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Pyramid Model Digging Deeper Module
This initiative is made possible with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education using federal funding CFDA # Special Education –Preschool Grants and CFDA # Special Education –Grants for Infants & Families.
Is The Pyramid Model Right for Your Program?
What is the Pyramid Model? Why Focus on Social Emotional Development? How Does the Pyramid Model Work? Stages of Implementation Benchmarks of Quality Data Collection Implementation Team Internal Coaching How Will We Know if We are Ready? What are the Benefits to Our Program? What are the Next Steps? Add bullet that says “How will you know if you are ready?”
What is the Pyramid Model?
Tertiary Intervention: Few Children Secondary Prevention: Some Children Universal Promotion: All Children Tier 1: All Children Tier 2: 5-15% of children Tier 3: 1-10% Pyramid Model was initially described as an intervention framework for children 2 ‐ 5 years old within early childhood settings. However, newer iterations of the model provide guidance for the implementation of the framework with infants, toddlers and preschoolers, and include interventions needed to support children who are typically developing and who have or are at risk for developmental delays or disabilities. The term social-emotional development refers to the developing capacity of the child from birth through five years of age to form close and secure adult and peer relationships; experience, regulate, and express emotions in socially and culturally appropriate ways; and explore the environment and learn – all in the context of family, community, and culture. Caregivers promote healthy development by working to support social-emotional wellness in all young children, and make every effort to prevent the occurrence or escalation of social-emotional problems in children at-risk, identifying and working to remediate problems that surface, and when necessary, referring children and their families to appropriate services. 3 3
Foundation: Effective Workforce
The foundation for all practices in the Pyramid Model are the systems and policies necessary to ensure a workforce that is able to adopt and sustain the evidence-based practices.
Nurturing & Responsive Caregiving Relationships and High Quality Supportive Environments : TIER 1
Supportive and responsive relationships among adults and children is an essential component to promote healthy social emotional development. High quality early childhood environments promote positive outcomes for ALL children. At this level, we include the practices needed to ensure the promotion of social development of ALL children. ► Nurturing and Responsive Caregiving Relationships Provides a foundation for the pyramid, based upon an effective workforce ►Essential to healthy social emotional development ►Includes relationships with children, families, and team members Primary focus is on positive interactions between child and caregivers, in addition to developing partnerships with families. Examples: Actively supporting children’s engagement Embedding instruction within children’s routine, planned, and play activities Responding to children’s communicative attempts Encouraging skill learning and development Promoting communication in children with speech delays For young children in early intervention, examples include: Developing strong collaborative partnerships Providing support to caregivers in response to infant and toddler needs Guiding caregivers in establishing responsive and nurturing interactions that promote a child’s social development ► High Quality Supportive Environments Natural environments, including inclusive early care and education environments and supportive home environments that offer rich social context essential to the development of social skills and peer relationships. ► Refers to predictable and supportive environments and family interactions that promote social emotional development.
Targeted Social Emotional Supports: TIER 2
Provides explicit instruction around social emotional skills. Addresses self regulation, expressing and understanding emotions, and developing social relationships. Some children need systematic and focused instruction to learn discrete social emotional skills. A systematic approach to teaching social skills can have a preventive and remedial effect. Examples of topics to provide more instruction on to children in a classroom setting include: Identifying and expressing emotions Self regulation Social problem solving Initiating and maintaining interactions Strategies for handling disappointment and anger Building friendship skills Examples of topics to provide guidance on to families in early intervention: How to promote social emotional development How to help young children regulate emotions How to help young children regulate stress How to understand the emotions of others
Individualized Intensive Interventions: TIER 3
Individualized Intervention When children have ongoing challenging behavior, comprehensive interventions are developed to resolve problem behaviors and support the development of new skills. ► Family-Centered Intervention ► Assessment Based ► Focus on Skill Building Develop and implement a plan of intensive individualized intervention. Address challenging behavior : that is individually designed, can be applied within all natural environments by a child’s caregivers, and is focused on supporting a child in developing new skills. Steps of PBIS: 1.) Convene a team (family must be the center) 2.) Conduct a functional assessment - Helps gain a better understanding of the factors related to the child’s engagement in challenging behavior 3.) Identify an hypothesis - Based off of the functional assessment 4.) Develop a behavioral support plan for all relevant environments, utilizing the hypothesis developed. Behavioral Support Plan should include: - Prevention strategies to address the triggers of the child’s challenging behaviors - Replacement skills to use as alternatives to challenging behaviors - Strategies to ensure that challenging behavior is not reinforced or maintained. The Behavioral Support Plan is to be used in the home, community, and classroom routines where the challenging behavior is taking place. TEAM SHOULD ALSO CONSIDER SUPPORTS TO THE FAMILY!!!
Why focus on social-emotional development?
Incidence & Prevalence Statistics Link to academic achievement Foundation for all learning. No matter what great cognitive skills are there, SE are the foundation. An estimated 9 to 13% of American children and adolescents between ages nine to 17 have serious diagnosable emotional or behavioral health disorders resulting in substantial to extreme impairment. (Friedman, 2002) More than half of students with SED drop out of grades 9-12, the highest rate for all disability categories. (U.S. Department of Education, 2002; 2006) At 2 years post high school, 58% of youth have been arrested at least once and 42% are on probation or parole. (NLTS2, 2005). Students with ED reported use of alcohol (54%), illegal drug use (36%), marijuana use (33%), and smoking (53%) at rates higher than all other disability categories (NLTS2, 2008) Campbell (1995) estimated that approximately 10-15% of all typically developing preschool children have chronic mild to moderate levels of behavior problems. Children who are poor are much more likely to develop behavior problems with prevalence rates that approach 30% (Qi & Kaiser, 2003). The proportion of preschool children meeting the criteria for the clinical diagnosis of ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) ranges from 7% to 25% of children in the United States, depending on the population surveyed ( Webster-Stratton, 1997) . Children who are identified as hard to manage at ages 3 and 4 have a high probability (50:50) of continuing to have difficulties into adolescence (Campbell & Ewing, 1990; Campbell, 1997; Egeland et al., 1990). Early Predictors Temperamental Difficulties Early Aggression Language Difficulties Noncompliance Family Factors Maternal Depression Harsh Parenting Stressful Family Life Events Low Social Support Family Instability Children of mothers who were depressed in their infancy are more likely to be delayed Children of depressed mothers are at increased risk for behavior problems, depression, and mood disorders in adolescence The correlation between preschool-age aggression and aggression at age 10 is higher than that for IQ. (Kazdin, 1995 Early appearing aggressive behaviors are the best predictor of juvenile gang membership and violence. (Reid, 1993 When aggressive and antisocial behavior has persisted to age 9, further intervention has a poor chance of success. (Dodge, 1993) Young Children with Challenging Behavior: Are rejected by peers Receive less positive feedback Do worse in school Are less likely to be successful in kindergarten Preschool children are three times more likely to be “expelled” than children in grades K-12 (Gilliam, 2005) Faculty in higher education early childhood programs report that their graduates are least likely to be prepared to work with children with persistently challenging behavior (Hemmeter, Santos, & Ostrosky, 2004) Of the young children who need mental health services, it has been estimated that fewer than 10% receive services for these difficulties. (Kataoka, Zhang, & Wells, 2002) There are evidence-based practices that are effective in changing this developmental trajectory…the problem is not what to do, but rests in ensuring access to intervention and support (Kazdin & Whitley, 2006)
Why this Deserves Attention
A child’s delayed development can lead to more severe problem behavior. Social development and the ability to be engaged is essential for school readiness. Children with severe behavior problems are deeply at risk for social exclusion and academic failure. The Pyramid Model has a particular focus on supporting the social development and relationships of young children with or at risk for delays or disabilities.
Pyramid Model in MN 56 Sites Statewide 201 classrooms trained Over 3000 children served 37 Pyramid Model Trainers 104 Internal Coaches 185 classrooms trained on TPOT 14 classrooms trained on TPITOS
Pyramid Model Sites in MN
School Readiness Classrooms 40 ECSE Only Classrooms 14 Collaborative ECSE and Other 65 Early Childhood Family Education 31 Head Start classrooms 34 Center-Based Childcare 25 Home Visitor/Early Intervention 3 Other
How does Program Wide Adoption of the Pyramid Model Work?
Process for implementing the Pyramid Model to fidelity: Content & Strategies: Content + Process. Content is the evidence based practices that increase engagement Process is Implementation Science- the system that supports your program reaching fidelity with these practices. Old way= one person attends a training and everyone hopes it will make a change New way= systematic implementation through training, coaching, data collection and use and implementation team leadership leads to fidelity Teaches social skills, friendship skills, & emotional competencies, supports such as visuals for schedules, routines, activities & behavior expectations, teaching children to be problem solvers, effective transitions, engaging in positive conversation, promoting engagement, giving clear directions, teaming, individualized interventions for children who have challenging behaviors, supporting families in Pyramid Model practices. ECTA/PW Leadership Team
Change to Sally’s
Exploration Stage Exploration Identify need, programs to meet need, determine fit, and examine evidence. Consider resource availability, assess readiness and capacity to implement to fidelity.
Installation Stage Set up infrastructure so successful implementation can take place and be supported. Try out the practices and work out details. Learn and improve before expanding to other contexts. Installation
Initial Implementation Phase
Plans for communication, coaching and support are developed and then shared with all stakeholders. Revisit and revise Implementation Drivers as needed based on review of challenges and sustainability. Initial Implementation
Full Implementation Monitoring and support systems are in place for each Implementation Driver to maintain growth and progress towards implementation to fidelity. Ongoing feedback and transparent communication takes place to ensure continued success. Full Implementation Sustainability can only be possible when full implementation has been reached. Sustaining change can be difficult. Your program will need to be able to adapt continually to changes in the community, funding streams, and organizational priorities. Organization culture, leadership, and staff need to be nurtured and maintained. The involvement of administrators in a continuous feedback loop with Implementation Team, providers, and recipients is essential. Programs should institutionalize a quality assurance mechanism to evaluate use of data…..which will assist in assessing the effectiveness and quality of the programs.
Critical Elements of Implementation: Benchmarks Of Quality
Implementation Team is established and meets monthly. Staff support the need for program-wide implementation and adopt the framework in to their work. Family involvement is incorporated through all phases of implementation. Consistent Program-Wide Expectations are developed and implemented throughout program.
Benchmarks Of Quality, cont.
All classrooms implement Pyramid Model teaching strategies. Consistent procedures are in place throughout the program for responding to challenging behavior. A plan for ongoing staff support around implementation of the Pyramid Model to fidelity is in place. Data is collected, analyzed and shared to monitor implementation and outcomes.
What Data Will be Collected & Used?
Ages & Stages Questionairre/Social Emotional (ASQ-SE): A screening tool designed to help identify children who may need additional targeted testing or ongoing monitoring. Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT)/ AND The Pyramid Infant Toddler Observation Scale (TPITOS)/0-3 Assess the implementation of Pyramid Model practices in classrooms . Monthly Program Tracking Action Form (MPTA): Provides a frequency count of actions taken by the program in response to child behavioral concerns.
What Data Will be Collected & Used?
Behavior Incident Report (BIR’s): Identify children with challenging behavior Determine variables that impact the behavior, frequency of behavior, and factors relating to the behavior. Benchmarks of Quality (BOQ): Measures the extent to which critical elements of program-wide implementation are in place within the program. Optional Performance Review Measure 3-4x/year
Implementation Team Membership
Administrator from ECSE & Inclusion Partner Behavior Specialist Data Manager Internal Coach (1-2) Teacher Representative (1-2) Professional Development Facilitator (PDF) Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen. (Alan Keith)
Implementation Team Functions
Meets monthly to guide program-wide implementation efforts. Provide ongoing administrative support. Use data to inform, guide, and monitor implementation efforts. Plan and implement Professional Development needs. Engage in shared collaborative decision-making. Utilize effective teaming procedures.
Importance of Administrative Support
Leadership Commitment Resource Deployment Data-based, Intentional Planning Shared Decision Making, Collaboration Staff Development
L-E-A-R-N: 360°of Coaching
Coaching IS…… IS NOT……. A collaborative & iterative process
Focused on building skills & competencies Reliant on observation & feedback Goal-directed Outcomes driven IS NOT……. Supervision Just observing and talking Just Providing modeling Training with observation Providing tips/solving problems for teachers Judgmental or evaluative This is a partnership & develops because both parties want it to. Coaching guides another person to develop a new skill & build competencies. Coaching is interactive.
How Will We Know if We are Ready?
Focusing on SE Development is a goal supported by at least 80% of staff. Implementation Team is formed and includes: Administrator Training and Technical Assistance Person with behavioral expertise Teachers At the community level: all key agencies Implementation Team commits to 5 year process to achieve full implementation Commits to true team shared decision-making Add to yellow tool “create staff buy in.”
How Will We Know if We are Ready?
Implementation Team commits to evaluating outcomes in classrooms Commits to meeting monthly, monitoring progress, and using data for decision making Commits to Facilitating ongoing training and TA Supporting teachers to implement the pyramid Developing and promoting program/ community-wide expectations Developing plan to provide intensive individualized interventions
What are the Expected Benefits?
Staff view themselves as having the skills to better support children in classrooms. Staff look to each other as sources of additional information and support. Staff can demonstrate the fundamental elements in their classrooms. A culture of support is created throughout the program. Staff become intentional and purposeful in interactions with children in order to build on their strengths.
What are the Expected Benefits?
Staff turn over is reduced; staff satisfaction is increased. Staff ask for fewer suggestions from mental health professionals. The number of children receiving individual counseling from psychologists decreased. The number of children identified as having challenging behavior and referred for mental health services decreased. Program spends less time and resources on intervention level and more on prevention level of the Pyramid.
Director’s Interview PS 3a-09
For More Information…….
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children (TACSEI) Center on Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) 11 minute Overview of the Pyramid Model on YouTube: 28 minute video on importance of Social Emotional Development:
What are the Next Steps? Review Give & Get with PDF
Complete Hexagon Tool with PDF Complete Application, including approval from School Board This initiative is made possible with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education using federal funding CFDA # Special Education –Preschool Grants and CFDA # Special Education –Grants for Infants & Families.
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