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Introduction to Chemistry (Part 2): Matter and Change

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1 Introduction to Chemistry (Part 2): Matter and Change
Mccaskie, Room 210

2 Anything that has mass and takes up space Memorize this
Matter: Anything that has mass and takes up space Memorize this

3 More definitions and concepts
Mass Volume Amount of matter an object contains Measure of space occupied by an object NOTE: mass is different from weight…


5 substance Matter with a uniform and definite composition Aluminum can
Gold bracelet Bronze (copper + Tin)

6 Physical properties of substance
Physical property – quality or condition of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing the substance’s composition State Color Melting/Boiling Point Texture

7 3 states of matter Solid Liquid Gas Definite shape and volume
Indefinite shape with fixed volume Indefinite shape and volume

8 Note: Gas vs. Vapor Gas – term used to describe substances that are gases at Room temperature Vapor – term used to describe the gaseous state of substances that are usually solid or liquid at room temperature

9 Matter changes in 2 ways:
Physical Changes Chemical changes When properties of the substance change but the composition does not Ex: Bending metal When properties of the substance change in response to changes in composition Ex: Acid-washing Metal

10 Example of a physical change:
Ice Liquid water Water vapor

11 2 kinds of physical changes
reversible irreversible

12 What is a mixture A physical blend of 2 or more components

13 2 types of mixtures homogeneous heterogeneous
A mixture in which the composition is the same throughout A mixture in which the composition is Not the same throughout

14 2 ways to separate a mixture
filtration distillation

15 Element Simplest form of matter that has its own unique set of properties Cannot be broken down into anything smaller Every box on the periodic table represents an element

16 compound Substance that contains 2 or more elements chemically combined in a fixed portion What is the difference between a compound and a mixture then? Compounds can be broken down into elemental subunits

17 Lets make a compound (NaCl)

18 Properties of each compound differ from those of its component elements
Sodium (Na) Chlorine (Cl) Silvery grey metal (soft) Explosive near any kind of water (even water in the air)!!!! If you hold sodium, it will react with the moisture on your skin, explode, and burn you Toxic yellow gas IT will kill you!!!! “mustard gas”

19 Substance vs. mixture (revisited)
If the composition of the material is fixed If the composition of the material is varied

20 Chemical symbol 1 or 2 letter symbols on the periodic table used to represent elements We will discuss this in more detail later


22 Chemical formula A combination of chemical symbols showing what each compound is made of Again, way more on this later

23 The periodic table: only a preview…
Definition – arrangement of elements in groups based on their similar behaviors Allows you to compare the properties of one element or groups of elements to other elements

24 Purple – Alkali Metals Blue – Alkaline earth metals Yellow – Other metals Green – Transition metals Brown – metalloids Pinks – nonmetals Light blue – Noble gases Pale pink – inner transition metals

25 Elements in the same rows and columns have similar properties
group = each vertical column of the P.T. period = each horizontal row of the P.T. ***way more on this later***

26 Chemical Reaction time

27 Chemical changes Words to signify chemical changes
Burn Rot Decompose Ferment Explode corrode Change of composition that results in new compounds and/or mixtures CfqyhcNCdQ Chemically altering Magnesium and Carbon dioxide to form burned Magnesium, carbon, and oxygen

28 remember Physical change Chemical change Can go back to normal
Examples: Melt ice Freeze ice Cut wood into smaller pieces Cannot go back to normal Composition of matter changes Example: Burning wood at a campfire  ash, co2, o2, various other chemicals

29 Chemical change = chemical reaction
One or more substances change into one or more new substances Reactant – starting substances Product – ending substances

30 How to recognize chemical changes (reactions)
#1: Transfer of energy #2: changes in color Heat, light, etc.

31 How to recognize chemical changes/reactions (cont’d)
#3: the production of gas #4: formation of a precipitate Smoke, clouds, poofs, etc. Solid that forms or settles out of a mixture

32 Important!! The law of the conservation of mass – mass of products is always equal to the mass of the reactants Think about this…what does this mean?

33 Now we can start to play…

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