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The Story of Chocolate Questions to promote discussion:

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Presentation on theme: "The Story of Chocolate Questions to promote discussion:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Story of Chocolate Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? Where is Guzzler? What is he holding? How does he look? How do you think he feels? Why? What else is in the supermarket? Name some of the foods you see? If Guzzler eats some of these foods, what will he get from them?

2 The Story of Chocolate:
Today, cocoa is still grown by hand, mainly on small family-owned farms, where the whole family works together to plant seedlings, clear or thin the forest canopy or prune and watch over the cacao trees. The farmer is gathering the cacao pods into the basket for harvesting. Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? What is the farmer doing? What kind of tree is this? What are the brown pods called? (cacao) Where does the farmer get his energy to work? Where does the tree get its energy to grow? Is this set in Ireland? How do you know? Is the temperature hot of cold? How do you know? What country is it? (Possibly West Africa, Southeast Asia, Central or South America.) Can we find these countries on a map?

3 The farmers are gathering the cacao pods from the truck into the shed.
Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? What are the farmers doing? Do you remember the name of the pods? Why are they putting the pods into the shed? Will they leave the pods in the shed? Where do the farmers get their energy to work? Where does the truck get the energy to move? Where did the pods get their energy to grow?

4 Harvesting the cocoa beans
The farmers crack open the cacao pods and scoop out the seeds. These seeds are initially white and are called cocoa beans. The farmers wrap the cocoa beans in banana leaves and allow them to ferment and dry out. When they are left for a long time to dry out in the heat, the beans then turn brown. They are now ready for the market. The farmers then pack them in sacks and bring them to the market where they sell them. The beans are then shipped to chocolate factories around the world.

5 When the cocoa beans go to the factory they are ground down to make a chocolate powder.
Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? Do you remember the name of the beans? Who is the man? What is he doing? Why is the man wearing gloves and a hat? Why are the beans on the machine conveyor belt? How does the machine work? What happens to the beans when they go under the roller? Why are there levers on the machine (above the man's head)? Where does this machine get its energy?

6 When the beans are ground down into powder, they are pressed, heated and mixed with liquid.(milk or other) A further machine stirs the mixture to create chocolate. Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? How does the machine work? What is the machine called? (mixer) What happens to the powder when it is mixed with liquid? Who controls the mixer? Where does this machine get its energy?

7 The chocolate mixture is put into another machine which turns it into bars of chocolate.
Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? Who are the 3 people? What are they doing? Why are they holding clipboards? Why are they all wearing hats? How does the machine work? How does it create the squares in the chocolate bars? Why are there red and green buttons on the machine? Where does this machine get its energy?

8 The chocolate bars go into another machine which covers them with a wrapping.
Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? What is different about the bars going in and the bars coming out of the machine? How does the machine wrap the chocolate? What is on the big roller? Why are there coloured switches and buttons on the machine? Where does this machine get its energy? Does somebody work this machine?

9 When the chocolate bars are completed, they are packed in boxes for the shops.
Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? Who is the man? Is this the house in which he lives? What is the building called? What is the man doing? Why is he using a trolley? What is he wearing? Why is he wearing these clothes? What is in the boxes? Why is the man putting the boxes in the van? Where will the van go? Where does the man get his energy? Where does the van get its energy?

10 The chocolate ends its journey and arrives at the shop
Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? Who is the person inside the shop? Is this the house in which he lives? What is this building called? What do you see outside the shop? What did the van deliver to the shop? What will happen to the chocolate now?

11 Questions to promote discussion:
Describe what you see in the picture? What is this type of shop called? Who is the woman? What is she doing? How do you think she feels? Why is she happy? Where did the chocolate come from? Who brought it here? Where did the factory get it?

12 The Story of Chocolate:
Is the sequence correct? Allow for class discussion to re-order the images to tell the story of chocolate. Questions: What happened first? What did the farmer do with the pods? Did the factory put wrappings on the pods? Did they crack the pods with their hands? etc. Discuss how you would put the images into the correct order.

13 Images re-ordered to tell the story.

14 Quiz time: The quiz questions on the following pages are in multiple choice format with 3 optional answers. They can be completed as paired or small group activities allowing for talk and discussion or on an individual basis. Suggestion: Each child/group has cards / key-ring / fan with numbers to hold up for the correct answer.

15 Answer: pod

16 Answer: by hand

17 Answer: chocolate

18 Answer: cocoa bean

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