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Respiratory MCNs - Interstitial lung diseases

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1 Respiratory MCNs - Interstitial lung diseases
Dr Nik Hirani Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant, Royal Infirmary Edinburgh

2 Interstitial Lung Diseases
Interstitial pneumonias Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Sarcoidosis Eosinophilic syndromes Known causes Connective tissue diseases Idiopathic Known causes Birds, Farmers lung, drugs etc Idiopathic Known causes Drugs, parasites, vasculitis, ABPA Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonia DIP RB-ILD AIP OP NSIP LIP UIP = IPF = COP Other rare disease Langerhans cell histiocytosis Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Alveolar proteinosis = Hamman- Rich syndrome

3 Interstitial Lung Diseases
GET ME OUT OF HERE! Interstitial pneumonias Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Sarcoidosis Eosinophilic syndromes Known causes Connective tissue diseases Idiopathic Known causes Birds, Farmers lung, drugs etc Idiopathic Known causes Drugs, parasites, vasculitis, ABPA Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonia DIP RB-ILD AIP OP NSIP LIP UIP = IPF = COP Other rare disease Langerhans cell histiocytosis Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Alveolar proteinosis = Hamman- Rich syndrome

4 1000 patients with ILD in the Edinburgh clinic 2004-2009
IPF Sarcoidosis Rheumatological NSIP HP COP Miscellaneous

5 Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
new cases per year in UK Median age at presentation 68 yr, rare under 40 yrs M:F 2:1 60% smokers 5000 deaths per year Gribben et al Thorax 2006

6 Clinical Presentation of IPF
Breathlessness over few weeks/months Bibasal fine ‘velcro’ crackles Diffuse CXR abnormality, often basal, initially subtle Restrictive lung defect (finger clubbing) Diffuse lines and nodules on CXR = FIBROSING ALEOLITIS SYNDROME

7 HRCT is cornerstone of investigation
….but only 60% of HRCT’s are ‘diagnostic’ in the right clinical context

8 Lung biopsy enhances diagnostic process
….but only 30% of patients with ‘non-diagnostic’ clinical and radiological features have a biopsy

9 Variability in the clinical course of IPF
Diagnosis = prognosis LUNG FUNCTION / SYMPTOMS TIME Sarcoidosis NSIP, CTD-ILD IPF From Flaherty et al, Thorax, 2003

10 How to predict poor prognosis in IPF
The more ‘classic’ the clinical features, the worse the prognosis Smoking males Age? Hospital admission with ‘exacerbation’ Serial lung function – 10% change in FVC or 20% change in TLCO

11 Treatment of IPF Best supportive care Transplant for the minority
Recruit to clinical trials

12 Standards of care in ILD

13 1. Diagnosis of ILD Requires a multidisciplinary approach
Consensus between chest physician, radiologist and pathologist (+rheumatology, occupational health)

14 2. Treatment including supportive care
Tailored therapy requires diagnostic precision! Smoking cessation Pulmonary rehabilitation Treat co-existing chest disease Anti-reflux therapy Oxygen therapy Withdrawal of potentially toxic futile therapy Early referral for lung transplant Recruitment to clinical trials

15 3. Palliation Equality of access to palliative care services
Condition-specific palliative care protocols

16 4. Organisation of services
Modified from current care models for pulmonary hypertension, CF and lung cancer ‘Regional centres’ comprising of teams that can address diagnostic and treatment standards. Each centre must: 1)establish a consistent care pathway for ILD patients 2) hold a regular regional MDM 3) enable recruitment to multi-centre clinical trials 4) establish and audit programme of outcome measures of ILD patients 5) deliver approved new therapies to selected patients.

17 Summary ILDs are an important burden of disease
IPF is a lethal disease requiring expert care Diagnosis and management requires a multidisciplinary approach MCNs in ILD are in an early stage of development but will be pivotal in delivering care

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