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19-21 March 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia

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1 19-21 March 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia
Strengthening multi-hazard risk assessment and early warning systems with applications of space and GIS in Pacific island countries WMO Workshop on the “Space-based Weather and Climate Extremes Monitoring (SWCEM) Demonstration Project (SEMDP)” 19-21 March 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia

2 Aim of the project Enhanced capacities on effective use of space-derived data and GIS for strengthening disaster risk modelling, assessment, monitoring and early warning Applied latest state of the art technologies/ tools to help dealing with disaster risk reduction efforts Ensured sustainability of the implemented systems and capacities of the line ministries/department

3 Project Activities Capacity Building Training Pilot Projects
Regional Training Center Citeko, Indonesia from 10thJuly to 2ndAugust 2017 12 government officials from six PICs Pilot Projects 23th September to 4th November 2017 – Tonga 13th to 18th November 2017 – PNG 12th to 19th December 2017 – Solomon Islands

4 Pilot Project in Tonga 7 km 2.3 km 0.7 mm 169 mm 154 mm 46 mm 0.4 mm 0.7 mm 169 mm 154 mm 46 mm 0.4 mm Implementation on Numerical Weather Prediction by WRF-TMS Implementation of Common Alert Protocol (CAP) High resolution weather prediction up to 2.3 km from 7 k.m Development of 3-5 year work plan to guaranty the sustainability of implemented systems

5 Pilot Project in Solomon Islands
Before Pilot Project in Solomon Islands High resolution WRF weather model is installed & resolution up to 7-km. Ocean Wave model Wavewatch3 with the domain of the whole region of Solomon Islands. Wavewatch3 model has been used operationally and very helpful to prepare marine warnings and forecast up to 7 days. Development of 3-5 year work plan to guaranty the sustainability of implemented systems After

6 Pilot Project in PNG Establishment of Drought Monitoring System
On-site capacity building session on installing, running and managing drought monitoring system as an operational program for PNG NWS Improving the interactive dissemination of Drought Monitoring Information for stakeholders Focus Group Discussion with National Agriculture Research Institute (NARI) and National Disaster Center (NDC) to enhance the climate awareness for stakeholder Development of 3-5 year work plan to guaranty the sustainability of implemented systems

7 Regional Workshop In Denpasar, Indonesia from 7th to 8th March 2018
Participants from PNG, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu Experts from AIT, BMKG, Fiji, JAXA, Jeju University, JMA, SPC, WMO

8 Outcomes of the Regional Workshop
Reviewed capacity improvements in terms of day to day operations, availability of early warning and weather prediction tools Analyzed gaps & needs as well as planed future work Explored further commitments, continues support and sustainability Shared best practices and lessons learned adopted by regional pioneers Enhanced partnership and collaboration among stakeholders and service providers

9 Next Steps BMKG and ESCAP to find ways to share BMKG premium computer capacity with Pacific countries BMKG and ESCAP to provide training opportunities for Pacific member countries in BMKG academy ESCAP to further strengthen the partnerships with regional organizations such as AIT, BMKG, SPC, SPREP, UNITAR, UNOSA ISDR, WMO etc. ESCAP with collaboration of Chinese University of Hongkong and its regional capacity building nodes to provide training/ learning opportunities to Pacific countries Work on donor engagement for further requests from Pacific Expand the operation of MHEWS to other Pacific countries

10 Thank You

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