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Chapter 13/ Section 1/ Pages

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1 Chapter 13/ Section 1/ Pages 422-425
The Peoples President Chapter 13/ Section 1/ Pages

2 Equal? “all men are created equal” – in fact, only a small percentage of people held political power: White Male Property owners


4 New voices from the west:
People moving west were looking for things in their leaders that was different then ever before: Self made leaders Value of cooperation and hard work When new western states wrote their constitutions, they gave suffrage (the right to vote) to all white men

5 Limits on the vote: As more white men got the right to vote, African Americans in the north began to lose it. Other people in the nation also had no voice: Women Native Americans Enslaved peoples

6 An end to “King Caucus” People were chosen to vote in a caucus (small private meeting where candidates are chosen) Many people did not like this and put pressure on the government In response the began holding nomination conventions (people from each state voted for candidates)

7 The Candidates: John Quincy Adams Henry Clay William Crawford
Andrew Jackson

8 The Corrupt Bargain No candidate in the election won the majority of the electoral votes The House of Representatives had to choose the leader They choose Adams Jackson Supporters claimed this was Corrupt


10 Split of political parties
Democrat-republican party began to split over the results of the election: National Republicans: Eastern business owners Southern Planters Former Federalists Democratic Party Traces its roots to Jackson

11 Election of 1828: No longer did people choose among hero's of the revolution: Jackson and Adams began to attack each other Jackson labeled Adams an Aristocrat Adams called Jackson a barbarian and a savage

12 President from the West:
Jackson won by a landslide Jacksons supporters believed he represented the common man He became a symbol of the growing power of American democracy

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