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Buccaneers SAIL Safe Accountable In Control Lead by Example.

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Presentation on theme: "Buccaneers SAIL Safe Accountable In Control Lead by Example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buccaneers SAIL Safe Accountable In Control Lead by Example

2 Membership Cards Advisors please distribute RAZE membership cards. 

3 Kindness!!!

4 Webster’s Definition of Kindness
A: of a sympathetic or helpful nature b: of a forbearing nature; Gentle What is your definition of Kindness?

5 Are You Kind to EVERYONE?
We all deserve to be treated kindly

6 Being Kind is a Choice!!! Thoughts, feelings, mood, attitude, reaction….. They are Choices

7 Kindness Challenge = “Wonder” Movie


9 Kindness Challenge at Home and In Community

10 Kindness Challenge in School

11 Kindness Challenge Expectations:
1. You must be a member of Rachel’s Challenge to participate.

12 Kindness Challenge Expectations:
2. You need to complete both sides of the “Kindness Challenge Card”. Your advisory teacher has a card for you if you are a member.

13 Date and have person you did kind act for initial your card in each square.

14 On the school side write who you do the kind act toward

15 Kindness Challenge Expectations:
3. Complete the questionnaire attached to your Kindness Challenge Card.

16 Kindness Challenge Expectations:
4. Return card and questionnaire in to your counselor or advisor. 5. Turn card and questionnaire in by November 6, 2017.

17 Kindness Challenge Expectations:
6. We will attend the movie on November 30, 2017.

18 Kindness Challenge Expectations:
7. Once you are approved for the field trip you will receive a permission form to be signed by your parent.

19 Kindness Challenge Expectations:
8. The cost of the movie is $5.50. 9. Snacks are additional and on your own.

20 Can you think of a time in your
life that your kindness toward someone changed the other person or impacted them greatly?

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