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Community Based ICT Development: An Experience

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1 Community Based ICT Development: An Experience
Onno W. Purbo

2 Disclaimer .. I’m a jobless common Indonesian I’m an engineer
I’m not a social scientist or a economics I’m certainly not a regulator .. I tend to simplify things ..

3 Acknowledgement Studi Pembangunan Institut Teknologi Bandung
International Development Research Center (IDRC) in Canada. CERN Geneva, Swiss. A lot of friends & comrades ..

4 Focus on .. Experience in community based ICT development.
More on practical (techno) experiences .. High Impact, Low Cost & Sustainable.

5 The Vision .. To See Knowledge Based Society in Indonesia
ICT is used a tool / platform

6 Unfortunately .. (or fortunately?)
It is a long 10+ years process .. Not much funding Government World Bank IMF

7 Indonesia 1993 Internet Users Few Cybercafe None
Schools on Internet None ICT books Few ICT Magazine Few

8 10+ Years Later, Today .. 7.5+ Million Indonesian Internet Users
5000+ WiFi outdoor installations 2000+ CyberCafes 1500+ schools on the Internet 1000+ Community Radio 20+ ICT Magazines Hundreds ICT Books Title Hundreds Local ICT Authors

9 Stories Behind The Screen ..
“Jihad” for Community Based ICT Infrastructure vs. The Incumbent Jurassic Infrastructure

10 Empowerment .. It can be self-financed!!

11 Distribute CD

12 Web
Requests for help, talk & workshop from Nicaragua, Venezuela, Benin, Malaysia, Egypt, Pakistan, Mozambique etc …

13 Mailing Lists 2600+ lists subscribers 50+ / second

14 Workshops Roadshows

15 Publish ~40 Books ..

16 Subtle Influence The Policy

17 In The Past Guidance Parliament Government License Input Operator
Service Common

18 Community Movement Government Education / Knowledge Community

19 Community Movement Government Community ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT

20 Community Movement Government Pressure Community ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT

21 Unlicensing WiFi Band .. Today Next 5 Years Users 1 million
Large Market! US$35/unit production cost  US$4.5 million industrial value! Today Next 5 Years Users 1 million 17.8 million ISP Tax/yr US$ US$2.4 million VAT Tax/yr US$ US$14.8 mllion Invest Tax US$ 2 million US$69.6 mllion PC units 5000 2 million WiFi equipts 5500

22 The conservative consequences
17.8+ million Internet users

23 Indonesia will be dangerous!
Country Population 2003 Australia 20+ million Malaysia 23+ million Philippine 84+ million Thailand 63+ million Vietnam 81+ million Burma 42+ million Canada 31+ million

24 Pro Community Policy Government Pro-Community Pro-People Pro-Poor

25 5 January 2005 Unlicensing 2.4GHz

26 Others Learn From Us!! Thanks Goes To
International Development Research Center (IDRC) in Canada. CERN Geneva, Swiss.


28 “What If No Telco Necessary?” Onno W. Purbo, CERN Courier July 2003

29 On Canada CPAC TV Channel 25 March 2004 21:10

30 Keep in mind It is a long 10+ years of dedication & development processes … SORRY BUT - Not much celebration, parties, ribbon cutting, & spot lights …

31 The Catch … Need A “Leader” It’s not easy to find one  …..
The one who Has the vision Knows the way Shows the way Goes the way It’s not easy to find one  …..

32 Thank You Knowledge is power Share it It will multiply

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