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Mobile data collection for the real world

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile data collection for the real world"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile data collection for the real world
Lesotho Ministry of Health & Social Welfare

2 Introductions Clyral – software development with a focus on web and mobile technologies. Experience in custom software solutions for both commercial and non-commercial clients. Mobile Researcher – generic research and data collection platform developed in-house.

3 Purpose of presentation
Brief history and background Feature highlights Key benefits Mobile Researcher as a platform Questions and demo

4 History and Background
The Status Quo

5 History & background Existing NGO client required “low tech” solution to capture data in rural settings. Piloted in 2006, full scale deployment since 2007. Primary users to date have been Universities, NGOs, NPOs and statutory research institutions. Gaining momentum in market research, financial services and logistics. Current usage ranges from small ad hoc studies to national multi-year projects.

6 Who is using Mobile Researcher?

7 Noteworthy relevant projects
Medical Research Council: Over 35,000 households enumerated ESSPIN (World Bank & DFID): Over 13,000 Conditional Cash Transfer beneficiaries registered University of KwaZulu-Natal: Evaluating 90,000 urine diversion toilets Nova Institute: Over 65,000 household visits captured

8 Where is Mobile Researcher being used?
Ghana Indonesia India Kenya Mali Malawi Nigeria South Africa Tanzania Uganda Zimbabwe

9 Two common approaches to data collection
Low end: “Pen & paper” Exhausting print, distribute, collect & capture High latency, low data security & integrity No multimedia, workflow control, limited monitoring Can be enhanced using OCR and/or “Smart pen/paper” High end: PDA / laptop / tablet Relatively high capital / device rental cost Substantial training, support & technical requirements

10 Why use standard “feature” phones?
Inexpensive (some <R500) They are ubiquitous making them easy to procure, repair and replace Fieldworkers are familiar with the technology & interface Fieldworkers need them anyway to communicate They are generally more robust and have longer battery lives than most other data capture devices

11 Feature Highlights Mobile application Web console
Application Programming Interface (API)

12 Mobile Application Intuitive step-by-step data collection
300+ models – an estimated 1.2 billion handsets

13 Compatible with more than 300 models, many under R1,000.
Works on most phones Compatible with more than 300 models, many under R1,000.

14 Intuitive step-by-step process.
Easy to use Intuitive step-by-step process.

15 Capture data without network reception
Submissions stored locally & uploaded automatically.

16 Conduct surveys in any language
Design once: simply import language variations.

17 Capture images & GPS co-ordinates
Capture photos & location for qualitative input or validation.

18 Web Console Design & deploy complex surveys in minutes
Control flow with embedded logic Monitor field activity & analyse data

19 Design & deploy surveys from the web
Build surveys from multiple question types incorporating branching logic & validation.

20 Access & manage data in real time
Controlled data cleaning. Instant integrated reports & export.

21 Monitor & communicate with fieldworkers
Integrated SMS, activity logs and location lookups.

22 Involve all stakeholders and monitor entire projects at a glance.
A central dashboard Involve all stakeholders and monitor entire projects at a glance.

23 API Pre-populate forms from external data
Build dynamic workflows and custom reports

24 Write your own data queries
Query Mobile Researcher as though it were your own database.

25 Get notified as things happen
Take action when data is received or is modified.

26 Populate surveys with dynamic content
Insert context-specific content into surveys in real time.

27 Build your own functionality
Support almost any data-driven mobile requirement.

28 Key Benefits

29 Key Benefits Simplified data flow: No separate data capture stage.
Reduced paper reliance, consumption and storage. Improved data integrity: enforce live validation. Greater confidentiality: data stored securely. API allows for automatic generation & distribution of reports and/or integration into other systems. Highly scalable – no long terms subscriptions or contracts required.

30 Mobile Researcher as a Platform
The Future

31 Mobile Researcher as a Platform
Mobile Researcher can be used as a stand alone data collection solution. In some cases custom & long-running processes, validation, scheduling and reporting are required. Such functionality supported via API and custom software development.

32 The big picture

33 Pricing Components Data collection Hardware & connectivity
Based on # fields captured Hardware & connectivity Based on handset and airtime used Custom development / integration Automated reports, beneficiary database, MIS Training & support

34 Concluding Remarks Using mobiles, data flow can be simplified and improved significantly. Mobile Researcher can serve as stand-alone data collection tool or platform for advanced custom system development or integration. Mobile phones provide a real alternative to paper or PDAs.

35 Questions & Demo Thank you
Direct Twitter: andi_friedman / m_researcher Questions & Demo

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