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CRIE activities in 2017 ESF Partnership Meeting 15 March 2017

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1 CRIE activities in 2017 ESF Partnership Meeting 15 March 2017
Agnieszka BIELSKA DECUGNIERE, DG EMPL, Unit.G4 Giulia SANTANGELO, JRC, CRIE ESF Partnership Meeting 15 March 2017

2 Outline Community of Practice Data fitness initiative
Feasibility and ESF impact study CIE market

3 Community of Practice on CIE in 2017
Day-to-day direct (virtual) contact : web forum dedicated to CIE on Yammer Did you subscribe already to Web resources for CIE Regular meetings: face to face exchanges (June and November 2017) Customized support: you can seek further collaboration schemes with CRIE

4 Community of Practice on CIE: web resources for CIE evaluation
Sample size calculator Video-tutorials on CIE fundamentals Drafting Terms of Reference for CIE Tips and tricks on intervention design Data collection Using and communicating results of CIE Followed by 3 (optional) weekly conference calls with CRIE experts providing hands-on advice linked to video-tutorial theme and your ongoing work Guidance documents, papers, FAQ, past seminars, design of surveys and sample size, videotutorials,…

5 Community of Practice on CIE: Regular meetings – Spring 2017
8-9 June, Riga, Latvia Draft agenda How to combine CIE with other methods 2018 YEI evaluation – showcase ongoing work Data fitness – presentation of LV evaluation and 2017 winners 'Meet your expert' – discuss your planned or ongoing CIEs with CRIE members, academics, consultants,… Training session on practical application of CIE methods in ESF evaluation Followed by 5 optional conference calls with CRIE experts !!! Bring your PCs, ToRs, questions, etc (…)

6 Community of Practice on CIE: Customized support
Opportunities for further bilateral support in conducting ESF evaluations Upon request from Managing Authority On-site 2-day visit by 1-2 CRIE experts

7 Data Fitness Initiative for CIE
Promotion of the use of CIE for the assessment of ESF-funded interventions; selection of a suitable ESF intervention to conduct a CIE; collaboration between CRIE and Managing Authorities (MAs) on evaluations foreseen in their Evaluation Plan.

8 Data Fitness Initiative for CIE 2016 - Italy
WELL Work Experience for Graduates Type: on-the-job training for graduates; incentive to firms and host organizations Objective: increasing employability of graduates  Eligibility: being graduated, unemployed, resident in Umbria  Duration: March April 2010 Financing source: ESF Participants: 14 projects selected for a total of 111 firms Data: administrative data sources on intervention participation, employment status and contracts Method: Propensity Score Matching

9 Youth Guarantee Vocational Training Programme
Data Fitness Initiative for CIE Latvia Youth Guarantee Vocational Training Programme Type: vocational training to promote sustainable and quality employment Objective: increasing competitiveness of unemployed youth and promoting employability Eligibility: NEETs aged (priority) and 25-29 Duration: ongoing since 01/04/2014 Financing source: ESF + YEI + State Budget Participants: 2000 young employed Data: administrative data (intervention participation, employment status and income) Method: Regression Discontinuity Design Age (measured in days) of participants

10 Data Fitness Initiative for CIE 2017
Two-type support to ESF MAs: accompany two 'data-ready' MAs with CIE; accompany five other prospective applicants in getting 'data-ready' for future CIE evaluations. D4C-READY: ESF MAs are invited to provide CRIE with the data that are needed for carrying out a well-designed CIE of a specific ESF funded intervention D4C-FUTURE: ESF MAs will be guided by CRIE through the year in the data collection and/or data linkage procedures to be ready for a CIE study in 2018

11 Data Fitness Initiative for CIE 2017
Phase 1 (January 4 – February 6, 2017) online questionnaire ESF intervention documentation Phase 2 (February 7 – March 6, 2017) D4C-READY: data codebook D4C-FUTURE: detailed description of the potential data sources available for the CIE evaluation.

12 D4C-READY 2017 1. Youth Guarantee Scheme
Active labour market programme, traineeship and entrepreneurship scheme Managing Authority for Economic Development Programmes Ministry for National Economy Department for Labour Market Programmes Hungary 2. Work for Youth Labour market services Flemish Ministry of Employment and Social Economy ESF Department Belgium

13 D4C-FUTURE 2017 1. Human Capital interventions for young NEETs employment Training programmes and labour market services Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds Romania 2. Supporting institutions endangered by high ratio of early school leaving Education programmes to avoid early school leaving Minister's Office, Monitoring and Evaluation Department Hungary

14 D4C-FUTURE 2017 3. Work experience for young people Training programme
Basilicata Region Italy 4. Higher education scholarships and advanced training Education, training and vocational training for skills and life-long learning Human Capital Operational Programme Portugal

15 D4C-FUTURE 2017 5: ??? Any other participants interested in having some guidance in the data collection and/or data linkage procedures to be ready for a CIE study in 2018?

16 Feasibility and ESF impact study
Feasibility of CIE of overall ESF impact Programming Periods: Outcomes of interest: growth and productivity employment poverty and inequality human capital accumulation

17 CIE Market Facilitating the outsourcing of CIE of ESF funded interventions; improving the exchange of information and requests between the MAs, on the demand side, and the researchers and evaluators, on the supply side. Portal: Terms of References (ToRs) of the evaluations foreseen by the MAs from all the Member States; list of researchers and evaluators from all Member States that propose their expertise to support the MAs.

18 CIE Market Any new ToR to be published on CRIE website to reach a broader audience in a single European market for CIE across borders?

19 Stay in touch CRIE website:

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