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Meter Data Management – From the Smarter Grid to Future Market Platforms in Liberalized Energy Markets Sebnem Rusitschka, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology,

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Presentation on theme: "Meter Data Management – From the Smarter Grid to Future Market Platforms in Liberalized Energy Markets Sebnem Rusitschka, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meter Data Management – From the Smarter Grid to Future Market Platforms in Liberalized Energy Markets Sebnem Rusitschka, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Germany Stephan Merk, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Germany Dr. Heinrich Kirchauer, Siemens AG, Energy Sector, Austria Dr. Monika Sturm, Siemens AG, Energy Sector, Austria

2 Motivation and Background
E-Energy Program funded by German Federal Ministery of Economics and Technology Field trials in six model regions Integration of DER Future energy market places Smart prosumers in smart grids E-DeMa project focus Automation of business processes Innovative energy products ICT based prosumer-side energy management  Requires powerful meter data management systems

3 Scenario & Stakeholder Analysis – Status quo
Liberalization of metering business Prosumers can choose Metering service provider Monthly bills Variable tariffs Challenges Overburdened DSO as central data hub Retailers have no incentives to offer variable tariffs (energy procurement acc. standard profiles) Interruptible loads and distributed feed-in not utilized economically End User Processes Metering Metering Service Provider Energy Retailer Distribution System Operator Processes Retailer Processes Balancing Balance Responsible Party Balance Coordinator

4 Scenario & Stakeholder Analysis – Trends
Retailer procurement based on metering data and not SLP; use meter reads for forecast Contracting of interruptible loads by DSO to defer grid expansion instead of emergency disconnects Aggregators bundle interruptible loads and feed-ins from prosumers Requires Data exchange platform Powerful meter data management End User Processes Metering Metering Service Provider Energy Retailer & Aggregator Distribution System Operator Processes Retailer Processes Balancing Balance Responsible Party Balance Coordinator

5 Energy Market Platform Ecosystem
EEX TSO E-ENERGY MARKETPLACE SMART PORTFOLIO RET SMART GRID DSO data exchange hub - market communication - market for energy products AGG - Flexibility procurement planning Detection of network problems Variable network charges - Procurement planning Bundling of loads and feed-ins Hexagon der Stakeholder - Punkte unter jeweiligen Player geben positive Implikationen durch Einführung von Smart Metering SMART PROSUMPTION PRO SMART METERING MSP EEX … Energy Exchange TSO … Transmission Operator MSP … Metering Service Provider DSO … Distribution System Operator RET … Retailer AGG … Aggregator PRO … Prosumer - Automated energy management Automated data collection Automated roll-out and provisioning

6 Meter Data Management System Design
All roles need a set of core features Specific roles need additional “value added services” Data management for procurement/sales and billing Data processing for distribution grid operations Modular architecture Extensible architecture Coupled by service bus Core Features Provisioning, Collection & Delivery Data Validation Privacy & Confidentiality Protection Service Bus Upstream Systems Data Processing for Distribution Grid Management Systems Data Management for Billing & Charging Procurement planning Value-added Services For Technical Systems Commercial Systems

7 MDM Core Features Contract based provisioning, data collection, delivery Contract based metering granularity (intervals, registers) Delivery as required by upstream systems Easier tariff or retailer change Data validation Contract and context based validation (e.g. outage, weather) Invalid data triggers appropriate processes (e.g. estimation, meter check) Privacy protection and confidentiality Balancing of business needs with privacy requirements Filtering according to principle of data minimization

8 MDM Value Added Services
Commercial valued added services Optimized procurement with current meter data for retailers Balancing of aggregator contracts for DSOs Support for complex tariffs (time-, load-dependent …) Flexible delivery to upstream billing systems Technical valued added services Insight into low-voltage distribution grid Manage DER feed-in Optimized grid planning to reduce CAPEX Real-time operation in a closed-loop mode to reduce OPEX

9 Conclusion Meter data management is a central smart grid cornerstone
MDM systems offer core features and value added services for commercial and technical challenges Loose coupling of modular architecture guarantees extensibility to new requirements flexible deployment for different market roles

10 MDM Projects of Siemens in Germany/Austria
Salzburg AG (Salzburg, Austria) MDM EnergyIP installation for integration of an existing AMIS Metering pilot with the SAP legacy system – focus is on efficiency gains in operation management. Umetriq/GASAG (Berlin, Germany) Complete IT system consisting of AMIS TS as MUC-enabled HES and EnergyIP as MDM for the role of the independent metering service provider. EnBW ODR (Ellwangen, Germany) Complete system of AMIS end devices, AMIS PLC communication and the AMIS TS HES as well as EnergyIP as the MDM for the market role of the DSO. emporA Elekro Mobiltäts Forschungsprojekt (Austria) Austrian lighthouse project for electro-mobility together with Verbund, Magna et al as well as REWE and Raiffeisen Leasing as operators of the system.

11 Contact Dr. Heinrich Kirchauer Siemens AG
Center of Competence for Metering Services Ruthnergasse 3, 1210 Vienna, Austria

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