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The 1932 Election and FDR’s Promise

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1 The 1932 Election and FDR’s Promise
Tackling the Depression

2 Election of 1932 The Candidates Republicans ran Herbert Hoover
Sitting President Very unpopular due to the depression Democrats ran Franklin D. Roosevelt governor of New York Had run for Vice President in 1920 Paralyzed by Polio Results Roosevelt 22,821,857 Electoral College 472 Hoover 15,761,841 Electoral College 59 

3 The New Deal While waiting to take office, Roosevelt put together the “brain trust”. This was a group of advisors that helped him formulate policies. He would enact a “New Deal” and focus on the 3 R’s Relief help people that were starving Recovery – Get the economy going again Reform – Prevent another depression from happening

4 The First 100 Days Roosevelt wanted to reassure the nation that things would be OK. His first inaugural address tried to calm people’s fears and his “fire side chats” helped FDR connect with Americans. When he came into office, he started fast. In his first 100 days in office, congress passed 15 major pieces of legislation.

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