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Wednesday February 11, 2015 Agenda Homework

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1 Wednesday February 11, 2015 Agenda Homework
Go Over last night’s homework. Terrorism and the Patriot Act Notes What it’s like to be a civil rights lawyer! Progress Reports Tomorrow!

2 Civics and Economics Day 104

3 Tragedy of the Commons in Current Events
Vaccines are a proven way to eliminate a diseases from a population. They contain a weakened form of the disease that sometimes causes a small infection. If everyone gets the vaccine the disease gets eliminated because no one carries the disease. Imagine a parent doesn’t want their child to get the vaccine because they don’t want their child to get an infection. 1. What happens if everyone but one person gets the Measles vaccine? Will that person get the Measles if no one has it to give to them? 2. What happens if more and more parents don’t want their children to get the vaccine what will happen? 3. What would happen if no one got the vaccine and someone brought Measles to the community? 4. How does this show individual interest conflicting with the common good.

4 Tragedy of the Commons

5 What do these mean? Patriot Freedom Terrorist

6 Vocabulary Patriot Person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors

7 Freedom The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint

8 Terrorist Terrorism Domestic Terrorism
A Person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims. Terrorism Systematic use of violence (terror) as a means of coercion for political purposes. Domestic Terrorism Terrorist attacks carried out by people born in that country

9 September 11, 2001 4 Planes were Hi-jacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists
2977 victims, more than 6000 injured

10 Oklahoma City Bombing April 19, 1995
Claimed the Lives of 168, injured 680

11 The Patriot Act Enacted in 2001 as a response to September 11th attacks. Enabled the government to limit certain civil liberties, basic rights and freedoms, to ensure American safety against terrorists.


13 ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)
“The ACLU is our nation’s guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.” – ACLU website.


15 In Your GROUPS I want you to 1. Read Handout 1: The Amendments
2. Read Handout 2 and find something that breaks or could break that amendment. Each person should pick an amendment in the group but ultimately you will help each other on this. 3. Read Hand out 3 and prepare an argument as a group for which group has it worse and why.

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