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Rules:  The teacher will display a picture of an organism on the board and students will have to pull each index card they believe applies to the organism.

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Presentation on theme: "Rules:  The teacher will display a picture of an organism on the board and students will have to pull each index card they believe applies to the organism."— Presentation transcript:


2 Rules:  The teacher will display a picture of an organism on the board and students will have to pull each index card they believe applies to the organism. Each correct card is worth 1pt. Your elbow partner will be keeping your score! 


4 Animal Kingdom Eukaryotic Multicellular Heterotroph Sexual reproduction Mobile


6 Plant Kingdom Eukaryotic Multicellular Autotroph Asexual/Sexual reproduction Immobile

7 E. Coli helps digest food, but when it is in the wrong place in the body, it can cause food poisoning.

8 Eubacteria Kingdom   Unicellular   Prokaryotic   Autotroph/Heterotroph   Asexual/Sexual reproduction   Mobile

9 This lives in freshwater and feeds on microrganisms.

10 Protista Kingdom Eukaryotic Unicellular Autotroph & Heterotroph Asexual Mobile


12 1. Fungi kingdom 2. Eukaryotic 3. Unicellular and Multicellular 4
1. Fungi kingdom 2. Eukaryotic 3. Unicellular and Multicellular 4. Heterotroph 5. Asexual 6. Immobile


14 Kingdom- Animal Eukaryotic Mutlicellular Mobile  Heterotroph Sexual Reproducer & Asexual  


16 Kingdom- Plantae  Eukaryotic Multicellular Autotroph Asexual & Sexual Reproducer  Immobile 


18 Kingdom- Protista  Unicellular Eukaryotic Asexual Reproducers Mobile  Autotroph & Hetertroph 

19 Streptococcus- this is the organisms that causes strep throat!

20 Kingdom- Eubacteria Prokaryotic  Unicellular Autotroph & Heterotroph  Asexual Reproduction  Mobile 


22 Kingdom-Fungi Eukaryotic Unicellular & Multicellular  Heterotrophs  Asexual Reproduction  Immobile 

23 This is a deep sea dwelling organism.
Lokiarchaeota  This is a deep sea dwelling organism.

24 1. Archaebacteria: found in extreme environments.
2. Prokaryotic 3.Unicellular 4. Autotrophs 5. Asexual 6. Mobile

25 Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius:
This organism lives in the acid hot springs and volcanic craters of New Zealand.

26 Archeabacteria Kingdom
Prokaryotic Unicellular Autotroph Asexual 6.  Mobile

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