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Go Green Workbook: October 2015

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1 Go Green Workbook: October 2015
Activities Evidence Points Communications BRONZE: One or more Go Green Champion has been identified for your school / department (as listed in the electricity league - see slide 2). The champion and the Go Green Leader is known to staff in that department (staff / poster on notice board). Sustainability has been added as a recurring item in team meetings or a go green meeting has been set up with different representatives from a school / department. Evidence of trail, or picture of poster, minutes of a meeting. 2 SILVER: There are multiple Go Green Champions for your department within different areas (within reason) and, where possible, one per area / room / building. There is a procedure in place to provide all new starters with environmental information: for example, recycling, light switches, travel information and switch off procedures. A list of champions and where they're based. You could annotate an existing team structure chart. You could over an induction checklist you have in place for new starters. 5 GOLD: The department / school has included environmental credentials in job descriptions when recruiting new staff. This could be added in to 'desirable' credentials in job that applicants should support the university's sustainability agenda. 10 BONUS: Extra points will be made available for staff who show initiative in communicating environmental issues - the more creative, the better! This could include 'fact of the month' for staff, quizzes or internal competitions. 3 Total points available: 20

2 Go Green Workbook: October 2015
Departments and Schools as Listed in the Monthly Electricity League: ABS Aston Student Villages Catering CLIPP Conference Aston EAS Estates and CD + Central Teaching Finance HR, Staff Dev. And Safety Office The Hub International, Marketing, Careers & Outreach IT and AV LHS Library LSS Registry Security Sports Aston Students' Union VC, BPU, RSO and DARO

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