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Communism Spreads (Part s)

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1 Communism Spreads (Part 1 - 1950s)
History Notes – 13-2

2 Communism Spreads Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD):
(1949) Soviet Union makes nuclear bomb Neither side uses nukes, scared of retaliation

3 Communism Spreads (1949) Communist leader Mao Zedong takes China

4 Communism Spreads (1949) Communist leader Kim Il-Sung takes over North Korea

5 Communism Spreads Domino Effect: If one country falls to communism…
…neighboring countries will fall to communism too

6 Domino Effect

7 Korean War Korean War (1950-1953)
China supports North Korea (communist) U.S. supports South Korea (democratic) War ends in a draw

8 Map of Korea during Korean War

9 Picture by U.S. soldier, South Korea, 1951

10 Communism Spreads Eisenhower Doctrine (1957):
U.S. will help Middle East resist communism

11 Iran (1953) C.I.A. overthrows Mohammed Mossadegh, President of Iran
U.S. installs pro-U.S. dictator, Shah of Iran

12 Guatemala (1954) C.I.A. overthrows President Jacobo Arbenz of Guatemala

13 Guatemala C.I.A. installs a pro-U.S. dictator Castillo Armas

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