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Consumer Satisfaction Measurement: State of Affairs

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1 Consumer Satisfaction Measurement: State of Affairs
Dieter Scharitzer Institute for Marketing-Management Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

2 Mission and Goal of the project
Preparation of an expertise about the current state of affairs of survey tools and relevant projects in the EU member states. Scientific input regarding the measurement of consumer satisfaction as national indices: Survey design, measurement models, experiences, impulse for sustainable quality development of the administrative performance et al. To show alternatives and possibilities to progress

3 Basics Spread of the perspective to think in options
no focus on details and single projects Focus on methodological questions of the project- and survey design Assessment of possible approaches in search of a common basis Broadening the Perspective Focus on methodological questions Questioning the common aims and targets of such an initiative

4 Sources (extract) Relevant studies and reports from the member states
First Assessment of a short questionnaire dealing with this topic Publications of Eurobarometer EPSI – European Performance Satisfaction Index (former ECSI) EFQM, CAF ACSI – American Customer Satisfaction Index Scientific publications Various project reports and pilot studies

5 Status-quo Positive Challenge
High acceptance and consent on the measurement of consumer satisfaction in the public service Many tangible single projects, some of them already have perennial time series available Good initiatives for Benchlearning and quality development activities on the basis of particular case studies ( examples) Challenge No common procedure, no comparable survey results (empirical results) neither EU- wide nor within countries nor within particular areas of the public administration Ex.: UK  60 (!) different surveys for different departments Missing target discussion and agreements regarding the goal that shall be achieved.

6 Overview over CS-surveys in different public service areas (all questionnaires received by end of May) AUT….Österreich/Austria BE…Belgien/Belgium BG….Bulgarien/Bulgaria CY…Zypern/Cyprus DK…Dänemark/Denmark EL….Griechenland/Greece FI…Finnland/Finland GER…Deutschland/GErmany HU…Ungarn/Hungary LA…Lettland/Latvia NO…Norwegen/Norway RO….Rumänien/Romania SE…Schweden /Sweden SK…Slowakei/Slovakia SL…Slowenien/Slovenia UK…England/United Kingdom Source: self-investigation and responses of the Countries to the CS questionnaire

7 Options for further developments
Consumer survey without a structure model in the public administration Example: German Consumer Barometer, individual initiatives Sector-specific best-practice-solutions coordinated eu-wide - i.e. health care/ financial administration is measured with a common coordinated tool Expansion of EPSI (European Performance Satisfaction Index) to all member states: add area “public administration” Eurobarometer: add topic „Customer Satisfaction“

8 Eurobarometer (I) - Description
Regular surveys on European level since 1973 Standard Eurobarometer (EB) Candidate Countries EB (2001)  future member states and candidates Flash EB (topic centre), special EB, qualitative studies Goal: to collect the opinion, fears and feelings of the EU-citizens Identity of the respondents (political attitude) Hopes, fears and visions (on a national and European level) Knowledge about the EU (the EU Presidency) Trust in the institutions as well as demand from the EU Future of the EU EU in the world

9 Eurobarometer (II) - Assessment
Strengths proven (since 1973), relatively small sample (1.000 – 2.000persons) Surveys in all EU-countries and future member states and candidates Standardised questionnaire for all countries, leading to comparable results Survey and publication of the results on a regular basis (2x / year) Proven evaluation and reporting Longitudinal comparisons over multiple years and between multiple countries possible Weaknesses No questions regarding consumer satisfaction No questions regarding the assessment of the public services

10 EPSI – European Performance Satisfaction Index (former name: ECSI- European Customer Satisfaction Index) Objective of EPSI Cooperation between EOQ (European Organisation for Quality), EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) and IFCF (International Foundation for Customer Focus). EPSI is used also in South Africa, the United States and the Far East. Pilot 1999: 11 countries, 10 industries, interviews Topics of questionnaire (structure of the model) Consumer Satisfaction - Image - Experienced quality Expectations Perceived benefit - Loyalty

11 EPSI – Assessment Strengths Weaknesses
Perennial Experiences (survey since 1997, pilot study 1999) Large samples, scale up to ten Model-based (Swedish consumer barometer) Advancement of the American consumer barometer ACSI Easy comparability (also international), as most of the Scandinavian countries are also geared o this model Supported/recommended by EFQM (European Foundation of Quality Management) and CAF (Common Assessment Framework) Weaknesses No surveys in the area of public administration Number of participating countries is still too small, not representative within the EU

12 Vision of an EU-wide “Customer Satisfaction“ – project in the public administration (under consideration) Inter- national EU-Level: Comparison of national indices Measurement Model- Index EPSI (EFQM) or Eurobarometer adapted National Level: Customer Satisfaction Index National Comparison of the administration With other sectors in the country Public Administration Surveys in different areas and offices Department Feedback to particular offices or service units Service-Unit Time (Longitudinal Analysis) Quality development at the basis

13 Further Development: „Governmental Services“ added
ca. 25 items (variables) „Quality Driver“ Specific enhancement due to service characteristics ? Confidence Advocacy

14 Modellauswahl  2 alternative Zutritte
„Quality Driver“ „Quality Results and Outcome“

15 Modellperspektive (Stufe 1) – ACSI (USA, Skandinavien)
Quelle: ACSI + ACSI für Verwaltungen,

16 Modellperspektive (Stufe 2) - EPSI
Quelle: Homepage von EPSI: (About EPSI, Model Aproach, Results)

17 Zur Person - Kontaktinformationen

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