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Country Coordinating Mechanism- Nepal

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1 Country Coordinating Mechanism- Nepal

2 Background Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Nepal, established in to access and oversee global fund financing that supports and compliments national strategies on three diseases. Principal Recipient, Since then UNDP, FPAN, PSI, Ministry of Health and Save the Children is the designated/ chosen by the CCM to receive funding from the Global Fund, implement programs, and distribute funds to sub-recipients. CCM Secretariat, responsible for day-to-day operations, coordinating meetings and assist the CCM in overseeing grant implementation and hosted by then Ministry of Health Nepal

3 Current Situation Principal Recipient, Save the Children is managing overall global fund grants as PR in close collaboration with Ministry of Health, Civil Societies and External Development Partners. CCM Secretariat, is hosted by Ministry of Health but it functions independently to run day-to-day operations, coordinating meetings and assist the CCM in overseeing grant implementation. CCM Structure, 27 Members structure was approved by CCM Nepal meeting

4 Nepal CCM Membership Composition before Jan 2018
CONSTITUENCY TOTAL MEMBER SUB-CONSTITUENCY Government 10 3: Ministry of Health 7: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Women Children and Social Welfare, National Planning Commission, Ministry of Labor and Employment, Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development NGO/CSO 5 1: NGO Working in TB 1: NGO working in Malaria 1: NGO Working in HIV 2: Regional NGOs working for HIV, TB or malaria People living with or affected by the diseases 3 1: People living with HIV and representing people living with HIV 1: People affected by TB and representing the people affected by TB; 1: People affected by Malaria, or the expert representing non-government organization or institution working in the area of Malaria Key affected populations 1: People who inject drug (PWID 1: Men who have sex with men and transgender people 1: Female Sex workers 1: Migrants 1: In close setting (prison) Academic/ Research institution 1 1: Academia/ Public sector autonomous health research institution Private Sector 1: Representative of private for profit organization Multilateral and Bilateral 2 1: Representatives of Multilateral agencies 1: Representatives of Bilateral agencies

5 Nepal CCM Membership Composition After Jan 2018
CONSTITUENCY TOTAL MEMBER SUB-CONSTITUENCY Government 5 2: Ministry of Health 1: Ministry of Finance 1: Ministry of Federal Affairs & General Administration 1: Ministry of Women, Child and Social Welfare NGO/CSO 2 NGO/Network working TB, HIV, Malaria People living with or affected by the diseases 3 1: People living with HIV and representing people living with HIV 1: People affected by TB and representing the people affected by TB; 1: People affected by Malaria, or the expert representing non-government organization or institution working in the area of Malaria Key affected populations Among Key Population group Academic/ Research institution 1 1: Academia/ Public sector autonomous health research institution Private Sector 1: Representative of private for profit organization Multilateral and Bilateral 1: Representatives of Multilateral agencies 1: Representatives of Bilateral agencies

6 CCMN Structure

7 CCMs: Experiences and challenges
Managing Conflicts of interest and uniform understanding Representation of sectors (engagement, capacity) Confusion between the CCM and other national bodies Oversight Function Limited and dependent with Global Fund Grants (Interventions) Network and Members correlations Government Constituencies Knowledge among CCM Members on CCM function and their role

8 Achievements Eligibility, Regain the Eligibility Status on September 2017 Development of Funding Application, an inclusive process has adopted to prepare the Funding Application with adhering all the standard requirements. (meaningful representations by key population, CSOs and stakeholders) CCM Nepal, Submitted Application to the Global Fund on August 2017 and now new grant has been started implementation

9 CCM Organogramn FULL CCM CCM EC (Executive Committee) CCM Secretariat
Development of Funding Application Oversight Committee (OSC) Technical Working Group (TWG) CCM Secretariat PR- HIV PR- TB PR- Malaria SRs SRs SRs

10 Current Priorities Election of CCM Members, CCM formed a team to facilitate the process, election process will be completed by first week of May Oversight Function, need to make more function (plan has been already prepared, once CCM endorse the plan then rollout process will start) Recruitment of CCM Secretariat Staff, is on process will be completed by May 2018.

11 Thank you

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