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Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center

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Presentation on theme: "Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center
Wellness for Every American Indian to Achieve and View Health Equity- Northwest WEAVE-NW

2 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
WEAVE-NW 11/23/2018 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board

3 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
About WEAVE-NW… Long-term Objective To decrease cardiovascular disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes Upstream Projects Policy, systems, and environment (PSE) focus Culturally adapted prevention activities 11/23/2018 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board

4 What is a policy, system & environment (PSE) change?
Policy passing of or change to a law, ordinance, resolution, regulation or rule designed to guide or influence behavior System involves change made to organizational procedures Environment change made to the physical surroundings 11/23/2018 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board

5 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
Year 1 Highlights 5 Sub-awards Logic Model and evaluation Data Sharing Agreements Site visits Video conference calls Dissemination of resources Trainings and Workshops Risky Business Training Native Fitness Training Health Data Literacy Workshop Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board

6 Year 2-4 (2015-2019) 5 new sub-awards each year Extend YR1 contracts
Technical Support Online PSE Library WEAVE-NW Website Tribal Community Factsheets Tobacco Project Specialist Continue Current Trainings Monthly Training Modules Extend YR1 contracts 5 new sub-awards each year

7 Technical Support for All Tribes
Monthly training modules Resources & Technical Assistance 11/23/2018 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board

8 Year 2 Sub-award Announcement Applications due 11/09/15
Maximum of $25,000 a year for up to 2 years = $50,000 Funding for activities related to: Health policies Health systems Built environment Quarterly updates and interim reports Funding Restrictions: Research Clinical care Furniture Equipment Clinic and patient supplies Building (breaking ground)

9 Examples of Projects Increase access to healthy traditional foods
Community gardens Food policy in schools, elder centers, head start Farm to school, farmer’s markets Increase physical activity Walking path use Prescriptions/referrals to fitness opportunities Breastfeeding initiatives Reduce commercial tobacco use & secondhand smoke Team-based care strategies for chronic disease

10 WEAVE-NW Team Victoria Warren-Mears Director Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center Nanette Star Yandell Project Director Nora Alexander Project Specialist Jenine Dankovchik Project Evaluator Ryan Swafford Tobacco Project Specialist

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