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Year 6 Residential Longtown.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 6 Residential Longtown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 6 Residential Longtown

2 Why do we go on a residential in Year 6?
Independence, being organised ready on time, Challenge, feeling confident to try new things Enjoyment, time with friends, making new friends Celebration!

3 Why did we choose Longtown?
AALA Approved – H&S! Location - Mountains, rivers, lakes, trees…. Operated by NCC

4 Why did we choose Longtown?
Activities in the environment,

5 Why did we choose Longtown?
Accommodation – only one other school to share with! Previous Experience of schools in Northamptonshire

6 What do we do?

7 What do we do?

8 Further information Look on the school website- more pictures from previous years Children may like to look at the photographs on the wall outside the library NCC website Ask Mr Wheeler or Mrs Shortt

9 Kit list – what you will need.
Old Clothes please! Longtown has an extensive collection of kit, don’t worry! Footwear-slippers Wet weather wear Cold weather wear Suit cases and day bags Pillow case and duvet cover Positive attitude 

10 What you won’t need. Electronic games, Mobile phones, Disco clothes,
Aerosol sprays, Extra food or sweets, Large amount of pocket money, Negative attitude 

11 Ground Rules Do as Teachers or instructors tell you – First time!
Consideration for others at bed time. Read the ‘Final Reminders’ Leave behind your mobiles, electronic devices and best clothes. Be ready to have a time to remember!

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