficiency But, increases HQ personnel readiness requirement UNCLASSIFIED

8 Problem Set Failure to view C2 as an integrated weapon system
Interoperability shortfalls hamper C2 and Joint Fires Lack of standard operating procedures (SOPs) Lack of standard tactics, techniques, & procedures (TTPs) Ad Hoc JTF activation and augmentation No standards for JTF leadership or C2 personnel No standard deployable JTF C2 facilities Situation awareness shortfall across battlespace Missing decision support & info management tools Requires improvements in Joint Battle Management Command and Control (JBMC2) – (What IS That…?) (From: JTF C2 Operational Concept Study) UNCLASSIFIED

9 Joint Battle Management Command and Control (JBMC2) Definition
JBMC2 consists of the processes, architectures, systems, standards, and command and control operational concepts employed by the Joint Force Commander. The Joint Force Commander executes joint operations by employing joint and component BMC2 capabilities during the planning, coordinating, directing, controlling, and assessing of joint force operations from interface with the strategic level through the tactical level. Unifying construct -- Allows us to approach C2 from an integrated “weapon system” perspective UNCLASSIFIED

10 Vision for JBMC2 Capabilities
JBMC2 aims at providing an integrated, interoperable, and networked joint force that will: Ensure common shared situational awareness Provide fused, precise and actionable intelligence Support coherent distributed and dispersed operations, including forced entry into anti-access or area-denial environments Ensure decision superiority enabling more agile, more lethal, and survivable joint operations UNCLASSIFIED

11 Fundamental Battlespace Process = The Kill Chain
JBMC2 Components Joint C2 Joint ISR Joint Fires Interagency Coalition Joint Battle Management Command and Control spans the continuum of Joint C2, Joint Intelligence (ISR), Joint Fires, Interagency, and Coalition Fundamental Battlespace Process = The Kill Chain UNCLASSIFIED

12 Command and Control Landscape Unified Command Structure
National C2 GIG National STRATEGIC C4ISR SUPPORT Combatant Commanders Strategic Command & Control for Joint Warfighting STRATCOM C2 for Strategic Missions Unified Command Structure JBMC2 ARENA Operational Tactical JOINT C2 UNCLASSIFIED

13 Common Capability Requirements Drive JBMC2 Focus
For any crisis, all Combatant Commanders must: Execute command and control functions Plan and execute using the same forces provided Coordinate with the same national agencies Rely on the same ISR forces/sources/agencies Receive guidance from same national authorities Perform crisis action planning Perform assessment functions Execute force deployment/redeployment Employ the same national strategic capabilities Execute Information Operations Employ same SOF forces / “special” capabilities Coordinate with / employ multinational forces Rely on same supporting commands Be ready to execute Joint C2 (Train) UNCLASSIFIED

14 Implications of Net-Centric Warfare
New level of Interdependence & Mutual Dependence Speed of Command – but only if we adapt Organize, Train & Equip – vert & horiz Quality of decisions – the importance of: Shared Awareness Large scale vert & horiz collaboration Linking sensors to decision makers Tactics, Techniques & Procedures - important as ever Both a Capability and an Operational Concept Means to an end – Effects Based C2 Knowledge Management will be key Implications of Net-Centric Warfare UNCLASSIFIED

15 Challenges Exploiting new ways of doing business enabled by technical capabilities We tend to adapt new technologies to old ways of doing business – inability to see The science of decision-making Peaking decision-making via info superiority Linking activities in an Information Age Environment The Virtual and the Live A coherent roadmap for transforming the force Migration & integration of legacy & net-centric Ensuring capability as we transform Training Still the key to dominance in an IT “equalized” world UNCLASSIFIED

16 JBMC2 Must Embrace Knowledge Management Concept!
Data Overload means Information Camouflaged War in 2010: 1.5 trillion wpm Wideband Datalinks We can transmit the entire Library of Congress each minute Gulf War: 192,000 wpm Networked Computers World War I: 30 wpm Field Phone World War II: 60 wpm Radio Vietnam: 100 wpm SATCOM wpm - words per minute UNCLASSIFIED

17 “Objects In Mirror May Be Closer Than They Appear”
JBMC2 : What We Have to Do Enable decision-making throughout the battlespace (It’s a thing human beings do…) (Decision aids do not make judgments) Advance Effects Based Operations (EBO) Deter/defeat wide range of adversaries Master Knowledge Management Exploit new ways of doing business enabled by technical capabilities GIG provides options for JBMC2 – must exploit Strike balance of net-enabled & autonomous capabilities Accelerate interoperability efforts “Objects In Mirror May Be Closer Than They Appear” UNCLASSIFIED

18 Legacy C2 will not meet this challenge
Near Term Operational Arena Legacy C2 will not meet this challenge Operational Net Assessment (ONA) Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (JISR) Decision Superiority Effects-Based Operations (EBO) Information Operations (IO) Force Projection Joint Tactical Actions (JTA) Thinking Differently Fully Networked Coherently Joint Knowledge Centric Effects Based Standing Joint Force Headquarters (SJFHQ) Joint Interagency Coordination Group (JIACG) Collaborative Information Environment (CIE) Commanders are moving out – building CIEs, altering C2 CONOPs, writing SOPs – attempting to solve shortfalls and already employing some concepts UNCLASSIFIED

19 Transformation Leaders in JBMC2
Standing Joint Force Headquarters Collaborative Information Environments Deployable Joint Command and Control Netted Joint Forces Integrated Joint Fires Joint National Training Capability (JNTC) Advanced Concepts Effects Based Operations (EBO), Operational Net Assessment (ONA) Etc. UNCLASSIFIED

20 JBMC2 Value Added More efficient and effective application of military power through a unified and interoperable command and control structure. More info…To more users…In less time…at all levels Better planning, situational awareness and decisions Better info sharing with coalition partners (MNIS)… Improved TST (joint fires)……more accurate BDA….. Improved employment of capabilities… to deliver appropriate force on the right targets, at will, the first time, every time, and reduce fratricide … at all levels UNCLASSIFIED

21 SUMMARY Humans and their processes are still the driving factors in warfighting capability Key to Interoperability of Forces is C2 Net-Centric C Net-Centric Warfare Coherent Roadmap to the Future is Key to Transforming the Force UNCLASSIFIED

22 Back Up

23 Command and Control Shortfalls
(Legacy) People and Processes Communication Capabilities Ad hoc Joint Task Force HQ establishment Lack of readiness - untrained HQ personnel Individual Collective – JFC/JTF/CTF/CC HQ staff level Takes too long to stand up Takes too long to organize Nonstandard or nonexistent procedures Too long to “gel” as a team Too long to learn to use equip, software tools, rules, how a headquarters works Too long to gain situational awareness Lack of expertise in joint force planning Too long to begin planning, produce COAs Lack of doctrinal expertise / skills employing warfighting concepts in operations Insufficient joint/multinational interoperability Non-standard tools Incoherent architectures Legacy technology mixed with new Modern C4I too complex to employ on “walk-in” basis Lack of decision tools for Info Age Varying standards Incompatibility Information stovepipes Lack of ‘business rules” Lack of database visibility Non-responsive environment Limited horiz & vert integration (From Regional Combatant Command Survey) UNCLASSIFIED

24 JBMC2 Programs, Concepts & Initiatives Portfolio
ISR Joint Fires Interagency Coalition DJC2 SIAP SE SIGP/SIMP PE/TST CIE ONA JISR/BISR FIOP Systems Engineering Coordination JFI JIACG This represents the developing portfolio on JBMC2 activity coming under USJFCOM via MID912. Significant to note that in the absence of MID912, these activities would press ahead, on their own, some funded, some not, some with joint requirements, …..but all with no common coordination, reference point (concepts/integrated architectures) or management to ensure the “collective” efforts achieve desire joint capabilities. DCTS GCCS/JC2 GCSS DCGS GIG ES Programs/Initiatives directed by MID 912 Programs/Initiatives currently being developed by USJFCOM Programs/Initiatives proposed for expansion by MID 912 Programs/Initiatives recommended for inclusion as JBMC2 programs UNCLASSIFIED

25 Achieving Future Joint Force Integration
Continuously work with Combatant Commanders, Services, and Agencies to identify joint interoperability requirements and standards Enforce interoperability through validation of DoD requirements documents for information exchange requirements and interoperability key performance parameters consistent with approved Joint Requirements Oversight Council joint operational concepts and integrated architectures INTEROPERABILITY AND INTEGRATION CHALLENGE Equipment and TTP is not nearly as interoperable as we need -      Our focus in JI&I is two fold. First, we look to the future to transform the forces and make sure new concepts and systems are all born joint and synchronized with doctrine, organizations, training, leadership development and personnel And then we look to the present to make some key areas and systems are more interoperable Our future focus is on well defined and testable interoperable requirements defined to a level of specificity that a builder can build to it and a tester can test to it   Our legacy focus is on finding an interoperable solution and then working through all the aspects of the DOTMLPF construct and transitioning it into a service POM UNCLASSIFIED

26 Addressing Legacy Joint Force Interoperability and Integration
UCP 2002 & DoD Directive &.8 established USJFCOM Joint Interoperability & Integration (JI&I) Identify and prioritize Combatant Commanders warfighting shortfalls from operational to tactical level Develop comprehensive Doctrinal, Organizational, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel and Facilities (DOTMLPF) mission capability strategies Provide rapid fielding of mission capable solutions via transition funds - bridge Service, Agency Program Objective Memorandum cycles UNCLASSIFIED

27 Joint Capabilities Development Process
Inputs COCOM Capabilities Rqmts outcomes Lessons Learned Real World Operations Capabilities Gap Joint Training & Exercises Feedback Warfighter Shortfalls Experimentation findings Priorities New Concepts (e.g. EBO, ONA) S & T Acquisition Experimentation PPBS Future Req’ts (TCPs) Battlespace awareness Analysis & Requirements Development JCIDS FCBs Integration & Packaging Force application Policy, guidance & transformational issues - TPG, DPG JCS - Services - Allied Cmd Trans - COCOMs - Transformation Roadmap Owners Commander JFCOM Command & control Protection JFCOM Orgs - JI&I - Trainer - CD&E - JBC - etc. Services Coalition Analysis Classification, Correlation, & Requirements Development Logistics - Near Term Capabilities for COCOMs Limited Objective Experiments Joint Training Initiatives Direct Action Policy, guidance & Transformational issues Feedback UNCLASSIFIED

28 Joint Capabilities Development Process J8 J8
Inputs COCOM Capabilities Rqmts outcomes Lessons Learned Real World Operations Capabilities Gap Joint Training & Exercises Feedback Warfighter Shortfalls Experimentation findings Priorities New Concepts (e.g. EBO, ONA) S & T Acquisition Experimentation PPBS Future Req’ts (TCPs) Battlespace awareness Analysis & Requirements Development JCIDS FCBs Integration & Packaging Force application Policy, guidance & transformational issues - TPG, DPG JCS - Services - Allied Cmd Trans - COCOMs - Transformation Roadmap Owners Commander JFCOM Command & control J8 J8 PDITs ? Protection JFCOM Orgs - JI&I - Trainer - CD&E - JBC - etc. Services Coalition Analysis Classification, Correlation, & Requirements Development Logistics - Near Term Capabilities for COCOMs Limited Objective Experiments Joint Training Initiatives Direct Action Policy, guidance & Transformational issues PDITs Feedback UNCLASSIFIED

29 JBMC2 Mandate Secretary of Defense directed expanded responsibilities for USJFCOM to improve the Department of Defense ability to field Joint Battle Management Command and Control capabilities (MID 912) “Strengthens the Department’s fielding of Joint Battle Management Command and Control capabilities by improving the Department’s ability to organize, train, and equip joint forces.” UNCLASSIFIED

30 “Transformational” Vocabulary
Effects Based Operations (EBO) - A process for obtaining a desired strategic outcome or "effect" on the enemy, through the synergistic, multiplicative, and cumulative application of the full range of military and nonmilitary capabilities at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels. UNCLASSIFIED

31 “Transformational” Vocabulary
Standing Joint Force Headquarters (SJFHQ) - Intended to provide each warfighting joint theater Commander with a trained and equipped standing, Joint Command and Control (C2) capability specifically organized to reduce the lag time involved in setting up a JTF headquarters ready to rapidly and decisively conduct operations in small-scale contingencies. Weapon(s) system - A combination of one or more weapons with all related equipment, materials, services, personnel, and means of delivery and deployment (if applicable) required for self-sufficiency. UNCLASSIFIED

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