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South and South East Region

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1 South and South East Region
Welcome Monday 20 November 2017

2 Andy Shaw Director of Volunteering and Business Delivery

3 Topics Data Volunteering Business Delivery
Priorities for next 12 months

4 Data …. we’ve listened to you along the way. You brought things to our attention and we have actioned them. So … [CLICK] Simon and I received a lot of feedback when attending Regional conferences over the Area Association end of year carry forward figure – affectionately known in CSSC as the “the 20% rule.” But not anymore …. Because your feedback led to a recommendation to the Resources Committee who agreed to increase it to 40%. [CLICK]

5 Data Challenges Inability to fully understand our data
Datasets not joined up Quality of data Data …….. [CLICK] .. it would be fair to say we’ve had some challenges in this area and I really want to thank you all for your patience whilst we work this through. Data is at the heart of our drive to be a smarter organisation. We now have a clear path of how to address some of the problems and this includes bringing in a data expert.

6 Data Challenges - datasets
Reactor Online Shop Volunteer Database Google Analytics Affiliate Comms My Savings+ Events Taste Cards CSSC Games Taster Days CADW He has reviewed all out data and one of the first things he has identified is….. {CLICK] Park Run English Heritage Subsidy My Active Rewards

7 Data – work so far Understanding our data
Making sense of our data e.g. reports / dashboards – to get a better picture of our members Centralising the data – into a Data Warehouse Data …….. [CLICK] .. it would be fair to say we’ve had some challenges in this area and I really want to thank you all for your patience whilst we work this through. Data is at the heart of our drive to be a smarter organisation. We now have a clear path of how to address some of the problems and this includes bringing in a data expert.

8 Data Warehouse He has reviewed all out data and one of the first things he has identified is….. {CLICK]

9 All CSSC Members vs South and South East Members
SOUTHERN REGION SOUTH EAST REGION Membership Numbers 136,353 (end of August) 12,616 8,047 Members Average Age 48 50 New Members Average Age 41 43 44 Online Shop Average Age 41 44 43 Online Shop Number of Users 23,422 2,922 1,395 Tastecards Average Age 43 45 Tastecards Number of Users 21,814 2,038 1,641 Park Run & Subsidy Scheme Average Age 42 47

10 Members Overview by Region

11 Members Overview Southern AA’s

12 Members Overview South East AA’s

13 National vs Southern Members
Area Association Average Age (All Members) (New Members) Farnborough Area 55 46 Gosport & Fareham Area 49 43 Hampshire North Area 51 Isle of Wight Area 50 44 Oxford Area 47 40 Portsmouth Area 42 Reading Area Southampton Area 54 45 SOUTH REGION NATIONAL 48

14 National vs South East Members
Area Association Average Age (All Members) Average Age (New Members) Brighton & Worthing Area 51 41 Chatham Area 50 44 East Kent Area 47 Hastings Area 56 Maidstone Area 49 43 Tunbridge Wells Area 54 48 SOUTH EAST REGION NATIONAL 40

15 Members Tastecard / Online Shop Users by Region
Tastecard Users by Region Online Shop Members by Region

16 Tastecard Users - South
Area Association Number of Tastecard Users Farnborough Area 216 Gosport & Fareham Area 224 Hampshire North Area 170 Isle of Wight Area 12 Oxford Area 351 Portsmouth Area 604 Reading Area 306 Southampton Area 155 TOTAL SOUTHERN REGION 2,038 (9%) TOTAL NATIONAL 21,814 (16.0%)

17 Tastecard Users - South East
Area Association Number of Tastecard Users Brighton & Worthing Area 155 Chatham Area 212 East Kent Area 849 Hastings Area 85 Maidstone Area 227 Tunbridge Wells 113 TOTAL SOUTH EAST REGION 1,641 (7.5%) TOTAL NATIONAL 21,814 (16.0%)

18 Online Shop users - South
Area Association Number of Online Shop Users Farnborough Area 229 Gosport & Fareham Area 303 Hampshire North Area 228 Isle of Wight Area 48 Oxford Area 507 Portsmouth Area 1,111 Reading Area 321 Southampton Area 175 TOTAL SOUTHERN REGION 2,922 (12.5%) TOTAL NATIONAL 23,422 (17.2%)

19 Online Shop users - South East
Area Association Number of Online Shop Users Brighton & Worthing Area 148 Chatham Area 275 East Kent Area 583 Hastings Area 54 Maidstone Area 238 Tunbridge Wells 97 TOTAL SOUTH EAST REGION 1,395 (6.0%) TOTAL NATIONAL 23,422 (17.2%)

20 Volunteering and other
business areas …. we’ve listened to you along the way. You brought things to our attention and we have actioned them. So … [CLICK] Simon and I received a lot of feedback when attending Regional conferences over the Area Association end of year carry forward figure – affectionately known in CSSC as the “the 20% rule.” But not anymore …. Because your feedback led to a recommendation to the Resources Committee who agreed to increase it to 40%. [CLICK]

21 Volunteering … Branding
It’s really important to raise and maintain the identity of volunteering in CSSC and to show we value our volunteers. I want you to feel part of a team. That is why we are investing the time and effort in speaking with other volunteer organisations and speaking with some of you to understand better what we can do in this space. So bearing all that in mind …. I hope you’ve all received your rucksacks. If you haven’t have a chat with either your VSA or the Events Team [CLICK]

22 Volunteering … Branding Training workshops
Workshops – these have proven to be very popular and effective. Subjects delivered so far have included Treasurer Training and Data Security …. and more Treasurer Workshops are planned for this year, including some out in the regions, and we are going to introduce some workshops on marketing later in the year. [CLICK]

23 Volunteering … Branding Training workshops Volunteer rewards
Compliance with legislation is very important and not something we have a choice over. And what has been particularly at the forefront this last year was the Package Travel Regulations and the new Insurance Act. I've been where you are and I know how frustrating it can be when those pesky Head Office folk insist on doing things a particular way, when actually you've been doing it your way for the last 20 years. I get that. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your effort in helping us with achieving compliance and in particular providing us with the information required for the Insurance Act and child protection - I really do appreciate it. [CLICK]

24 Volunteering … Branding Training workshops Volunteer rewards
Complied with legislation Compliance with legislation is very important and not something we have a choice over. And what has been particularly at the forefront this last year was the Package Travel Regulations and the new Insurance Act. I've been where you are and I know how frustrating it can be when those pesky Head Office folk insist on doing things a particular way, when actually you've been doing it your way for the last 20 years. I get that. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your effort in helping us with achieving compliance and in particular providing us with the information required for the Insurance Act and child protection - I really do appreciate it. [CLICK]

25 Volunteering … Branding Training workshops Volunteer rewards
Complied with legislation New online document library And we have a brand new online document library…… [CLICK]

26 As a volunteer organisation, it really is important that we have up to date information about you in one central place and not all stored in Hedley’s head. You should have all received a request recently asking you to provide key additional data about you and your volunteering role. If you have great, please do complete it and return the information to us. If you haven’t can you have a chat with Andy Burdett please. [CLICK]

27 What are we currently working on?
Volunteer database Trips policy - for those of you not familiar with this subject …. Due to some of the events and activities we do, we were advised that we needed to comply with the Travel Package regulations. It has taken a while to investigate and prepare for this fully, particularly because of the complexities of our organisation, but the good news is we have sought legal and expert industry advice and are very close to finalising our procedures and guidance, and we aim to share this with you later in the summer. [CLICK]

28 What are we currently working on?
Volunteer database Trips policy I mentioned a few minutes ago about how important volunteer branding is to any organisations like ours and we are continuing to build on our initiative of making the volunteer brand more visible and recognisable. We will shortly be sending out an order form for completion to you all providing you with a choice of four items of volunteer clothing and the aim is to get these out to you around the time of the regional conferences in the Autumn. Turning now to Quality Street. [CLICK}

29 What are we currently working on?
Volunteer database Trips policy HMRC Rationalisation I mentioned a few minutes ago about how important volunteer branding is to any organisations like ours and we are continuing to build on our initiative of making the volunteer brand more visible and recognisable. We will shortly be sending out an order form for completion to you all providing you with a choice of four items of volunteer clothing and the aim is to get these out to you around the time of the regional conferences in the Autumn. Turning now to Quality Street. [CLICK}

30 What are we currently working on?
Volunteer database Trips policy HMRC Rationalisation More Volunteer branding We are just finishing the third round now and I thought I’d share with you some headline statistics from the first two years – and you all know how I look a good set of statistics! [CLICK]

31 What are we currently working on?
Volunteer database Trips policy HMRC Rationalisation More Volunteer branding Quality Street We are just finishing the third round now and I thought I’d share with you some headline statistics from the first two years – and you all know how I look a good set of statistics! [CLICK]

32 Quality Street You can see there is little movement over the first two years with the highest and lowest scores … [CLICK}

33 Quality Street Headlines 2017 headline findings:
Highest score 36 (2016 – 34) Lowest score 9 (2016 – 12) No geographic or regional bias Increase in mean average What is particularly interesting is there is an increase in the mean averages …. [CLICK]

34 Quality Street … are the 2016 averages. It’s really pleasing to see this increase, across all our affiliate groups, and I’d like to thank you for your contribution for making this happen. All in all a really positive and encouraging picture. I will share more information with you, and include analysis of the 2017 round, at the autumn regional conferences. However before I finish I’d like to share some hot off the press news for you in connection with Quality Street. And I know you’ll want to pay attention because it involves how in the second half of this year some additional funds will be available. Access to this extra money will be based on your 2017 Quality Street total scores and on any improvement of your score from the previous year. Before you all get carried away, and I know you will because we are talking about money, we aren’t talking about large sums but something to boost your funds in the second half of the year. I’ll be coming out to you in the next few weeks on the detail but thought you might like to know now. [CLICK]

35 Quality Street … are the 2016 averages. It’s really pleasing to see this increase, across all our affiliate groups, and I’d like to thank you for your contribution for making this happen. All in all a really positive and encouraging picture. I will share more information with you, and include analysis of the 2017 round, at the autumn regional conferences. However before I finish I’d like to share some hot off the press news for you in connection with Quality Street. And I know you’ll want to pay attention because it involves how in the second half of this year some additional funds will be available. Access to this extra money will be based on your 2017 Quality Street total scores and on any improvement of your score from the previous year. Before you all get carried away, and I know you will because we are talking about money, we aren’t talking about large sums but something to boost your funds in the second half of the year. I’ll be coming out to you in the next few weeks on the detail but thought you might like to know now. [CLICK]

36 Quality Street … are the 2016 averages. It’s really pleasing to see this increase, across all our affiliate groups, and I’d like to thank you for your contribution for making this happen. All in all a really positive and encouraging picture. I will share more information with you, and include analysis of the 2017 round, at the autumn regional conferences. However before I finish I’d like to share some hot off the press news for you in connection with Quality Street. And I know you’ll want to pay attention because it involves how in the second half of this year some additional funds will be available. Access to this extra money will be based on your 2017 Quality Street total scores and on any improvement of your score from the previous year. Before you all get carried away, and I know you will because we are talking about money, we aren’t talking about large sums but something to boost your funds in the second half of the year. I’ll be coming out to you in the next few weeks on the detail but thought you might like to know now. [CLICK]

37 What are we currently working on?
Volunteer database Trips policy Volunteer corporate wear Quality Street Volunteer Survey Partnership Framework-you’ve heard me talk about this before, but just in case you missed it….. [CLICK]

38 Volunteer Survey – headlines
33% (27% 2015) response rate 76% (78%) of respondents age 45+ 90% (90%) strongly agree/agree - enjoy volunteering 80% (78%) strongly agree/agree - good organisation to volunteer for 82% (82%) very satisfied/satisfied-as a volunteer 80% - very likely/likely to recommend volunteering with CSSC 79% very likely/likely to continue volunteering with CSSC

39 What are we currently working on?
Volunteer database Trips policy Volunteer branding Quality Street Volunteer Survey Partnership Framework Partnership Framework-you’ve heard me talk about this before, but just in case you missed it….. [CLICK]

40 Partnership Framework

41 Documentation and Support
Policies Guidance Videos Partnership Framework Agreement Web microsite Web document library Handbook Volunteer Handbook VST Head Office Quality Street Form Volunteer App Leaflet

42 What’s next? Undertake pilots with a selection of AAs
Review results from pilots Design to be finalised Roll out of Agreement and supporting documents and resources to AAs from Jan

43 Syndicate Exercise… Split into groups
Consider & present 2 key detailed actions for: HO to deliver in the areas Volunteers to deliver in the areas Managing the Organisation Partnerships Volunteers Recruitment & Retention Member Benefits Communications

44 What are we currently working on?
Volunteer database Trips policy Volunteer corporate wear Volunteer Survey Partnership Framework Departmental Associations Partnership Framework-you’ve heard me talk about this before, but just in case you missed it….. [CLICK]

45 Events CSSC Games … Membership checking – you shouldn’t be surprised to hear that it does what it says on the tin - you can now go on line and check to see if a member is…….. well………….a member. [CLICK]

46 CSSC Games 9th Games – Loughborough University – 15/09/17
830 members participated 16 events Great feedback Next Games … you still have time to enter what is a super event which embraces everything that is good about CSSC. [CLICK]

47 Events CSSC Games Taster Days
… Membership checking – you shouldn’t be surprised to hear that it does what it says on the tin - you can now go on line and check to see if a member is…….. well………….a member. [CLICK]

48 Taster Days - flexible events
Choose a date to suit you! Undoubtedly one of the successes of the last 12 months has been around our Taster Day Programme … [CLICK]

49 Taster Day Stats 2016 2017 (Jan – Aug) No. of events 401 741
No. of attendees 1882 1578 97.4% felt that the overall taster experience was very good/ good in 2016 97% said that they would be very likely/ likely to attend another CSSC Taster Day We are only a quarter of the way through the year but again a significant increase in both the number of events and the number of attendees. And I gather from Phil Wright (our Sales Team Manager) that these are really popular with new members. [CLICK]

50 Events CSSC Games Taster Days MyActive
You told us you needed some help with communications to members – we now have a dedicated resource, and some of you will have already been working with Bradley. He is here to help you whether it’s a one off event or your regular newsletter. [CLICK]

51 (Health and Fitness App)
Supporting you to get active (Financial Help) (Tools and Resources) (Health and Fitness App)

52 CSSC’s free health and fitness app incentivises and challenges members to be more active.
1. Get Active 2. Collect Points 3. Get Rewards

53 Events CSSC Games Taster Days MyActive
National and regional event programme And you asked for more guidance – and the most notable recent examples are the National Travel policy and Data Security. [CLICK] So what else have we been developing? …. well …

54 Priorities for the next 12 months
Partnership Framework Provide more relevant training Providing useful and meaningful data to CSSC – Board, Executive Team, Volunteers Compliance with legislation


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