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INAC Services Portal Completing the Annual Register of Post-Secondary Education Students Report CIDM #8850387.

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Presentation on theme: "INAC Services Portal Completing the Annual Register of Post-Secondary Education Students Report CIDM #8850387."— Presentation transcript:

1 INAC Services Portal Completing the Annual Register of Post-Secondary Education Students Report CIDM #

2 Learning Objectives This presentation will outline the steps required to complete an Annual Register of Post-Secondary Education Students (PSE Report) Data Collection Instrument (DCI). Note: When you request a rolled-over PSE Report from INAC, the Education Information System (EIS) pre-fills the report with student information from the previous year. This presentation will describe procedures as though you are entering a new student, in order to provide you with the most complete instructions.

3 Completing the Identification Sections
Report Identification Section Verify the fiscal year. The reporting period field will be populated with Annual. Organization Identification Section Complete all applicable data fields. Those that are mandatory are marked with an asterisk ( * ).

4 Validating the Identification Sections
Click on the Organization Validation, Correct and Continue button to verify that all mandatory data fields have been completed in the Report Identification and the Organization Identification sections. If not successfully validated, an Initial Validation Report window is displayed. Click on the Return to PDF button and the missing mandatory data fields will be outlined in red. “Follow the red-brick road”

5 Validating the Identification Sections
Once you have completed all of the mandatory data fields, select the Organization Validation, Correct and Continue button again. When successfully validated, a window will appear stating “Initial validations were successful.” Click OK. The form will expand and the remaining pages will be available. The Organization Validation, Correct and Continue button will no longer be available.

6 Contacts: Primary Contact Information The Primary Contact is the person who INAC would contact for general questions regarding the PSE Report. Complete the details in the Primary Contact Information section. If the Street Address is the same as the Mailing Address, click on the Same as Mailing Address check box. The information will be populated in the Street Address section. Note: At least one Primary Contact is mandatory.

7 Contacts: Secondary Contact Information The Secondary Contact is the back-up in case the Primary Contact is unavailable. Answer the question: “Do you want to specify a secondary contact?” If you select Yes, all mandatory data fields in the Secondary Contact Information section must be completed. If you select No, all fields are removed from the form.

8 Student Information: Unfunded Students
You have the option to provide information regarding eligible students who received partial or no PSSSP/UCEP funding (unfunded demand) You will be asked following question: If you select Yes, you will need to complete the following two data fields If you select No, the data fields will not be displayed

9 Student Information: Adding a PSE Institution
Click Add Institution to make a selection from a list of schools where students were accepted into a program of study and eligible for PSE funding. Search for the official name of the institution in the PSE Institution data field. If the institution is not on this list, contact your Regional Office. The Institution No. data field is automatically populated with the ID number. Tip: To remove a PSE Institution, click on the X and select Yes to confirm. When you remove a PSE Institution, you also remove related Student Information.

10 Student Information: Adding a Student
Click Add Student. Complete the Student Information section for students that applied to you and were eligible for PSE funding. Enter the student’s Family Name, Given Name(s), Alias Name(s) (if applicable), Date of Birth, Gender and Identity. Enter the Indian Registry No. of the student. This data field is enabled only if the identity of the student is First Nation. Important: Only Inuit and registered First Nation students are eligible for PSSSP / UCEP funding. Reference the National Program Guidelines for detailed eligibility criteria. Tip: To remove a student, click on the X and select Yes to confirm. When you remove a student, you also remove the related information.

11 Student Information: Adding Semesters
Click Add Semester. For students who received funding, enter the details for each semester they were funded. From the Semester drop down list, select a semester during which the student was accepted into a program of study and was eligible to receive PSE funding. You can add up to four semesters – Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Note: The Semester selected becomes part of the label to identify the Enrolment Information and Student Achievement Information sections. Tip: To remove a Semester, click on the X and select Yes to confirm. When you remove a semester, you also remove the related information.

12 Student Information: Adding Semesters
Select Full-time or Part-time to indicate the student’s level of participation. Note: The PSE Report displays data fields in the Student Information section in the order in which you need to complete them. You must enter the student's Full-time or Part-time participation in order to display additional sections. The available options in various drop-down lists are dependent upon this selection. Important: If a semester bridges 2 fiscal years, the full semester is to be reported on in the fiscal year in which the semester began. For example, if a student attends a PSE Institution during a winter semester that runs from January 2017 to April 30, 2017, the funding for the month of April is to be included in the PSE Report.

13 Student Information: Enrolment Information
Enter the Number of Dependents [if there are no dependents, enter 0 (zero)], Marital Status, Method of Delivery, Program Start Date, and the Academic Program Length (normal length of time required to complete the program on a continuing full-time basis; not necessarily the actual time). If the Degree Granting Institution is the same one in which the student is enrolled, select the Same as PSE Institution check box. If it is a different institution, search for its official name. If the institution is not on this list, contact your Regional Office. Note: For students who were eligible but did not receive funding, you have the option to enter enrolment information for a semester. This information describes the program into which they were accepted but for which they did not receive financial assistance from INAC.

14 Student Information: Enrollment Information
Select the Level of Education Sought (this list only contains credentials that are eligible for PSE funding). Select the Area of Study – Category and the Area of Study – Sub-category. This list is populated with relevant specializations based on the selected category. For details on the available categories, refer to the PSE – Areas of Study Job Aid. Note: If the Level of Education Sought selected is University / College Entrance Preparation, the Area of Study – Category and Area of Study – Sub-category data fields are automatically populated.

15 Student Information: Student Achievement Information
Provide the corresponding Student Achievement Information to describe the results of the semester funded. These data fields are only available for students who were funded. For each semester: Select the Student Achievement status at the end of the semester. Select the Student's Academic Year of Study Just Completed. Note: After you enter information in the first semester, the enrolment information is copied to subsequent semesters as you add them. You can change this information as required.

16 Student Information: Student Achievement Information
Note: The value entered in the Student's Academic Year of Study Just Completed data field is incremented once the year has been successfully completed. Until a student completes all the requirements for the first year of the program, select 0 (zero). When the student completes all first year requirements, select 1 (one), after completing second year courses, select 2, and so on. For example: A program requires that 5 courses be completed between September and April. If all 5 courses are completed, you would enter 1. However, if only 3 courses were completed, 0 would be entered.

17 Student Information: Funds Provided by Type of Expense
Click Add Expense to add an expense row for each type of expense, per semester, for which the student received funding. Select an Expense Type. Enter the sum of all the Funds Provided for this expense type. Tip: Once you select an Expense Type, you cannot change the details in the Full-time / Part-time or Level of Education Sought data fields. If you need to make changes, remove the semester and start again.

18 Student Information: Funds Provided by Type of Expense
The Total Amount is automatically calculated and is displayed in the row alongside the Semester name. Note: Although a PSE Report containing no expenses can be uploaded into EIS by an INAC employee, the Report cannot be accepted. Expenses must be entered in order for a Recipient to submit the Report via the Portal. Tip: To remove an Expense Type, click on the X and select Yes to confirm.

19 Student Information: Costs
The expense types are grouped into the following sections: University College Entrance Preparation (UCEP) Post-Secondary Student Support (PSSSP) Program Administration (for both UCEP and PSSSP) Click the Calculate button to display a summary of the Costs. Tip: Remember to click Calculate again if the expense amounts are updated. The calculation is also performed automatically when you save the file or click Print Details.

20 Student Information: Costs
Enter the Program Administration costs for each category and provide an Explanation. Tip: Administration costs can be any value (including $0.00) up to 10% of the total program costs. The percentage of the Program Administration Costs is automatically calculated. A warning will be displayed if the value is exceeded.

21 Student Information: Adding Additional Semesters
If additional semesters need to be included for the same student: Select Add Semester. The details that you previously entered in the Student Information section are displayed. Select the Semester and the student's Full-time/Part-time attendance. Only those remaining semesters will be included in the drop-down. The details previously entered in the Enrolment Information section will be displayed. If the student was funded this semester, complete the Student Achievement Information and the Funds Provided by Type of Expense sections. Repeat these steps for each semester the student was planning to attend school and was eligible to have received PSE funding, regardless of whether they were funded.

22 Supporting Documents (optional)
To attach a supporting document click the Add Document button and complete all mandatory data fields. Note: Supporting Documents, when attached to a PSE Report, must first be saved locally before viewing. Supporting Documents can no longer be viewed using the paper clip. Important: There are no mandatory supporting documents required for the PSE Report. However, if you do submit them, all supporting documents MUST be submitted electronically. Tip: To remove a Supporting Document, and the entire row from the list, click on the X and select Yes to confirm.

23 Finalizing the PSE Report: Initial Validation
When you have completed the Report, click on the Initial Validation button to verify that all mandatory data fields have been completed in all sections. If not successfully validated, an Initial Validation Report window is displayed. Click on the Return to PDF button and the missing mandatory data fields will be outlined in red. “Follow the red-brick road”

24 Finalizing the PSE Report: Initial Validation
If successfully validated, a window will appear stating “Initial validations were successful.” Tip: It is highly recommended that you check your PSE Report for missing data prior to submitting it to INAC.

25 Entering the Declaration
The final step to complete the PSE Report is to enter identification details of the person who has reviewed the information provided, and who confirms that it is accurate to the best of their knowledge. Enter the following: Given Name Family Name Title Date Tip: Before you enter the Declaration, click Initial Validation and make sure there are no errors remaining. Once all validations are successful, save the PSE Report to your local drive. Submit the Report via the INAC Services Portal, or send it to your Regional Office.

26 Buttons The following buttons are available at the top of the PSE Report: 1. View Instructions Select this button to display a list of documents embedded in the PSE Report which will help you complete and submit the Report. 2. Expand All Select this button to fully display all data fields. Also, click this button to refresh the form. It is recommended that you select this button once you have completed the identification sections and performed a validation. 3. Initial Validation Select this button to verify that all mandatory data fields have been completed in all sections. Print Details Select this button to print the PSE Report. All sections will automatically be expanded when the form is printed. All expenses will also be calculated. About the Form Select this button to find out the version of Adobe® Acrobat ® Reader that you are using. Also, it is used for troubleshooting purposes by IT Services

27 Tips & Tricks on Data Entry
If a field is highlighted in blue, it is an active field and you can enter information into it. Click in the blue area to place the cursor in the field. To continue, press Tab or click the next field. If you see that a field is white (not highlighted), it is either disabled or auto-completed and you cannot enter anything into it. There are two ways to recognize mandatory fields: There is an asterisk ( * ) before the field label. You can click Initial Validation to obtain an error report and highlight missing mandatory information. There are two ways to recognize errors. Incorrect or incomplete recommended fields generate Warnings which appear as pop-up messages. The field that contains the error is framed in red. A collapsed section is highlighted in red to indicate that you need to expand it to display errors within. Expand the field by clicking on the + beside the field, or select Expand All at the top of the form.

28 Saving a Form with Errors
If you are working on a form that has not been successfully validated, you can still save the file and complete it at a later time. Click File. Click Save. Select No. The file will be saved, with errors, and will be closed.

29 Questions?

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